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Burglary on Forest Hill Road - please help


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I realise this is a long shot, but after just 3 months in our beautiful new home on Forest Hill Road, we were burgled on Monday afternoon. Computers, cameras, sounddock etc... were all taken - which can all be replaced.

Also taken, amongst other jewellery, was a bracelet given to me by my mother. This has huge sentimental value.

It is very distinctive, and has her name "Judi Oliver" inscribed quite large on the outside.

Because of this it might be unlikely the burglar could pass it on / sell it. The name is on the outside, not the inside, and is the main feature of the bracelet. The bracelet itself is silver links, with a flat silver plate - approx 40 x 15mm. On this plate her name is inscribed.

We are hoping that maybe by posting this, if it has been dumped somewhere or pawned, someone might notice it.

Please do get in touch if you see this bracelet anywhere. It is completely worthless, but to me it's one of the most important things I own.

Many thanks in advance


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Hi Renata

Thank you for your message - very kind.

Unfortunately I dont have any photos - I wish I had. The computer and camera were also taken so

all photos have been lost...

I've attached a very drawing of the bracelet to give you an idea, best I can do.

Thanks again


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Do they really get off lightly? I have no ideas what the sentencing guidelines are.

To the OP: Very sorry this happened to you. As its not worth very much and is very distinctive hopefully you will get in back soon.

DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> Agreed e-dealer, but what can the Police do when

> under 18's who commit burglary are only given a

> slap on the wrist?

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woodland Wrote:


> That's horrible. Sorry to hear you have had

> something sentimental taken. When this happened to

> my sister with a piece of my grandmas jewellery

> the police suggested that she check on ebay. It's

> a long shot but it might be worth it.

Good idea. And it might be a good idea to visit some - if not all - of the local pawn shops or outfits that trade cash for gold (assuming the braclet is made of a precious metal).

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Thanks all - have been looking on, and will continue to look on ebay - pawn shops are on the list for tomorrow although the police mentioned there are so many online jewellery purchasers now that they tend to use those, so they won't risk being caught on CCTV in / near the shops.

Sheila - We are near the Forest Hill Road entrance to Canonbie road - not sure whether that would be best described as middle, top or bottom...

On a separate note the police said there's a big spate of break ins on Barry and Friern Rd at the moment so if anyone lives in that area, take extra care to lock up - even if you're just nipping out.

Thanks again - nice to see so many people who would take the time and effort to post...


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I'm really sorry ot hear this. God luck recovering your precious family jewellery.

Often burglars try and repeat such break-ins with similar neighbouring properties. Police don't tell neighbours. If you can do tell your neighbours and how the burglar broke-in. This might help avoid others suffering your experience.

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I'm really sorry to hear this. God luck recovering your precious family jewellery.

Often burglars try and repeat such break-ins with similar neighbouring properties. Police don't tell neighbours. If you can do tell your neighbours and how the burglar broke-in. This might help avoid others suffering your experience.

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Well in our case - with a front door key.

The police suggested possibly a tradesman who has worked at the property in the past and have had a spare set cut without our knowledge, and come back to break in. I'm really at a loss as to how anyone could have a key to the place - it's a house, not a block which other people would also have keys to. Trying to rack my brain as to whether I could have dropped mine outside the house at some point and an opportunist has picked them up and come back to break in.


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