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Black Cherry - may have to close

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Does everyone know that the Black Cherry might have to close down because the Council are refusing them permission to extend the back of the premises into the garden space so that people can sit out there? Apparently one neighbour complained - even though they shut it at 10.00pm.This means that if they don't get permssion on appeal that it will have to close down!!


Its a family run business and no one wants chain coming in (like costa or something) in plus the Black Cherry is such a nice bar.

I was in there the other day and there are things we can do to help - like emailing the councillors at Southwark - they haev the power to overturn the decision.

Here is a few email addresses:--

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Get emailing everyone and save the place!! the thought of another chain coming in would make me sick...

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can you clarify katy?

The lack of garden is unfortunate but that was refused over a year ago.

Do they want to extend the building into the garden, or just allow customers out there?

I know a few of the staff and the clan and I've not heard anything about potential closure, can I ask what it is you've heard?

It'd certainly be a loss to lordship lane, it sits in a good niche even if it isn't every one's cup of soulero.

and welcome to the forum

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Sorry - to clarify - what they are saying is - if they don't get the permission on the appeal to be able to extend the premsies onto the garden space as a solid stucture then they will have to close down as they can't afford to keep the place going without this area.

They have leaflets inside on all the tables explaining the situation and I quote

"we need to extend our building in order to survive"

I spoke to the girls about it in length - they say that one neighbour complained about the noise- hence the reason it was refused.

If they don't get it - they say they will close.

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Then if thats the case, I have no sympathy - I have no axe to grind with the Cherry, but this issue is very old and if they took on the business, assuming they could make it pay by relying on some future development exercise, then its bad business decisions, more than being picked on by the council.

cloth / cut / accordingly

the local business issue is neither here nor there.

Now , moving on and making the ebst of the situation, what can we use the soon to vacated premises for ?

that Suishi bar could go nicely in there.

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I read it more in a 'Black Cherry would really like to use the area at the back so would like to gather support on this matter from as many people as possible'. Black Cherry 'may' have to close.. but that doesn't mean it's either a garden area or bust, does it?
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Indeed, Snorks..

I was about to add.. you don't start a business based on speculative possible extensions to that business that may be denied, do you?

I would, however, like to add that I'm not a businessman and no absolutely diddly squat.

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Whichever - surely it should be supported though??? Doesn't everyone want nice places to eat on Lordship Lane.

Snorky - sorry but what a stupid comment - and if you are stupid enough to think a nice sushi place would get it you are wrong wrong wrong - another betting shop morelike.

We should support lcoal businesses not rubbish them if their business plans don't work out first time around

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I smell rodents here. lots of them. A midden of rattus rattus in fact.

this thread miffs a bit.

If I was Lt. Colombo, i would definately come back later unnanounced and annoyingly ask some seemingly banal questions about his thread.

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I like the Black Cherry. I'm not really into supporting local businesses just because they are a "local business" because sometimes they're crap and don't deserve support, but this one's not crap and I think it it has a decent local vibe to it that benefits the area. In other words I like to drink there and it'll be a shame to see it go. I haven't studied their books and don't want to but I guess that they've done the maths and seen that they need more business to survive. I hope they do.
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