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It makes me wonder what was agreed in advance concerning the parameters of the interview. For example, if C4 was told in advance that violence in films was off-limits and Tarantino was subsequently ambushed, then fair play to him. Otherwise I think the question was completely valid, given how much violence there is in his movies, and his rant was childish.

it may not have been discussed beforehand, but a "valid" question, or one that has been asked in almost every interview ever since he first released a film (and impagine how many times that is)

Is there a new angle he could possibly take or was it just a fairly predictable and boring question

As it happens I thought given the amount of noise around the interview, both of them came out with some credit, and Tarantino had nothing like the meltdown I had read about

He sounded brattish and twattish.

If it's a question he's been asked many times before, then it shouldn't have come as a surprise, and shouldn't warrant such an unfathomable response. The oddly juvenile trash talk ("I'm shutting your butt down") was embarrassing - who the hell talks like that, let alone someone who's famed for awesome dialogue?

Anyway, I think he's a massive knobber, and overrated to boot. And his face makes me want to punch it. At least Hitchcock had the good grace not to try his hand at acting in his cameos.

"He sounded brattish and twattish."

well, nothing new there then

"oddly juvenile trash talk "


but I still think the whole incident is way overplayed. Maybe he expected a question like that from, say, This Morning and expected less hackneyed from C4. Maybe

Most likely he had a hissy fit because like any human being sometimes the treadmill is just too much at the end of another day. he didn't storm out or anything. He just got a bit pissy.

Storm in a teacup to me

Are people still falling for the stream of unmitigated derived shite that QT produces ?

its fucking awful, sneery, smartarse, nasty vacuous shite consumed by people who really should know better*

* I havent seen this blates but you dont need to eat a dog shit sandwich to know its going to taste bad

That's one I haven't seen, as it goes.

RE hissy fit, at the time I quite enjoyed the 'bollocks to you and your crap question, Krish' approach, but on reflection, in the current climate, 'bollocks to you and your crap question - for reasons x y and z' might have been a better response.

With regard to The N Word controversy, I think we have to assume that Quentin uses TNW a lot because Quentin just likes the N word.. a lot. He likes it so much, it wouldn't surprise me if choosing this genre is simply a ruse to use the N word even more. Claiming its use in the film is for authenticity? Well, I haven't seen the film yet, but I suspect, on the whole, it's not exactly going to be like some sort of authentic document of the era, is it?

How you can make a film about slavery in the South and not use TNW? I re watched 'Roots" the other day and I was amazed by how kitsch it all looked. I am not sure that movie ages particularly well, and I fear like Kill Bill, Django might end up looking a bit silly. The accents certainly are. I compare it to a Tennessee Williams' play, where the southern drawl seems mercurial, switching from a whimsical playfulness to something brandished menacingly, like a knife.

But I think the interesting thing is that Django, also seems derivative ( not really much of an accusation when dealing with Tarantino) of this film . Interestingly, the Mondo series faced a lot of controversy and were accused of being racists. The twist is that, Tarantino has done something very similar and some liberals are defending this work.



here is Big Daddy in a Tennesee play.

I liked the whole "Grindhouse" release he did with Robert Rodriguez - particularly the fake trailers like "Werewolf Women of the SS" and "Machete" (which got a life of its own when it was later made into a real exploitation genre film).

Loved his explanation of Uma Thurman's dancing in PF being inspired by the ZsaZsa Gabor character in Disney's "The Aristocats".

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