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Gala setting up on Peckham Rye

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funnylookingowl Wrote:


> Perhaps you ought to concentrate on something else

> other than ruining thousands of peoples enjoyment

> of a music festival. Why dont you put some music

> on yourself in your nice house, your choice of

> genre, and have a little bit of fun? Or is this

> your big chance you have waiting for a while for,

> to moan on an internet forum and rather sadly sit

> by a telephone with pursed lips, telling the nice

> man that the music is too loud?

Get stuffed. I have two young kids who go to bed by 7 and my wife is working at home. A three day festival next door to a residential area is a bad idea, which is why they they usually take place in suitable spaces. We are still in the middle of a pandemic too, so I object to a super spreader event on my doorstep too as it happens.

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chichirara Wrote:


> Some beautiful music lined up for this weekend.. I

> only hope I can hear it from my garden. Some of

> London?s finest new jazz playing.. lathe likes of

> Alfa Mist Wayne Snow etc..

Music is subjective, but fine if it just blends into the background ether. Not fine however when powerful bass stage systems are running none stop all day for three days. The council get loads of complaints every time.

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Starting really loud music during the working day is a joke - trying to do work calls and all people can hear is the music in the background. At least wait until 6pm when most people who WFH will have finished work. Especially when families with kids are going to have a fund weekend dealing with ratty tired children who can't sleep until whenever the music stops.
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Man, you all need to chill out. it?s three days man ahah if you don?t like it sell your gaff and move to surrey to be with likeminded people. just take pleasure in other people having a good time.

I?d recommend if you have a problem with it happening go and ask if anyone partying there has got a spare spliff for you

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Oh look, another one who thinks city dwellers should just like it or lump it. Wanna say that to the elderly couple in a council flat down the road from me John? How about I put a PA outside of your house and subject you to boom boom boom for three days on the trot, or better still, your parents house if you still have any.

There are plenty of regulations in place to stop people being unreasonable with noise, but for some reason, when a company is paying the council a ton of money, no-one cares about that. Music festivals are not normally sited next door to streets of residential housing for a good reason. But Southwark Council, in spite of having many more suitable and less invasive sites for an event like this, choose a small park surrounded by residential property. Bonkers.

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Why does festival music have to be played at deafening volumes? I'd have thought it's more for the festival goers to move to a location where they won't bother anyone rather than expecting everyone else to bear it without protest, just because it's London, man.

I'm all for festivals but agree for those living next door to it, who have no choice in the matter, especially with young children, it must be hellish.

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BrandNewGuy Wrote:


> Hmmm, I'm sympathetic to both sides, but when two

> people sign up to the forum to have a go at a

> regular forumite? Sling yer 'ooks, "man"!

Ahhh well spotted.

The troll who thinks he is clever by showing disdain for residents by engaging in class war, sounds familiar in fact. to be ignored I think.

And yes first mate, that is it exactly.

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jazzer Wrote:


> Perhaps Burgess Park would have been a more

> suitable venue for this, but then again could also

> have been in Brockwell Park, Crystal Palace Bowl

> or even Belair Park.

Why? Because it means you don?t have to listen to it?

It?s a couple of days of loudish music in a year. Get over it and don?t be a kill joy

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Gosh. Blah Blah bu*****t. Alfa Mist is a hugely talented pianist and composer. You are missing out. You should have a listen to the Mahogany Sessions. A lovely introduction. Antiphon is an absolute gem of an album. Sounds like you are one of those people that often appears on this site that never actually uses the beautiful Peckham Rye Park but is quite happy to carp on about non existent litter and dog mess. What a sad chap you are. Ear plugs should sort out the stand up acoustic bass and maybe a long lunch at Franklins will sort your bleary eyed family out. There's plenty of 'background ether' (sic) there.
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What is bu*****t? Saying it is too loud when you live next door to it? Saying it is keeping your kids awake? Blah Blah has a totally valid perspective. Not everyone loves really loud music and earplugs do not necessarily work, not once music reaches certain volumes.

Agree, Alfa Mist is wonderful when I choose to listen but not if I am trying to work or wanting to sleep.

If the music can be heard all the way in Honor Oak, it is clearly very, very loud.

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On a practical note: would anyone who went yesterday care to offer a ?ground report? - for those of us looking forward to attending today?

Realistically, if you stopped ?everything? because of complaints from a vocal minority, we?d live in a very dull city. Trust me: whatever it is, wherever it is, whether it's big and obvious or seemingly small and innocuous: someone, somewhere, doesn?t want it.

You can get lucky or unlucky with the way amplified sound circulates outside. We live literally less than 2 mins walk from the perimeter and aside from an occasional bass rumble, could barely hear it.

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i?m sure the elderly couple would probably feel a lot more seeing a lot of people having fun.

but anyway, i?m not trying to rile you up. just don?t let it bother you so much.

and yeah i signed up to make that post because some people on this thread need to relax a bit :-)

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