Noisy nights for parts of Altima Court
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Looking for a Bluetooth adapter with a jack that can be plugged into sound system in a venue. It’s for a one of event so don’t particularly want to buy a new one
Let's have a look at olive oil price in Uk Tesco*GHS+-+Grocery+-+New*MPX_PMAX_All_OT_All+Products_Online+Budget_1011017**254516076*&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiyNaszLAry567QKuGGE_WRyOsJB&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvvO7BhC-ARIsAGFyToVxNYLKhpNfGyF3C6x4KzK2FynwQtOmzQEujQNODuoep1zaPbiLz1YaAiLbEALw_wcB Now let's try same bottle in Ireland Now it's true that inflation is impacting countries everywhere - but guess what's making things worse in UK
Ulverscroft Road, for one place. And one dog owner (or possibly dog walker) seems to think that if the dog poo is in the gutter, that makes it ok. 🤬🤮
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