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Dancers on the Goose Green Roundabout


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davidh Wrote:


> I have looked everywhere for some youtube or

> facebook of this fun event, but there are none.

> surely someone must have recorded it. the post

> above does tend to reinforce the lunacy of many

> threads on here.

What mine???

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About 20 women, doing an organised dance routine, with a few cars driving slowly round the roundabout, with about half a dozen people watching from the pavements. Took a few minutes.

Great cause, but probably a silly place to hold it as there is enough to concentrate on at Goose Green roundabout.

Maybe a better audience/response elsewhere?

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Crikey John, what are you planning to report them for? You're quite the little ray of sunshine? I only wish I'd been there so I could give you my name and address and invite you to pass it on to the authorities.

It's a fantastic cause, they danced, they had fun, people clearly enjoyed it (and I don't mean only those taking part).

Were you personally there to nearly-crash because of it? Has anyone personally told you that they nearly crashed because of it?

And finally, have you considered a move to Elmore City? I think you'd like it.

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edhistory Wrote:


> You will remember that an extra zebra crossing was

> recently installed to improve safety at this

> difficult five-road roundabout.


> John K

I'd call it a three to a three and a half. Even counting Spurling Rd - which contributes very little traffic - I still only get four John. You surely can't be counting roads that don't actually lead onto the roundabout like Tintagel Cresent?

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Oh = never mind, maybe too late on a Saturday.... This is the Wiki text for anyone interested but you'll have to go to the WIki link for the references:

One Billion Rising is a global campaign by women, for women.The movement calls for an end to violence, and for justice and gender equality.

One-day event

On February 14, 2013, a one-day event was held, a call for one billion women around the world to join together to dance in a show of collective strength.The event was held on the 15th anniversary of the V-Day movement.[5] The word "billion" refers the statistic that one in three women will be raped or beaten in their lifetime, or about one billion.[6]

On September 20, 2012, people from 160 countries had signed up to take part in the campaign.[7] On February 14, 2013, the rally was held in more than 190 countries.[8]

The campaign was initiated by playwright and activist Eve Ensler (known for her play The Vagina Monologues), and her organization V-Day.[9] The campaign was in part inspired by the Todd Akin 'legitimate rape' and pregnancy comment controversy. Ensler, shocked at Akin's statement, wrote an open letter in response.[10]

Around 5,000 organizations have joined the campaign, which has also been aided or endorsed by religious ministers, movement builders, actors Rosario Dawson, Robert Redford,[11][12] and Stella Creasy, British Labour Co-operative politician.[13]

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maxxi Wrote:


> I'd call it a three to a three and a half. Even

> counting Spurling Rd - which contributes very

> little traffic - I still only get four John. You

> surely can't be counting roads that don't actually

> lead onto the roundabout like Tintagel Cresent?


Thank you for addressing the facts.

You may not have been in East Dulwich when drivers used to turn right out of Tintagel Crescent direct onto the roundabout. You can see the present traffic management provisions to prevent this on the attached aerial photograph.

Spurling Road is safer now it is no longer a two-way street and does not have a bua rank. However, there is now the extra provision of a dedicated cycle entrance/exit to the roundabout.

John K

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hpsaucey Wrote:


> Oh = never mind, maybe too late on a Saturday....

> This is the Wiki text for anyone interested but

> you'll have to go to the WIki link for the

> references:

I'm perfectly capable of reading wikipedia, I was questioning if the following means anything:

"A call to men and women to refuse to participate in the status quo until rape and rape culture ends..."

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The status quo is the situation world-wide in which rape is so prevalent and in many cultures accepted as normal. VDay is where women - and men - by coming together in this way express their wish for this to stop, and will do so until this ends. Just doing this can be effective. It's like any protest, whether it's against the Vietnam war or anything else. But why am I wasting my time with a pedant?
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