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Attempted break in - The Gardens

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Just to warn people of the gardens to be vigilant, saw 3 young guys attempt to burgle a property in this afternoon, managed to scare them off, after saying I've called the police. They were initially shocked but my intervention then became threatening. Police were great, and said others had also called them in though by the time they arrived they had already left the area, on a plus side the break was averted.
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After suffering the pain of a break in a few years ago, I couldn't have just let it happen under my nose. Saying that I'd probably have achieved a bit more in the long run if I'd just taken video footage from my window as it is hard to give a detailed description of the suspects with the adrenaline flowing.
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The same three also succeeded in gaining access to the communal area of some flats on Solway Road. They were warned off before they got into any of the flats.

They were roughly late teens, black, one with facial hair, and drove off in a silver sports car.

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yes, utterly sickening to mention the hue. WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH IT??


> The same three also succeeded in gaining access to

> the communal area of some flats on Solway Road.

> They were warned off before they got into any of

> the flats.


> They were roughly late teens, black, one with

> facial hair, and drove off in a silver sports car.

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james. Wrote:


> yes, utterly sickening to mention the hue. WHAT




> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > The same three also succeeded in gaining access

> to

> > the communal area of some flats on Solway Road.

> > They were warned off before they got into any

> of

> > the flats.

> >

> > They were roughly late teens, black, one with

> > facial hair, and drove off in a silver sports

> car.

Tell us

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Lord Danny Poppins Wrote:


> ...would now be a good time to discuss relaxing

> gun ownership laws for threatened homeowners?

?Is easy to get a gun. Fill in the form here, send it off, and as long as you're not a (complete) nutter you should get one


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Hello all

These three guys attempted to break in to our building (private flats) on Solway Rd on Monday. They actually managed to get through our front door in seconds - it was extremely quick and very quiet - they know what they are doing! I opened the door to my flat expecting them to be still on the other side of the front door as I had seen them approaching the building in an odd way just moments before through the window. They were already in and right in front of my door. They were not even vaguely troubled by being confronted by me - I asked them how they got in, and they simply shrugged, laughed and strolled out. They then jumped into a silver sports car. I now know from police that they simply drove round to the gardens, and tried again - thankfully stopped by the guy who started this string.

Since then they have broken into other properties near to the Rye, between Solway and the gardens. So we didn't put them off... They are targeting the Peckham Rye area, and the police are very keen to put a stop to it. My friend provided a description above. As for including the fact that these guys are black - seriously?! It's part of a description! Along the same lines of being a slight build, having blue eyes, etc. So can we stop trying to turn this string into a racism debate given that absolutely nobody has said anything even remotely racist and be more concerned with catching 3 guys who are clearly determined to break into property and steal within our community?

I'm helping the police to try and identify these guys, but they need people to report asap if they seen again in area

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LondonMix Wrote:


> Thanks for the post but your irony detector is way

> off. Everything people were saying was tongue in

> cheek regarding the description (note they focused

> on the colour of the car... not the people)

Very happy if that's the case! It's easy to misread tone on these things. I was really upset my the break in on Monday - left me quite shaken up, and so I really want the crime spree they are on these last few days to come to an end

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Yeah, I was recently broken into as well and it's still really upsetting so I get it. The next day they tried to break in to the house next door! I've always found the area really safe but the last few weeks its felt like the area is being targeted. Who knows though. Maybe we are all just reporting these incidents on the forum more- we'll have to wait to see the crime stats when they are published!
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From the conversation I had with a police officer yesterday, it sounds like the area is going through a bit of a peak of robberies. We've had police flyers put through our door this week as well about increasing security and how to be safer... Flyers were specifically for Peckham rye. But as you say, we'll see when the official figures come out!
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