thegolden Posted March 10, 2008 Share Posted March 10, 2008 Hi All,Very shortly I will be moving into the area..well Peckham Rye and Barry Road junction..Couple of questions I had..I've already signed to lease so I guess I will find the answers to these anyway!How's parking around Barry Road?Nearest Supermarkets?Safe..ish? I mean the buses really / walking around at night.I'm looking forward to leaving here. Seems like a great community with beautiful surroundings. Gritty but that makes it a little more exciting than say...bromley :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BARA Posted March 10, 2008 Share Posted March 10, 2008 Parking in the area is hit and miss - so many flats in the lower (Rye end) of Barry Road, you may have a job finding a space .Nearest Supermarket is Sainsburys in ED or in Peckham (Rye Lane)Good service on no 12 buses - they run all night.Generally a safe area at night but we have had a few 'bits of bother' over the years. I used to walk my dogs very late at night - around 1 am and felt safe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sue Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 thegolden Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------> > > I'm looking forward to leaving here. Erm, but you haven't even moved in yet :)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peckhamgatecrasher Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 Somerfield in Lordship Lane, ED; Morrisons in Peckham; and since you have a car, there is Tesco & Asda on the Old Kent Rd which is only a 10/15 min drive away. There is a Tesco Express on East Dulwich road (parallel to Barry Rd) There is an M&S in Walworth Rd but parking's a bit hit & miss so hop on the number 12 (about 25 min ride). If you want Waitrose, get it delivered!Always found the area in Peckham and surrounding satellites safe. Welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marmora Man Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 I'd also add that, if you have the time, the whole of Lordship Lane provides almost all the food stuffs available in Sainsburys et al but at better value (quality & price) than most supermarkets. Importantly shopping this way is more fun, brings you into the local community and supports many small businesses. Once the butcher, baker and greengrocer knows you you'll get friendly service and good advice. Stick to the supermarkets for the bulk boring buys - washing powder, toilet rolls etc.I'd agree the area is safe and friendly - plus lots of good pubs and eateries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keef Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 Actually, nearest to you would be the co-op at the bottom of Forest Hill Road, near a pub called The Hearne Tavern. Will do for the smaller shops. There is also Barry's Off Lisense which is handy for picking up something you've forgotten on your proper big shop, and it has a cash machine outside (that doesn't charge) which you will no doubt find very handy.Your local will be The Clockhouse which is nice in the summer when you can sit out front. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeremy Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 If the original poster thinks that Barry Road is gritty... take a deep breath before venturing down Rye Lane! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 Hi and welcome to the area.I live across the park from you - yes on the SE15 side of the park.The CLockHouse is my local and it's lovely inside AND out.Your nearest supermarkerts are: Co-op up Peckham Rye SE22 side as it becomes Forest Hill Road, little Tescos down the Peckham Rye SE22 side turn left at the lights, big Sainsburys in East Dulwich. Lots of little food shops of course round East Dulwich, Nunhead, and even Rye Lane. No, seriously.Meanwhile, I refer to the reply I gave several weeks ago to another newcomer, who talked about safety. I have edited it to suit... but I am not aware of your gender but shouldn't matter anyway...Welcome to the area. The perception of danger, and the fear of getting attacked and so on has little if anything to do with the realistic chance that you may be. Basically, if you look like a victim.... When walking always look like you know where you are going, do not talk on your mobile, and have your keys to hand, so that SHOULD you think someone is following you you may look like you're coming home soon, sort of thing. Be aware of who is around you. Think proactively. Many people including me use iPods but I am still aware of who is around me without being paranoid...! Make friends with your neighbours and offer them your mobile number so they may offer you yours in case of emergency. Be proactive. The area is lovely. And definitely enjoy the park. On a thread on this part of the forum I started a section about the Southwark Council safer neighbourhood teams and the phone numbers for them which include contacts with PCSOs, Community Wardens and the actual police themselves. Find it, and put those numbers on your mobile. Get to know your safer neighbourhood teams. Volunteer to be a streetleader (go on the Southwark Council Website and find the link, or