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Some workmen were in a front garden in Barry Road next to a bus stop and one of them was enormous. He was bending down and his massive builder's bum was showing- hairy crack an'all- a middle aged woman at the bus stop gave me a dirty look because I was laughing at the couldn't care less attitude of the builder- but it was yuk!

I find it a tad amusing watching women apply make up on public transport n terms of the involuntary gurning. It's not offensive.

Offensive on public transport?

- Loud, tinny music from headphones

- Mobiles with shockingly loud ring tones (turn the frigging volume down you a**holes)

- people bellowing on phones, especially when discussing excruciatingly boring business matters

- women clearing gunk from underneath their hideous acrylic nails and dropping it on the floor

- farting/sneezing without covering nose/eating smelly food/filthy feet on seats.

It is actually impossible to work out who on this thread is playing for laughs.

Like UncleBen's 1950's girls' magazine-worthy "tardy and sloppy" comment. Is that satire? And the "what next/intimate activity" rhetoric. Is that a send-up of the slippery slope, "let them apply eyeliner today, they'll be shaving their legs tomorrow, and pretty soon we'll have coitus on the no 42" mentality?

I've never applied makeup on a bus/train. But I have breastfed a baby on both, lots of times. Would love to know what kind of woman the OP'er thinks that makes me. Or are you advocating a strict nipples out/eyeliner in policy?

Reminds me of this;

Sitting on the Rye

I am sitting here on the bench, on Peckham Rye,

watching as those people who are passing by.

The sun is shinning warm, but its quite breezy,

I feel content, in fact this vision it me pleases .

Into view are two large women pushing buggies,

dragging two young children wearing Huggies.

One of the ladies is large enormously fat,

the other one is at least twice the size of that.

They pause at my seat , as one child rants,

its obvious to me, that he?s filled up his pants.

Mum removes his Huggie, kid had a whimper,

she hangs thing on to the handle of my Zimmer.

No wipe of the behind or replacement is done,

left to wander around and dry out in the sun.

Soon his bottom is drying but getting crusty,

alright for them my zimmer?s going rusty.

Despite my plea of ?please don't come so near?,

the child?s hands grip my knee and started to smear.

Dirty brown finger marks on to my grey slacks,

it?s obvious that the discipline this child lacks.

The Huggie is caught in the draught of a passing bus,

it?s dragged away to follow in tow, away from us.

It?s recovered by mum who goes to the bushes,

who having no bag, there she discardingly pushes.

The flies are here now from his bottom to my bald head,

little brown foot prints left there that the sun?s burnt red.

The smell remains now, once here stays ever clinging,

even the birds have gone away, it stopped their singing.

The state I?m in, I want to have a wash, but where?

the toilet has closed down now and is no longer there.

I try think of an solution of what am I to do?

I?m going home by bus, I take my place in the queue.

Here comes the 78 the doors open, it?s famed Nigel,

who will do all he can to make your life hell.

Where is your Pass? You are not coming on here to sit.

look at your trousers the legs covered in shit.

I back out, the door slams shut, my zimmer is jammed I shout,

he drives away my zimmer is part in but most sticking out.

He overtakes a parked car, not allowing for the protrusion,

he now drives a Bendy door bus, just to add to his confusion.

I just don't get how such intimate activities such as many of the above mentioned need to be done in a shared public space. It's this hippyish mentality of 'anything goes' and 'if you don't like it you don't have to look/listen/smell' it's just arrogant and reflects badly upon us and our society. If people are all paying the same price to be sat on public transport that journey should entitle them to travel without being forced to put up with other people's misgivings and bad manners. In the past forty years or so we have become such a non-caring ignorant selfish society. I would ban ALL of these activities and enforce hefty fines on anyone who chose to partake. End of.


