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Party on Pellat Road?


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KidKruger Wrote:


> FFS let the girl party !!


> ps-please invite me I live around the corner..

But aren't you in the 35+ bracket? Surely things like parties and music are but distant memories for you?

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I think 1:30am is reasonable. I used to worry that my next door neighbours noisy bbq's would wake my daughter, but they never do. Most kids sleep through anything, once they are actually asleep. If I got a note I would try to get her to sleep before it really kicked off.

I think Partygirl could be a bit more sensitive however, especially if she's planning another one in a few months. Be nice, you might win people over. Nothing to gain by rubbing people up the wrong way.

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KidKruger Wrote:


> Jeremy - I'm just a lad.

I thought you were an old git like the rest of us!

PERISH the thought, how VERY dare you.

Speaking of parties, 2 weeks ago I had a party which wrapped-up about 4.30am. Didn't tell neighbours about it - shame on me. Wasn't mentally loud though, but loud enough to dance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Without the occasional burst of noise, how would you appreciate the defeaning silence? Too much of it and it would be like living in a cemetary.

I thought 1.30 was good to be honest (no doubt the parents had a hand in that) at 40 I don't even get to house parties until that time! lol

Can everyone remember what they did at 18 still or has life beaten the rememberance of any joy into submission?

As for the noise patrol, pointless really if you only having a one off in mind. It wears off after a couple of years anyway. I've had 3 of them over 20 years. No problem. Kinda funny when the police turn up and say a neighbour has complained and you lead them into the garden to point out which one because there all there. Always good to escort them out with a six pack that you found on the street that you'd like them to hand in for you.

Seriously, I think it was nice of you to grab a book and go to bed. Very outgoing and understanding.

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