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Tessa to run for London Mayor?

Bic Basher

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On the Sunday Politics show, one of the political journalists reported that Labour want Dame Tessa Jowell to run for London Mayor at the next election in preference to Tooting's Sadiq Khan.

If this happens, it's very likely that she'll resign her parliamentary seat here, which would lead to a new Labour MP here, although it could become a high-profile seat if Labour put in a name.

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She'll never become mayor of London. She's married to a man who's been convicted twice of accepting a bribe to commit perjury in an Italian court. It was finally overturned because his third appeal proceedings ran out of time. As the Daily Mail reported on 18 Sept last year:

"She was dragged into her husband?s controversial financial affairs in 2006 when it emerged that she had signed papers for a loan secured on their London home ? which was subsequently paid off with the help of the alleged bribe."

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RosieH Wrote:


> StraferJack Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Safe enough for large furry creatures to live

> > under wooden bridges



> Furry???

Furry...and possibly with sharp teeth?

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A safe Tory seat? Won't happen- all the medics who live in the Village and send their kids to the private schools always vote Labour for a start- can't imagine how enough votes could ensure a Tory MP next time. And as for the Lib-Dems- mansion tax, heirloom tax.... tantamount to Communism. Nobody is interested in doing what's right for the realm any more.
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uncleglen Wrote:


> A safe Tory seat? Won't happen- all the medics who

> live in the Village and send their kids to the

> private schools always vote Labour for a start-

Doubtful - unless the residents of Dulwich Village vote differently in general elesctions to how they vote in local council elections.


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