WorkingMummy, yes I do. There are plenty of opportunities to pop into public facilities where breast feeding can be done in a clean and less public environment. Why should people be forced to partake in naked breasts in the public arena? I would say the same about some of our continental cousins who, in some Mediterranean holiday resorts, think it is perfectly acceptable to get their bits and bobs out on beaches. It can often be an unattractive sight. Please bare in mind some of us grew up in a different generation and find it offensive.


Sorry workingmummy but the constant makeup v breast feeding comparison is grating

One is entirely a nurturing, taking care of a less able being. The other is (just like kidkrugers teeth washing whilst leaving the house) an entirely avoidable act,predicated solely on the individuals whims. You can do it. It can be done. It doesn't mean it should be done

The whole thread and its title (gross women? What an idiot) is poor. Women who do it aren't gross

But men and women who do it show poor self awareness. Toenail clipping ahoy!!

Grating to you StaferJack, but if you look at what Louisa was posting as you were writing your post, you'll see, the comparison was actually pretty sound.

If you'll seriously get that annoyed (as in "it's like dog poo") over makeup, you'll get that annoyed over anything.

Voyageur Wrote:


> Offensive on public transport?

> - Loud, tinny music from headphones

> - Mobiles with shockingly loud ring tones (turn

> the frigging volume down you a**holes)

> - people bellowing on phones, especially when

> discussing excruciatingly boring business matters

> - women clearing gunk from underneath their

> hideous acrylic nails and dropping it on the

> floor

> - farting/sneezing without covering nose/eating

> smelly food/filthy feet on seats.

And the crime de la crime -

A. Wearing too much (and it's always too fucking much!) Impulse/Lynx alloverbodydeoderant-type shite that scours the throat and churns the guts of anyone in the vicinity.

B. Thinking that it's okay as long as the perfume is expensive and then slathering the stuff over an un- or all-too-hesitantly washed body - it isn't, you smell like a midden covered by a layer of rotting flowers.

ETA- a unisex offence.

People have different boundaries of tolerance for sure, but that doesn't convince me that something as innocuous as applying makeup is something to get angry about. The woman applying makeup, could have any number of reasons for not having the time to do it before she leaves. She could be caring for sick relatives, children, she might have worked late the night before etc. We are too quick to judge.

Personally, I think getting angry at something so inconsequential, when there really are things that matter, to get angry about, is one of the most irritating qualities a person can have. So no, the woman applying make up doesn't bother me in the least....the person getting irritated by that though, leaves me asking all sorts of questions about their psychology and personality.

I think I'm fairly tolerant and understanding of other people. Hence why even when I'm having a crap day and nothing is going right, I still hold the door open for people in a shop/cafe/post office. I smile at people whilst walking down the street, despite 9/10 being totally ignored by self absorbed people who walk around in a bubble. I'd rather go to work without makeup on than make a spectacle of myself on a train or bus by being inconsiderate towards others. So DJKQ you may well think people such as myself have some underlying nasty streak, but you fail to see the effort people like myself put in to other people, which is often ignored or goes without notice - because that other person is too busy doing something for themselves, like putting makeup on, or talking on a phone, or eating a sandwich or reading a book etc. So actually, maybe people such as myself aren't the angry ones at all, maybe it's the selfish people doing all these activities who are living with a dodgy psychology and personality. Just a thought.


Louisa...your comments suggest you have an issue with make up full stop...but then you have issues with just about anyone that isn't a carbon copy of yourself and your (sometimes controversial) views.

I absolutely agree with workingmummy when shes says that if something as inconsequential as that irritates you, then why leave your front door? Life must be one big string of irritation.

It's just a general damning indictment of our society. Sat in your own little bubble on a train, not being social, listening to music, typing a text, putting makeup on. They all fall into a similar category most of the time, and they're all about the individual, all done for self gratification/convenience/pleasure. But put the boot on the other shoe, like say holding a door open for someone and saying thank you or helping a person who's dropped something or needs a hand with a wheelchair or buggy on a bus and no one is interested.


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