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I had to go to the FHGP this morning to collect some blood test forms. It was a complete farce.

I showed the receptionist a text asking me to come in and pick up some forms. The receptions without checking anything told me I don't need the forms I should just attend my assessment and have the tests later. I replied that I have had these assessments before and I need to have the tests done first and I would be grateful if should would just please print off my forms. She went back inside but returned a few minutes later and started asking me questions about my medical history and all of this is happening whilst I am standing outside of the surgery on the steps with several other patients only a few feet away. I told her that I really did not think this was appropriate and she waived her hands told me its not a problem.

I have now spoken to another receptionist who assures me that this is not the way they normally do things and that this will be dealt with but added that she is a fairly new member of staff as if that is an excuse. Quiet frankly I don't care if she has been there 10 years or 10 minutes surely one of the first things they are are trained in is patient confidentiality. I will be attending there tomorrow for my appointment and will be taking this further.

Finally after waiting over 30 minutes I got the forms.

I wonder if they will ever open the surgery again - they seem very happy with patients queuing (and waiting until called) in the rain and wind and shouting their symptoms to passers by. It's the way they triple lock the door between patients (or they did the last time I had to call for a form) and peer out through the smallest slit in the door when forced to deal with patients which makes one feel so special and cared for. Like Typhoid Mary.

Or perhaps things have improved?

After several decades with Forest Hill I finally moved a few years ago. Once you got to see a doctor they were generally fine. However, apart from urgent issues it was really difficult to get an appointment and the rudness and unhelpfulness of the reception staff was quite frankly appalling.

The final straw was trying to arrange a telephone appointment to discuss some blood test results. I tried several successive times on a Monday morning where I was told all appointments had gone and to call back the following Monday when next appointment block would be open. After the fourth failure I decided to move.

It was extremely easy to move and I am very happy with my new practise. They answer the phone promptly, you can get appointments (even non-urgent ones) quickly and easily and they have remained open and accessible throught Covid.

I would let the Drs. know about this thread. I understand and accept that some inconveniences such as standing outside and talking about one's health just have to be accepted right now but bad training, or lack of it, is nothing to do with C-19 provisions. Receptionists everywhere have a hard job but the best ones take it seriously and make you feel they are on your side, not an inconvenience who also happens to be ill!

This is what CQC stated in their inspection report of the practice in January 2020. https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-544424476/inspection-summary#responsive.

I have recently found some staff much more responsive, thoughtful and caring than others in the past. They seem to be more wiling to make referrals to the Tessa Jowell Centre or Kings rather than seeing patients themselves. Perhaps they do not have the necessary staff available because of the toxic nature of this practice.

C - 19 has seen this practice change the way it operates, perhaps some staff are unable to adapt to the changes, or get in a flap at the slightest pressure, plus resent being on "door" duty.

The issue with the Chemist opposite, has been ongoing for years, so no surprise their. Other chemists in the locality are available who provide exceptional services and go the extra mile.

The odd GP at FHRGP could do with realising we are patients who have thoughts, feelings, opinions and may well research on an issue and hence ask more probing / difficult questions of them that they then appear to then resent.

I think I must be living in a parallel universe. I have been with the practice for over 45 years and have always felt privileged to have such a superb service. I?ve had to collect many forms, letters etc during the pandemic and have also been inside for appointments when essential, as have my daughter and husband. I really don?t understand the problem in having to wait outside the surgery in the middle of a pandemic? I would much rather that than have to queue up inside with a load of other people who don?t seem to understand the concept of social distancing or how to wear a mask properly .

In all the years I?ve been with the surgery, I?ve never yet found any member of staff to be rude, whether they are receptionists, doctors , or nurses, and have the greatest respect for the receptionists? incredible patience when I?ve heard how people often speak to them.

I do not know of any patients who would say they "felt privileged to have such a superb service".

If you take a look at the reviews of the practice on the NHS website, they are damning and scathing. The last set of Patient Participation Group meeting published minutes are November 2019. How hard can it be to provide update minutes of meetings??

I still have no idea how the practice got rated as Good in the last CQC inspection report.

