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Local hooooooligan tearing up the place!

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After nearly being knocked off my bike by a local hooligan who thinks it's funny to swerve at cyclists I was a bit annoyed....

If said hooligan is reading this - cyclists are allowed to go up that road... there is a tiny tiny sign that says "one way - except cyclists".

I duly attended Peckham nick and put car details and reg number on the appropriate form...

I've since seen the same person wheelspinning at a zebra crossing (I imagine to scare pedestrians out of the way) and was wondering how best to deal with this.

I know that London is an infuriating place to drive and can give the most civilised person road rage, but this kind of behavior is a bit much.

Anyway, grumble over...

What are the thoughts of the collective ED mind.

- Would it be helpful if I post details of the car which is tearing up the place, and where it seems to live (locally) so people can keep a lookout? or

- Should I stop complaining and get on with my life?



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Now people will start posting that you should not identify the person's car details publicly because that person may have mental health issues so its unfair. We have to account for the smallest possibility that that person didn't know they were doing wrong...
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ah! Yes both Copplestonn and Oglander are marked with cycle contraflows but it took me nearly being taken out by another cyclist who was going north on Oglander as I turned right out of Everthorpe into Oglander to realise!

As I come south I take this route as I'm moving with the motor trafic after a similar incident on Copplestone that you describe.

Similar issues on Spurling Road off Goose green roundabout re cars driving straight at me and drivers yelling about me going the wrong way along a one way street.

This is the kind of behaviour that makes me think of changing the signs recently seen on Southwark Bridge going north of "Cyclists get off and walk" to "motor vehicle drivers get out and push with person with red flag walking in front"

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yes... there is no need to be pouring paint stripper anywhere...

Perhaps a word with the local planners (who are they? are there local meetings with the council like we had in merton?)about pouring a green stripe of paint on the contraflows is required?

In summary, if you see hooligan-ism (or hoonigan-ism if you are Australian) write it on a "966 form" and hand it to your local policeman... + if you do, copy the blank form and send me a PDF... they are a bugger to get hold of!!

And ratty, stop running all the cyclists over!!

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Post the car description and the licence plate alphanumeric, please. A neighbour of the driver may see the posting, print it off, and put it under her / his door, windscreen-wiper blade, or the like. That alone might calm our roads somewhat.
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Not the mental health issues for me, just caution.

I don't like getting involved on a personal level (especially when I don't know who I'm dealing with)

- a crime should be dealt with by the Police IMHO - at least until it gets to court.

KidKruger Wrote:


> Now people will start posting that you should not

> identify the person's car details publicly because

> that person may have mental health issues so its

> unfair. We have to account for the smallest

> possibility that that person didn't know they were

> doing wrong...

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True enough, John L. But -- without vigilantism, a "We see what you're getting up to, and we don't care for it" worked wonders on my behaviour as a village lad. What Mrs Brown didn't care for ALWAYS found its way to my parents' ears. "The driver of the Citroen C3, silver, licence OYP 2X -- bit of a cowboy, watch out", if posted on this forum as a way to get the information "You're being watched" back to that driver, is unobjectionable. That's our licence and car, by the way.
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Someone with mental health issues driving a car at cyclists....that would be really worrying!!!!!

KidKruger Wrote:


> Now people will start posting that you should not

> identify the person's car details publicly because

> that person may have mental health issues so its

> unfair. We have to account for the smallest

> possibility that that person didn't know they were

> doing wrong...

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I'm with you, but previously there was a thread by someone who'd had someone staring into their lounge through the front window, they'd take a photo and there'd been a discussion about whether they should post the picture locally / on EDF to flush-out who it was. Some posters thought that'd be unreasonable in cae the peeper was suffering mental health issues.
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nunhead_man Wrote:


> ah! Yes both Copplestonn and Oglander are marked

> with cycle contraflows but it took me nearly being

> taken out by another cyclist who was going north

> on Oglander as I turned right out of Everthorpe

> into Oglander to realise!


> As I come south I take this route as I'm moving

> with the motor trafic after a similar incident on

> Copplestone that you describe.


> Similar issues on Spurling Road off Goose green

> roundabout re cars driving straight at me and

> drivers yelling about me going the wrong way along

> a one way street.


> This is the kind of behaviour that makes me think

> of changing the signs recently seen on Southwark

> Bridge going north of "Cyclists get off and walk"

> to "motor vehicle drivers get out and push with

> person with red flag walking in front"

So why does Spurling Rd have a one way sign on it when you enter going towards the roundabout and a no entry sign coming off the roundabout and cyclists believe they can disobey both those signs? Why would motorists expect to find cyclists going the wrong way? Am I missing the point of the road signs?

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That is appalling- driving at cyclists- unfortunately -as a colleague pointed out to me after a minor altercation- there are people on the road who do not think ahead, they drive 'assertively' and you need to take into account that they are not going to have manners and keep well clear.

The thoughts of the collective ED mind?- as the Borg say-'resistance is futile- you will be assimilated'....

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