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Edited & resubmitted post:

Are any other people concerned as I am by the mismanagement of the new East Dulwich Library?

Officially called ?Grove Vale Library? (not Dulwich library at the top of the hill)

Let?s take the very simplest issue by way of example.

Selection of Daily Newspapers.

For literally 2 months since the library reopened after lockdown I have been asking the manager no less when the daily newspapers get resumed. For a period of THREE full weeks I was given the reason, later turning out to be totally false, that ?newspapers & periodicals are not being reinstated until the final phase of roll out of post coronavirus resumption of library services?.

Took this at face value until somebody pointed out to me that Dulwich library up the road had been providing newspapers to its customers since THE START OF NOVEMBER.

So generously giving the library manager guy a chance (to be more than fair), I mentioned to him that Newspapers were being provided again as normal at Dulwich Library.

Instead of owning up to the mistake or maybe his confusion & polite apology, he told me that ?oh they must be reprovisioning them by mistake in contravention of library policy, so yeah Dulwich library are making a mistake?.

Days later (where still no newspapers were provided) he then casually mentions to me that ?oh actually somebody else did not send me an email to authorise getting daily newspapers again. It should have been done at start of November?.

Great! So simple problem solved? ?Well, er, no not really

He then gives a grave expression ?we used to get it delivered to us but they stopped doing it so it?s a major problem?.

Is that correct?

The grove vale library has for a long time simply purchased the papers each day. Not withstanding there are newsagents shops everywhere next door or metres away, THE EXACT NEWSPAPERS ARE ON SALE FROM 7AM EACH DAY 3 SECONDS AWAY INSIDE THE SAME EXACT BUILDING AS THE LIBRARY IN MARKS & SPENCERS.

After another two days of - you guessed it - no newspapers, I politely asked for an update from the manager about resumption of newspapers. This is due to the fact that admitted by him his Superior had even instructed him to provide this service.

He responded negatively in my opinion. This shocked me as I was very polite.

Apparently he needed ?far more than 2 days to sort out? such an evidently complicated problem of buying of a newspaper. For sale in the same building.


As I write this as at Friday 3 December 2021 at 1245hrs, there are STILL NO NEWSPAPERS OR MAGAZINES being provided. That is an entire month after Southwark Council policy is to reinstate them.

Given the WiFi / computers don?t seem to work reliably either, this means VERY FREQUENTLY that the Southwark local library has no access to up to date news. This in the middle of a rapidly escalating pandemic situation with the OMNICRON variant.

This is despite 2/3 staff sitting around literally doing nothing for hours on end.

Not much attention to missing newspapers with the whole newspaper shelf bold as brass totally empty. Day after day after day.

In the old building of Grove Vale library I remember a lady Rachel who ran the library like clockwork. She also was efficient, helpful, hard working, genuine & polite. The place ran like clockwork even in an old cramped creaking premises. Think she was the manager. Maybe someone else can correct me if I am wrong.

What a terrible shame she is no longer in charge.

Maybe it?s an ocd or autism issue with this simple task, in which case I guess we need to be understanding.

Very frustrated by this still ongoing issue as a Southwark council tax payer.

Complaint issued to Southwark council 10 days ago but the bureaucracy seems especially slow.

Such a simple issue, seems to me OTT.

Any other suggestions so we can get the correct service we pay for & are entitled to?

Comments welcome!

Brideshead Wrote:


> This

> shocked me as I was very polite.


> Maybe it?s an ocd or autism issue with this simple

> task, in which case I guess we need to be

> understanding.


You complained to the council last Tuesday. Yes, it would have been nice if it were fixed by now, but it's hardly a matter of life or death.

This is the weirdest moan I've seen on EDF, and the benchmark is pretty high!

Did you write your post on the library computer Brideshead? If not, you seem to have spent at least 20 minutes writing this on a personal phone or computer which could've been much better spent catching up on the news. It's all there on the Internet.

As you mentioned there are several paper shops within a minutes walk, maybe just buy one or two? Quality journalism doesn't come for free. Or maybe take a 5min bus journey to Dulwich library.

There are myriad reasons why the papers aren't being provided... maybe southwark provides no petty cash to the library anymore. But you have presumed to question the competence and honesty of the staff.

Your nostalgia for 'Rachel' is touching but, in the same way you say "we" need to be more understanding, perhaps "we" need to accept that Rachel has moved on and "we" should probably do the same.

KidKruger Wrote:


> Using a new (alternative?) User ID, first posting,

> why not just use your original ID ?

Think you will find haven?t changed the ID

Your may have jumped to conclusions.

I?ve resubmitted it with exactly same account taking out large chunks of opinion that are not permitted. First time poster so not familiar with the rules & regs.

hpsaucey Wrote:


> You're still suggesting that the fact the library

> manager hasn't done this 'simple task' might be

> down to OCD or autism. Do you really think that's

> ok to say???


> HP

You have misconstrued the intention behind my comment by 180?

Firstly, I?ve clearly written the word MAYBE. That is I have no idea of what the difficulty either is or might be. The fact I have been given at least 3 explanations for the issue, which all turned out to be false (for whatever reason) means I think I?m entitled to speculate about the reason.

It maybe any sort of reason! Maybe a confidential library closure review is imminent so managers have been instructed not to make any new or reinstated expenditure, & closedown any customer requests.