They are their to provide a service for the 12,500 patients they have. Whilst maybe recently things may have improved just slightly, this practice has an awful lot of improving to do to enable its patients to be complimentary about the service they provide.

Culture in an organisation is the hardest thing to change, the culture at FHRGP needs significant improvement. patients need to be put first. If they surveyed the patients I think the response would be "not currently met expectations" -3, however some appear to have a totally different opinion of the practice.

Maybe they should do what The Gardens did by massively reducing their catchment area which would reduce the amount of patients they look after?

DMC is another one where despite having two sites is still too big. The smaller surgeries with smaller patient registrations are better in my opinion.

jazzer Wrote:


> I do not know of any patients who would say they

> "felt privileged to have such a superb service".


Well I?m a patient and I DO feel privileged to have FHRGP as my practice, as do my husband, daughter, and my neighbours. Having had a great deal of experience of my mother?s practice and my mother in law?s old and new practices, Forest Hill Road is head and shoulders better in every way. I?ve never been unable to get a same day appointment when I?ve really needed one, as opposed to wanting one, and I?ve always been referred promptly for any investigations needed. When I had cancer treatment nine years ago, the service I got from the practice was amazing and had continued to be excellent ever since. Without exception I?ve been treated with respect, kindness, and dignity by every member of staff I?ve ever come across at the practice.

Clearly, you and those you know feel you have had a good experience, unfortunately many others cannot say that they have had that same experience. I agree with you that all patients should be listened to and treated with respect, kindness, compassion and dignity, but they do not.

Reception staff who cannot do the simplest of tasks because they do not listen, are unhelpful or just plain difficult and rude, and at least one of the GP's who clearly thinks they know best and resent being asked the difficult questions or when they clearly do not have knowledge you'd expect them to know as a GP. Then using the "well you've had your 10 minutes" I need to see the next patient routine. Nothing positive about the Pharmacist either.

When I hear about the different experience other people have when they speak their own practice ​- this practice still fails on so many levels.

They could make some changes to improve the patient experience and hence increase the quality of service.

1. Take blood samples rather then all sending patients to Kings or Tessa Jowell. If other local practices can offer this service, why can't FHRGP?

2. Offer a walk-in service on a Saturday morning.

3. Make available more appointments to see the nurses.

4. Have more Nurse Practioners who can do more than just nursing and can make clinical decisions, they can at the Tessa Jowell, why not at FHRGP?

5. Offer Vulnerable Patient follow up visits, it can be done elsewhere, why can't FHRGP offer this service?

6. Make more use of the local District Nurse service.

7. Don't be so reliant on technology that doesn't work.

8. Be more flexible, listen to patients and their concerns.

9. Improve communications and sharing of information with Specialists at Kings, Guy's, St. Thomas's (i.e. blood test results)

9. Don't leave the sample collection pot in front of the radiator adjacent to the front door so that it "cooks" the samples.

10. Add your own improvements below




Some good suggestions but again I don't know why posters have to use some emotive/inflammatory language language.

I've never had a surgery where everything ran like clockwork. Memories of a child waiting an hour plus. A walk in service at another surgery not so far away where it could be two hours. Spend anytime in Day Lewis (you'll have to wait in any case for your prescription!) and listen to the chatter with local people. A lot are very fond of the staff there.

I understand that some of the difficulties are due to workloads - not an excuse - and I wonder how may rude and impatient clients.


1. Take blood samples rather then all sending patients to Kings or Tessa Jowell. If other local practices can offer this service, why can't FHRGP? THAT IS A NON-RUNNER AS YOU HAVE TO CENTRALISE THESE SERVICES. VERY IMPRESSED WITH THE SERVICE AT TJ

2. Offer a walk-in service on a Saturday morning. THAT WOULD BE GOOD

3. Make available more appointments to see the nurses. DITTO

4. Have more Nurse Practioners who can do more than just nursing and can make clinical decisions, they can at the Tessa Jowell, why not at FHRGP? DITTO (the above three will depend on regional and national approach I expect, so suggest you submit views to the practice manager)

