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Black Cherry - may have to close

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To use your own rather weak analogy - were this a civil court I have no doubt that a Judge would find, on the balance of probabilities, that you are a deeply paranoid, pompous, and gratuitously insulting member of this forum. To clarify - I don't give a toss about the Black Cherry, but my little sister, Katy does. Being her big sister, and having therefore known her for all of her 27 years, I can confirm that she is not a corporate mole, or, in fact, a 'plant' of any sort. She just likes Black Cherry and wanted to help. I doubt she would bother in future such has the welcome been on this forum. Stalking her previous posts?! Jesus! You obviously have some serious time on your hands.

Of course, I could be part of the 'plot' too. Maybe the owner of BC has slipped me a tenner to add another dimension to her evil plan.....

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They had a garden (which was fab) but had to close it following a complaint about noise. So plan B and to try and make everyone happy they though extending the back would solve the issue. Black Cherry isn't as big as the Bishop so I'm guessing they have to work even harder to make a decent profit. Either way it's a fab bar and if they aren't making enough to make it worth they're while to keep it open then it will be sorely missed if they decide to close.

Let's all stop carping and support a bar that has contributed to making Lordship Lane a decent place to go for a night out.

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abbys Wrote:


> Snorky.


> To use your own rather weak analogy - were this a

> civil court I have no doubt that a Judge would

> find, on the balance of probabilities, that you

> are a deeply paranoid, pompous, and gratuitously

> insulting member of this forum. To clarify - I

> don't give a toss about the Black Cherry, but my

> little sister, Katy does. Being her big sister,

> and having therefore known her for all of her 27

> years, I can confirm that she is not a corporate

> mole, or, in fact, a 'plant' of any sort. She

> just likes Black Cherry and wanted to help. I

> doubt she would bother in future such has the

> welcome been on this forum. Stalking her previous

> posts?! Jesus! You obviously have some serious

> time on your hands.


> Of course, I could be part of the 'plot' too.

> Maybe the owner of BC has slipped me a tenner to

> add another dimension to her evil plan.....

I knew my tactics would pay off.The pieces of the jigsaw start to fit together...

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So sorry to hear the sad news about the Black Cherry. I hope between us all we can save it.I have e-mailed Michelle Holford I hope it helps.If the bishop are allowed an outside garden area I think they are being very unfair. The Black Cherry is a lovely family run bussiness and they will have put in a lot of hard work and time to get it up and running and keep it going and this is really bad timing. Good luck to them


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What "news" about the BC?!

So far all we have been told is that because they cant expand to the rear they "will" be shutting. Where is the evidence?

This feels more like a campaign to put pressure on Council planners using the tactics used, at least partially, by Cafe Nero. So far we have had no actual evidence that the place will close - only supposition and hear-say.

A campaign to stop closure is one thing, a campaign to support expansion is something else.

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Mark Wrote:


> I like the Black Cherry. I'm not really into

> supporting local businesses just because they are

> a "local business" because sometimes they're crap

> and don't deserve support, but this one's not crap

> and I think it it has a decent local vibe to it

> that benefits the area. In other words I like to

> drink there and it'll be a shame to see it go. I

> haven't studied their books and don't want to but

> I guess that they've done the maths and seen that

> they need more business to survive. I hope they

> do.

Crap is that a technical term Mark nice! From a Local business owners point of view I can understand why Cherry want to extend, I mean they are doing everything by the book and yet they are still critised for it. They want to enhance their business like most Ed shops have, to grow alongside the thriving community of ED. Local landlord, whatsis face from whatsit thinks hes above it all and carries on doing what he likes.

( Iv removed names to protect myself from whatsit)

I mean give the little guys a chance, please!!!!!!!

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I dont have a personal opinion really on the BC - seriously - but posting inflammatory hyperbole that has little basis in fact or reality doesnt do anyone any good

I know businesses need to make money, but if the business plan depends on such a specific development, then its not really ED's fault if the books dont balance - its a business problem and should people who may have a genuine concern - i.e. those who genuinely feel they may suffer if this development goes ahead - be expected to back down for the benefit of the business ?

lets get this in perspective please - ED is primarily a residential, not a shopping area - it would be nice to get a balance, but people acualy do live here - its not Bluewater and nor should it be

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