email [email protected] to ask him about it. Streetleaders basically offer to look after the area they live in and report things that need fixing, whether it be graffiti, broken fences, dumped stuff, abandoned cars, etc etc. We have meetings to discuss stuff and also get to go on Ward Panel meetings with the police. it's about making the effort and by posting on here you have begun! Having said the above, welcome again, take part on here and in the real community.The next Ward Panel meeting of the police is at Harris Sports Academy or whatever that school is called at the South East corner of Peckham Rye SE15, on Thursday 13th March at 7.00pm. PeckhamRose Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBen Posted March 11, 2008 Share Posted March 11, 2008 "Gritty"Brilliant! Five years ago when they still had fried chicken shops on Northcross Road perhaps....It seemed that to me at the time when I moved from renting in a posh part of town. I suppose it still is gritty compared to say... Pimlico. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vivienne Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Come to The Ivy House 40, stuart Rd just accross the park. Tonight is the first night of "Pull the other one"A chance to meet some local luanries!!DOORS 7.30 SHOW 8.30. ?5 entry With gifts from Martin Soan the master of prop comedy. The great Voltini sending several thousands volts through his Madame, Nick Revell satirical Raconteur saying " however rewarding it is making TV and radio programmes, there's nothing quite like a live gig. Hopefully that cuts both ways - for the audience as well as the performer." This exploration of the Art of Comedy should be an unmissable evening for those with curiosity for what has gone before and what is likely to be in the ever growing business of Comedy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NNEWTON Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 I've just moved from the park end of barry road, we hardly ever had problems parking and found the area very safe (much like the rest of east dulwich) i can't really recomend the co-op for your shopping because they never seem to have anything i need but Barry road off license is so friendly thats its worth supporting them.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dulwichmum Posted March 16, 2008 Share Posted March 16, 2008 GRITTY! How very dare you. This is not SE15 darling. I shall have to go and lie down with some rescue remedy... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Palaeologus Posted March 16, 2008 Share Posted March 16, 2008 If you see a dodgy old woman with a mauve rinse staggering out of the Barry Rd Offie, wearing a crumb covered Tabard and hair-net clutching a bottle of Diamond to ignore her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shoshntosh Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 hi welcome to the neighbourhood. i live round the corner from you and find the area safe, parking pretty easy, buses excellent, shopping convenient (there are soooo many options). all in all, you've made a fantastic choice. any more questions... do write. i spent a couple years getting to know everything local and would be happy to pass on any "insider" info if it helps. oh, p.s. you must try the rye hotel across the common -- excellent. also, i would avoid the common when it's dark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 shoshntosh Wrote:------------------------------------------------------->> also, i would avoid the common when it's dark.Why? Avoid it because I cross there then and I might jump out and frighten you?Well, okay, I do do that occasionally.But why, seriously? Is it very dangerous? At the Police Ward meeting the other day for the area that covers the park, no mention was made of anything having happened there in the dark. Indeed, most of the crime that was discussed at the meeting happened in broad daylight. No, wait, I think ALL of it did.Walk confidently and don't look like a victim, and be very aware of what is going on around you, not just walking across the common at night but at all times. I walk across the common alone regularly (from the Clockhouse, usually!). Refuse to feel frightened. I think I'm going on a bit now so I will stop.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keef Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 I walked over the Rye in the dark and rain on Sturday evenin. I have to admit at points it was a bit deserted, and had something happened, there would have been no help close by... That said, nothing did happen, and I've not heard of anything happening for years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caron Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 Welcome to the area. Second what's been written except I wouldn't bother with the co-op as its stock control is rubbish. They seem to run out of red wine and milk on a regular basis. You're nearer the small Tesco anyway. I've been here nine years and the worst that's happened [touches wood] is someone nicked the lid off my blue box and someone threw an egg at the front window. Oh and there's boys riding their bikes on the pavements with no regard for pedestrians, but that's about your lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azul Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 thegolden Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------> Hi All,> Very shortly I will be moving into the area..well> Peckham Rye and Barry Road junction..