5. Offer Vulnerable Patient follow up visits, it can be done elsewhere, why can't FHRGP offer this service? DUNNO

6. Make more use of the local District Nurse service. NOT HEARD OF DISTRICT NURSE SERVICE SINCE I WATCHED OPEN ALL HOURS

7. Don't be so reliant on technology that doesn't work. IN DEED FRUSTRATING

8. Be more flexible, listen to patients and their concerns. AS COMMNENT ABOVE, WRITE TO THE PRACTICE MANAGER

9. Improve communications and sharing of information with Specialists at Kings, Guy's, St. Thomas's (i.e. blood test results) GENERALLY PRETTY GOOD

9. Don't leave the sample collection pot in front of the radiator adjacent to the front door so that it "cooks" the samples. DUNNO

Really don?t get it when someone posts their opposite experience, as if the poster is lying, honestly good for you , not everyone has had your safe care! The receptionists at this practice are historically appalling, I?m astounded they are still there. Are they hard to sack and replace or what, what is it??

Whoeveritis Wrote:


> Really don?t get it when someone posts their

> opposite experience, as if the poster is lying,

> honestly good for you , not everyone has had your

> safe care! The receptionists at this practice are

> historically appalling, I?m astounded they are

> still there. Are they hard to sack and replace or

> what, what is it??

I?m not suggesting in any way that the OP is lying. However, when I see extremely negative comments made on a public discussion forum about a practice which I?ve found to be exceptional for over 45 years, I don?t think it?s unreasonable to balance the negative comments with something more positive from my family?s experience and that of my neighbours. I realise that everyone has different experiences, and expectations about the service they receive. I?m also mindful that being a receptionist in a doctor?s practice must be an incredibly thankless task, and I?ve been shocked many times over the years by the way in which some patients speak to the reception staff. I?ve never come across a member of staff who has been rude to me in any way, and there have been periods in my life when I?ve been a very frequent user of the practice, but maybe that has something to do with the way in which I speak to the staff.

District Nursing Service has difficulty in providing full services as generally have staff vacancies. They need to prioritize patients who require daily insulin injections and are unable to inject themselves. There is also the dressing of wounds i.e. leg ulcers. Monitoring of patients with terminal illnesses who do not have a specialist nurse (McMillan/St Christopher's etc). Many paid carers will not administer medication (they have to be trained and approved of by District Nurses) and can only prompt and supervise medication.

In the many years I have been with my GP surgery - most of the reception staff know me by my first name and are helpful. I went through a period where I had to attend daily to have dressings changed (in GP surgery or Lister Primary Care Centre) - this went on for several months with gradually decreasing attendance. Both the nurses at the practice were excellent and I could not fault the practice at all.

It's a social network/chat room. That's the whole point - discussion and debate. Not sure what your problem is with expressing different experiences. Hopefully we can all come up with a more informed view rather than keep our entrenched views.

If we have a problem, then the first people to complain to should be the service provider, rather than be a keyboard warrior. The title of the thread attracts both good and bad experiences. I try to add some balance, even if I play devil's advocate at times. I'm not accusing anyone of lying, but it is always good to challenge views both of ourselves and others.

Well ...... I am a less than satisfied 'customer' and have pretty much literally voted with my feet to reluctantly stay. Why ? Convenience: I can walk to the practice, drive and park easily or catch one bus with bus stops near enough to the door at each end. Attending any other practice would need a longer walk in combination with at least two buses each way or driving. That type of journey may well be beyond me in years to come.

So I grit my teeth and more or less tolerate the admin incompetence as the constantly changing GPs are generally OK ish.

I'm staying put and just moan about them occasionally.

I agree George Orwell and I have been with them since 1991 and they have always been patchy to say the least. Totally agree with first two posts to the point of laughing out loud because it?s so awful on so many levels. We?ve actually watched the receptionist bin our complaint in front of us!
These receptionists leave a lot to be desired, patronising sue who couldn?t move any slower and rude and obnoxious Irene, who shouts over you , no social skills whatsoever, and another one who always looks permanently harassed. They can?t cope under pressure ,it?s all very unprofessional and they obviously hate their jobs. I?m just amazed they are still employed there, they must be very hard to get rid of is all I can think.

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