Secondly I?m trying to be compassionate we are all human beings.In fact all of us - in my opinion - are on the OCD & Autism spectrum, it?s just a matter of where.

Hope that clears that up.

Hoping from this forum I can get some tips taking this forward, for example councillors/ library management committee/ library users groups/ starting petition

Simple matter; sure it can get fixed working together with other stakeholders in the local community!

On the same subject but a lighter note. I was an Assistant Librarian in the 60s for Lambeth Libraries. I worked at the Tate Central Lbrary in Brixton. The reading room with papers and magazines was next door to the main building - now part of the Ritzy Cinama. Not a place for the faint hearted.

Later I worked at The Tate, South Lambeth. The reading area was in the middle of the large single room and we always had a few old chaps sitting or sleeping on chairs. On one of the last ever days of the 'smog' the room was full of 'tramps' or 'down and outs' as they were called. The smell was overpowering and the regular readers and we staff were having great difficulty breathing so I opened the main doors and the back door. Gradually the smog drifted in and it became as cold and smoggy inside as outside. One by one with much quiet grumbling all the old chaps left. I once sadly had to ask one old man to leave and he said "It's because I smell isn't it? I almost let him stay.

A lot of the posts seem to take the form of flippant disingenuous answers like:

- use the internet

(Already said it?s unreliable, patchy & rationed to 45/50 usable minutes.That?s even if it were equivalent in any shape or form!)

- go to the other library (take & pay for a bus to another library that can manage a simple thing. Maybe wait in a queue (which often happens for a popular service). And then take & pay for bus back again.)

- buy a paper as you should ?pay for journalists?. (Hmm why not apply that to the books as well ?you should pay for writers?)

You might as well respond to any library issue with ?order a book on Amazon?, ?try another borough?s libraries?, or, ?knock on your neighbours? doors to borrow something to read?

The issue as you are fully aware is not only perfectly reasonable, legitimate it?s eminently qualified to be posted on a local community forum!!!

😜 nice try though guys/girls!

wolis Wrote:


> On the same subject but a lighter note. I was an

> Assistant Librarian in the 60s for Lambeth

> Libraries. I worked at the Tate Central Lbrary in

> Brixton. The reading room with papers and

> magazines was next door to the main building - now

> part of the Ritzy Cinama. Not a place for the

> faint hearted.

> Later I worked at The Tate, South Lambeth. The

> reading area was in the middle of the large single

> room and we always had a few old chaps sitting or

> sleeping on chairs. On one of the last ever days

> of the 'smog' the room was full of 'tramps' or

> 'down and outs' as they were called. The smell

> was overpowering and the regular readers and we

> staff were having great difficulty breathing so I

> opened the main doors and the back door. Gradually

> the smog drifted in and it became as cold and

> smoggy inside as outside. One by one with much

> quiet grumbling all the old chaps left. I once

> sadly had to ask one old man to leave and he said

> "It's because I smell isn't it? I almost let him

> stay.

Could apply that to anything. Seen homeless sleeping with head on tables in libraries no newspaper (or even book) required.

Is this post relevant to the thread?


Yes, so the post is about provision of newspapers & periodicals at Grove Vale library

& why it?s not available at only Grove Vale Library

1/ How is ?time spent visiting? relevant?

2/ How is ?internet connection? relevant?

Cheap/free/unlimited data is commonly widespread on mine & everybody?s mobile now.

You weren?t aware of that?

(?Internet connection? Very old fashioned term, not sure I can remember last time I heard that).

So to reiterate

Newspaper & Magazine availability

NOT accessing WiFi or duration of visit or price of baked beans at Tesco

Bit clearer I hope? Lol

Any sensible contributions anyone?

That?s funny because I got a bunch of constructive & positive replies to my original (unedited) post.

I copied them just in time and am pursuing at least one of the suggestions to take it forward.

Wrong again.

And also wrong about trolling, as it?s you that?s the troll.

Read your personally directed comments which have nothing to do with libraries & nothing to do with newspapers.

But thanks for your contribution.

"Secondly I?m trying to be compassionate we are all human beings.In fact all of us - in my opinion are on the OCD & Autism spectrum, it?s just a

matter of where.


Hope that clears that up"

Oh f*ck off with your "we're all a little bit on the spectrum"

Troll or not this is a seriously ignorant, belittling bullsh*t comment that completely undermines how difficult it is being actually autistic in a world full of a*seholes like this.

Admin - please take this down.

Brideshead Wrote:


> A lot of the posts seem to take the form of

> flippant disingenuous answers like:


> - use the internet

> (Already said it?s unreliable, patchy & rationed

> to 45/50 usable minutes.That?s even if it were

> equivalent in any shape or form!)

This was true in 2001, n/a in 2021 and you've got unlimited data right?! Its equivalent in the sense that the exact same articles are published online.

> - go to the other library (take & pay for a bus to

> another library that can manage a simple thing.

> Maybe wait in a queue (which often happens for a

> popular service). And then take & pay for bus back

> again.)

You object to waiting in queues now. You'd like a free paper service available just to you whenever you need it. Got it. Isn't your time worth more than the cost of a paper?

> - buy a paper as you should ?pay for journalists?.

> (Hmm why not apply that to the books as well ?you

> should pay for writers?)

Hmm. A false equivalence. Economics of book deals are completely different to that of daily newspapers.

110% troll. Well done 8.5/10 - except for your grossly ignorant comments about autism.

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