> > Couple of questions I had..I've already signed to> lease so I guess I will find the answers to these> anyway!> > How's parking around Barry Road?> Nearest Supermarkets?> Safe..ish? I mean the buses really / walking> around at night.> > I'm looking forward to leaving here. Seems like a> great community with beautiful surroundings.> Gritty but that makes it a little more exciting> than say...bromley :)Welcome,I'm your local contact to the area.what u looking for?fresh meat, cooked meat, fish? herbs, carrots ?just some lettuce ? a travelcard ? or just a couple pounds topped on your oyster?Maybe a new pair of organic jeans?I deliver, even park your car and put a coin in for youcome to me if you're in needAzul (now with a beard) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rowanofski Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 I'm feeling all nostalgic now. I just moved from the middle of Barry Rd down to the Rye (SE22 side, darlings).Unless my skim-reading of this thread has failed me, I'm stunned that nobody's praised the delights of Barry Off License! I guess it's kind of stating the obvious to inform you of the only convenience store on Barry Road (I don't really count their next-door competitors as they pretty much only sell newspapers and distrusting scowls/frowns - but maybe that's just me!). Anyway, Barry Off License is good (for quality, variety and value - they even ride the wave of glory that is organic fodder!), especially since its refurb.Also, can heartily recommend the chippy on Whateley Road. MASSIVE portions!The 12 is an utter godsend too! Added bonus of being able to fall asleep and wake up with the end of the route just a few minutes walk from home! As opposed to bloody Penge every time on the 176. :XFinal tip from me would be to reiterate the joys of the Clock House (as promoted by PeckhamRose and Keef before) - their pub quiz is definitely my favourite in the area (on a Tuesday). The questions aren't easy, but they all seem to be ones you can at least have a stab at, as opposed to the CPT's effort... who opened the sunderland dockyards and in what year? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorraineliyanage Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 Welcome to the area!I'm on Barry Road. Parking is generally fine, although there can be competition for parking spots, especially when the local man with van parks his removal lorry next to our house!I've found the area totally safe (am female). The number 12 bus and 197 are frequent, plus the buses from Lordship into town are a bit quicker as they bypass Peckham which can be very slow with traffic.As for supermarkets, I get mine delivered online as I don't have a car. Ocado and Sainsbury's are very reliable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peckhamgatecrasher Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 Have to contradict you Rowanofski. I went to the Clockhouse last night - hadn't been to the quiz for a few months. The lovely quizmaster Jez has gone and his replacement, while perfectly nice, just didn't cut it. Also it took 2 hours 5 mins to get through 40 questions which was extremely boring! And the Bombadier wasn't that brill. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kristymac1 Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 I can't believe you're dissing the finest pub quiz in South London - the CPT. Now granted I haven't been for a while (due to 'orrible pregnancy and now a young'un which needs watching at night....), but the quizmaster and his lovely sidekick are the business. The questions can be a bit off the wall (canal boat magazines anyone?), but generally doable. I urge you all to give it a shot, not least because you'll be supporting one of the remaining proper boozers (no kids/babies in sight) in ED. Welcome to the area - you're gonna love it...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torben Pieknik Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 Rowanofski - I agree the people in the newsagents are really really miserable. But then being next to the superb Barry's must be pretty depressing for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeanMacGabhann Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 it's that beeper on the door in the newsagents that goes off every single time it moves so much as an inch that hacks them off if you ask me.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wee quinnie Posted March 19, 2008 Share Posted March 19, 2008 Yeh - Barrys offie is great isnt it. Although it used to be even better back in the days of Charlie and Mo - who used to always greet me with a cheery "orrrrigh' lav!", and generally keep me up to date on their preferred tipple de jour. Who needs Sainsbos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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