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East dulwich hospital blood tests


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Almost all GP requested blood tests are carried out at Dulwich. I think there is only one session now where you can get them done at King's. I've found that there is usually quite a long queue by the time Dulwich opens at 7.30 am, and it can often be much quieter by mid morning.
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Fallback / first choice: King's. Take a look at the back of the paper form issued you. It doesn't specify (or didn't until VERY recently, and you may have an older one) that you may not attend KCH / Denmark Hill for your blood-draw. Point that out, as I did, to the phlebotomist and watch him / her say -- OK. Come on in and put out your arm. KCH are now, as I understand it, distributing newer forms to GPs in the Trust's catchment area. But the KCH personnel will, if appealed to, accede to making your lives easier and to promoting your health. A bit of persistence and you will walk away phlebotomised!
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Went for my blood test at Dulwich Hospital at 7am this morning, half an hour before opening and there were 23 people ahead of me. The friendly staff are super-efficient though and I got seen around 8.10am.

Popped back to pick up my forgotten reading glasses at 11.30am and there was still quite a queue. The gentleman doing the leeching said afternoons are quieter. People who need a cholestorol count need to go first thing if they have fasted for 12 hours and want it over with so they can have breakfast, not to mention those trying not to be late for work.

The only place I've found information online is here: http://www.kch.nhs.uk/service/a-z/phlebotomy

The only thing I learned from the page is a new word ? phlebotomy.

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As a diabetic I have to have 'fasting tests' - and one day I waited over 3 hours as only 2 staff, waiting room was full and people were sitting outside in the corridor and in the old X ray area. I mentioned the long wait at Dulwich to my GP nurse who advised me to make an appointment with their lady for a fasting blood test as dangerous to go so long without food. I now only go to Dulwich for non fasting tests - last time I went around 1.30 - was the only one there. At Kings the avergae wait is around 2.5 hours.
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I used to go to Dulwich Hospital but dont anymore. Way to long to wait and my arm looked like that of a heroin addict by the time the nurse had finished shoving the needle into my arm multiple times in a random search for a vein. This happened on a number of occasions, so now I book in to see one of the nurses at the Gardens surgery.
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Yes, I do agree that the staff at Dulwich seem to be particularly inept at finding veins. The last two occasions I had blood taken there, the phlebotomists couldn't find a vein in my left arm after several attempts. On one of these occasions, she was quite abrupt and rolled her eyes when I told her that she couldn't use the other arm as I had had lymph nodes removed. Both times, I ended up having blood taken from my hand. I've had countless blood samples taken over the last 18 months, and the only failures have been at Dulwich.
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Best to go to Kings if the timing is workable (last test I had there was quick, clean, painless and didn't even leave a bruise) -

"GP patients may attend the Phlebotomy Department, King?s College Hospital for tests only on Tuesdays, 12.30 to 4.45pm, and Fridays, 7.30am to 12.30pm. GP patients attending King's Phlebotomy Department outside these hours will not be seen"

The Friday am slot is VERY busy up to about 08.30 (a nurse there told me they often have people queuing from 06.30) so if you can be a little late for work this might be the best option.

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maxxi Wrote:


> Best to go to Kings if the timing is workable

> (last test I had there was quick, clean, painless

> and didn't even leave a bruise) -



It depends entirely on the particular person who does it.

I've had both excellent and poor experiences at Dulwich over the years (and at my GP where once a nurse couldn't get any blood at all .... duh).

Personally I'd rather go to Dulwich because you have to factor in the time getting to King's and back, not just the waiting time once you're there.

I've been to Dulwich and been seen straight away, and other times had to wait about an hour, but if you take a book it isn't a big deal (assuming you haven't got a time-critical appointment afterwards, of course, but then presumably you'd choose another day to go ......)

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> How can it be quick if queues start at 6.30?

> Wouldn't ED be better?

As I said TED - that's up to 08.30, the crowds thin out after that as people have to get to work so it's v busy early but less so immediately afterwards and therefore quite quick if you can be a bit late for work.

It's probably the same at ED but that is more of a diversion if you're relying on buses.

ETA: @Sue - you're quite right - I should have said Kings can be quicker if you have to do the test on your way to work. If you are staying in ED then Dulwich Hospital is a better bet and if you go later in the day the waiting is minimal.

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Note they don't do children at E Dul - took my 8yr old there yesterday after being specifically referred by GP. Took our numbered ticket and waited 45 mins to be told no go to Kings but they did phone Kings for me and I got appt for later the same day.

Kings said they get about 20 children each week who have been wrongly advised to go to East Dul.

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