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Oaky after much thought I have come up with a survey for all of the men on the forum who are over 30 (and the age is key to the choices, but I suspect that younger men may also want to vote on this)

Simple question, given the choices below, who would you most like take out in a date if they were a real life person (or alive today) and also include your reason why ?

a) Grace (from will and grace)

b) Ros (from Frasier)

c) Wilma (from the Flintstones)

d) Rose Tyler (from Dr Who)

e) Sarah Jane (Also from Dr Who - old school days)

f) Trisha Yates (ahh the old days of Grange Hill)

g) Mary (as in virgin)

h) Mary (as in something about)

No other choices allowed (although I bet someone decides different)

My personal choice (as I have started this thread) isn't Wilma (too dominating if you ask me) and has to be (I guess) Ros from Frasier (something about her voice sends shivers down my spine, exactly the same effect I get when Wilma rubs sandpaper on the soles of my feet when she wears that tight dominatrix leopard skin outfit..... ::o)

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I'm 30 this year, so feel I can take part....

You haven't given us much there though to be honest. Grace would win it on the looks front I think (having just done google image check), but can't comment on personality as never watched it.

Mary (something about) was meant to be every blokes ideal, so not really fair, there's just like... something about her you know.

I think I'm going with Ros (although from Fraiser I'd prefer Daphne to be honest).

Ooh tough one. I'm leaning towards Ros too, not sure why. The voice is part of it, and I just like no nonsense strong personalities in women, curiously it makes for a much easier life than a weak easily dominated character.

That or Sarah Jane, one of my first crushes. Let's face it she was gorgeous 30 years ago, she's gorgeous today, can't go wrong with that.

How weird, just looked at Trisha Yates to remind myself of what she looked like, and can't believe how young she looks, she were quite a bit older than me back in them days.

a) Grace (from will and grace) - Neurotic and annoying. Never in a million years. I wouldn?t even want to sit next to her on the bus.

b) Ros (from Frasier) - Strong yet not perfect and somehow kind with a sarcastic sense of humour. And very sexy. Definitely.

c) Wilma (from the Flintstones) - If I?m going to do a cartoon it has to be Jessica Rabbit or nothing!

d) Rose Tyler (from Dr Who) - A bit annoying but capable. (and hot!) Maybe.

e) Sarah Jane (Also from Dr Who - old school days) ? Don?t remember her. Must have been before my Dr Who days.

f) Trisha Yates (ahh the old days of Grange Hill) - Grange Hill?

g) Mary (as in virgin) - Now that would be a good story to tell your mates in the pub.

h) Mary (as in something about) ? Yes. No. Maybe. I don?t know there?s the whole hair gel thing.

So it will have to be Ros.

Brendan Wrote:


> c) Wilma (from the Flintstones) - If I?m going to do a cartoon it has to be Jessica Rabbit or nothing!

Dude, surely Daphne from Scooby Doo?!? Actually the Wilma in the Flintstones film was quite nice if memory serves.

> g) Mary (as in virgin) - Now that would be a good story to tell your mates in the pub.

Yeah but judging by her name, it would cost you so much drink to get her in the sack, you wouldn't be able to afford the pub for months!

Another vote for Ros here - (and I'll beg to differ with keef on the preferring Daphne thing)

But as a frame of reference, the woman (fictional) currently working for me is the woman who owns the department store, pitching for business in Mad Men (aka Maggie Siff)

Mad Men? What's that?

Ok, I'm not over 30 but Wilma?!?

It's all about Betty! Just not the Rosie O'Donnell monstrosity from the films.

M'lud may I present evidence batch A:


Wilma appears to be modelling the Princess Anne haircut - not a good look girls.

Oh and one for the missus (heh)

Agreed, terrible picture, but yeah she was pretty good back in the day when stonewashed denim, a tight perm, pink headband and fluorescent socks was actually a good thing :-S

Mind you, it still was last time I wandered through Shoreditch, dear oh dear.

After consulting wiv me work partner in crime (admittedly not straight) he came up with the following views on the original selection...

a) Pretty but way too neurotic, selfish and obsessed with the gays.

b) Again, pretty but weird.

c) Dear god no!!!

d) Can kinda see it, though we are talking gerbil teeth.

e) Isn?t she in her late 40s by now???

f) Who???

g) Nice lass, but considering the era she would be about 13.

h) V. cool gal, we like!!!

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