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Gala setting up on Peckham Rye

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kissthisguy Wrote:


> Good idea @Nigello. Maybe the council, as part of

> whatever contract is has with the organisers,

> could insist on no single-use plastic policy?

I'm also passionate about the environment. I have noted that from attendance at past events. I don't believe they are using single-use plastics. You have to rent your reusable cup from the bar, there are no straws, and local food vans all use cardboard packaging and wooden or bamboo cutlery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There was a meeting held with GALA around licensing at the end of Feb. They are asking for a ?maximum of 6 event days per year over a maximum of 3 occasions with a maximum of 4 days?.

They also want a premises licence in perpetuality.


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Hi all,

Last chance (objections to be lodged by ****Wednesday****) to stop the Rye being boarded up for 19 days this year to house the festival. Lots of divergent views around but headline point: people will be shut out of a huge part of the park from 29th May to 10 June.

It's hugely damaging to the park (scars the grass for the entire summer), the wildlife (nesting birds) and keeps residents out of a public space for 19 days (set up and de-rig are done behind 6ft hoarding) so that a privately owned events company (based in Birmingham) can profit. After the 2 years we've had, surely people of all ages should be out enjoying the park - not fenced out of it in the name of private profit.

If you want to object you need, by this Wednesday, to :

1. Email the Council [email protected]

2. Give your full name, address and email (a signature is only required if you're writing to us, also include your email on the letter)

3. the date you wrote the letter or email

4. the application that you're opposed to (876833 We Are The Fair Limited)

5. the reasons why you're opposed to the application which should fall in these categories

a) prevention of crime and disorder

b) prevention of public nuisance

c) public safety

d) protection of children from harm.

If you're in favour of the festival - no problem!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Info and details of objections / statements in support now up on the Southwark website

https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=7359, licensing sub-committee to consider the licensing application on Thursday 14 April.

Note that the committee can only consider quite limited grounds for refusing the licence.

Presumably a different part of the council has/ has to approve the operator being there at all/ closing off particular areas - and the council demands a decent chunk of money for the privilege?

Friends of Peckham Rye, Dulwich Society and three local councillors among the objectors to the change in scope from previous years.

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Thanks Legal,

Lots of objections from locals, which is good. The police are not happy.

The proposal is for three three day events, for up to 20,000 people on the common and, I think, other parts of the park, in perpetuity. So 9 days of noise and then you have to add preparation of site time, which is days either side of the event. Overall this could be weeks of park use.

Fortunately two Labour Councillors are among the objectors. Councillor Hamvas makes the point that the application is exceptionally vague and the applicants are asking for a license for use of most of the park as a massive premises.

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As a I read it the key reason for the vagueness is that they?re trying to get an ?in perpetuity? license so that they can avoid the cost - and probably much more importantly the hassle / delay/ uncertainty of having to make an annual licence application. (I wouldn?t want to be organising an event this big with a risk my licence could be turned down or restricted, particularly given the ?rise of the local resident? as this page on their website puts it


At least they seem aware and trying to deal with the cable tie issue.


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  • 1 month later...

It looks like it is going to be in the park after all (not on the common). People are busy marking out the area opposite Harris boys and looking on Gala's own website this morning, it says it's in the park.

Does anyone know when/how it was changed back from the common to the park?

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According to Friends Of PR, it was acknowledged the flood defences wouldn't be started for some months yet and so Gala has been moved back into the park

sunbob Wrote:


> It looks like it is going to be in the park after

> all (not on the common). People are busy marking

> out the area opposite Harris boys and looking on

> Gala's own website this morning, it says it's in

> the park.

> Does anyone know when/how it was changed back from

> the common to the park?

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first mate Wrote:


> Anyway, it's now permanent. Southwark have waved

> it through. I'd imagine it'll grow. I'd love to

> know what Southwark makes and what the money is

> spent on.

Did they agree to more days / festivals too or the current one event?

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Because the flood alleviation works are not being carried out this year, the GALA Music Festival which was to have taken place on a new site on the Common will now take place in the Park on the site used previously across the road from the Harris Boys School.

HP I don't know but would not be surprised if organisers have also been granted right to hold other events, as requested. I could envisage a scenario where a section of the park is sectioned off for the whole summer.As I said, the area sectioned off this year is definitely bigger than it was last time.

From one of many reports online:

"The event is scheduled for 2nd-4th June, spanning the Queen?s Jubilee Bank holiday weekend. The site will be blocked off for some 19 days between 23rd May and 10th June. The noise levels will be worst for those living in the neighbourhoods around the south side of the Park, though the music can be heard as far away as Telegraph Hill. The noise will particularly affect anyone in neighbourhoods around the south of the Park who is planning a street or outdoor party to celebrate the Jubilee.

Areas of the Park used for the 2021 GALA event have yet to recover. If the weather during the 19 day period that GALA is to occupy the site is wet, the damage could be considerable and long-lasting."

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Envisage away, but Gala have a licence for one event per year lasting for a maximum of three days.

Could you give any specifics on what areas of the park have yet to recover? I don't see that when I'm over there.

I completely agree that trying to hold a street party in one of the very near-by roads would not be the best idea while the festival is on. Luckily we have a four-day bank holiday weekend, and GALA only runs for three days.

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I have quoted one of a number of online articles, and do not know their source for the 'recovery' aspect.

This year, when the event organiser requested an in perpetuity licence for, I think, up to 4 events a year, Cllr Hamvas objected. I have looked but cannot find what the new licence covers. Do you know for sure that what they wanted was turned down?

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