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I just wanted to let you all know that my flatmate was attacked last night at about 9pm on our street very close to Lordship Lane and Whately Road (where the Police Station is...).

A guy suddenly appeared from behind her and tried to grab her bag. He pulled her to the ground and dragged her to the road. Her screaming alerted the neighbours and the guy ran off (without her bag).

The police said that there are a lot of robberies in East Dulwich, mainly due to it's proximity to other areas.

So take as much care as possible and watch out!

She's ok, we're both a bit shocked and are wandering what exactly we are supposed to do if we can't even walk 5 minutes from the bus stop without something happening.

She didn't see much of the guy, all she remembers that he was quite tall with pale skin. Our neighbour saw him better - if I find out a better description, I'll post that too.

If it's any consolation (and it won't be for a while) have a look at the other muggings threads - somany people have lived here for years without any trouble at all. Having lived in many different parts of London and the UK I can say that ED is the safest place I have lived - it being part of a major world city muggins will happen and some people seem to be disproportionatly affected compared to others but on the whole I wouldn't live anywhere else

Here's hoping things look up for you both soon (and if you are feeling all alone in the area, why not come along to the next forum drink up - usually about 20-30 of us with at least 2 or 3 fresh faces every time. It should help you feel more at home)

For some reason info about the forum drinks gets posted in the lounge section rather than the what's on section - I wasn't aware of them for ages either as I never went into the lounge :) which used to be labelled as for threads unrelated to East Dulwich (isn't any more).

EDIT - to save you looking, 4 April at the CPT in Crystal Palace Road.

Sorry admin but she did ask!

ha - well that in itself was the subject of some debate JMI ;-)

It usually rotates around the various bars in ED (or nearby) - the next one is off the main drag in the CPT (Crystal Palace Tavern) on (I think) the 4th April

Coincidentally the CPT was the location for my first attendance at the forum drinks and I was very very nervous - so don't worry if you are. Once I said hello I was welcomed like family

oh and that main thread about muggings in the area - you can read it here

Muggings in ED -have you been affected?

Edited because I can't seem to type "the" - it always comes out as "teh"

PS I agree with what Sue just said too (and Sue was a 1st time attendee at last drinks so might offer newbie insight)

CPT which by the sounds of it is just up the road to you (top of Whateley). Sorry for the bad start, but Sean is right in what he says. I grew up on Whateley Road, and my parents still live there, and I've never had a problem in the area, neither have any of my female relatives or friends.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> > PS I agree with what Sue just said too (and Sue

> was a 1st time attendee at last drinks so might

> offer newbie insight)

Newbie insight coming up :)

(Very sorry admin, please don't lounge this thread because of this excursion away from the main topic .....)

Well I was very nervous about going, even though I was with my partner and am not known for enormous shyness (is that a word?), so respect to those who go on their own the first time :)

I found it a bit difficult at first because a lot of people were sitting at tables and so it was hard to move around easily and talk to people.

However once I did I found everyone very friendly. And a few drinks helped :)) And thanks to those people who came and talked to me - it was much appreciated!!

I have awful problems remembering names and faces, so whoever brought the labels that was a good idea for me, though I also can see why some people didn't like them (too much like a workshop your employer has forced you to attend). But hey everyone was wearing someone else's name by the end of the evening anyway !!!

Oh and the labels were left behind, and I have them, if whoever brought them is wondering where they are ....


And - I've lived in East Dulwich on and off for sixteen years, and I live just round the corner from Whateley Road, and I've never been mugged.

But anywhere in a big city, you have to be aware of who's around, don't you, and just be streetwise :)

JMI - very sorry to hear about your flatmate, that's awful. Hope the police catch him.

One thing in your post made my hackles rise though: "mainly due to it's proximity to other areas". What are you implying? (she asks defensively, thinking about steaming down LL with a Nam gang or at least a well-placed shuttlecock)

If a copper said that there were muggings in ED "mainly due to it's proximity to other areas" that is one odd statement. Isn't every area of London in close proximity to other areas?

So sorry to hear about this event. The other thread on mugging that has been mentioned is a heartening read (unless you are a teenage boy). Iived lived in ED for 8 years and had no trouble.


I was coming home down Whately this afternoon about 2.30 ish and there were two policemen at the bus stop and two police men standing on the front door stoop of someone up Whately Road a bit. I take it they were arresting people or something at the house, one policemen was talking into his walkie talkie.

Oh and this older women was sitting on the stoop right in front of the policemen with a sort of small dog on a lead. I must confess, it made a rather odd tableau and I have no idea if its connected or if there is just something odd about that part of the Whatley.

citizenED Wrote:


> If a copper said that there were muggings in ED

> "mainly due to it's proximity to other areas" that

> is one odd statement. Isn't every area of London

> in close proximity to other areas?

I think that's code for "proximity to Peckham and Camberwell"

Scylla100 Wrote:


> >

> Oh and this older women was sitting on the stoop

> right in front of the policemen with a sort of

> small dog on a lead.

A sort of small dog?

My mind has gone into overdrive :))

Sorry :-$

It's so depressing that there are 4 separate threads on the front page about muggings. I've lived in ED for 21 years and the only crime I've ever experienced (touching wood desperately) happened to me 4 days after I moved here. Really sorry about your friend's ordeal - not a very good welcome to the area. I live on Silvester Road - next to Whateley - I use the bus stop outside the police station every evening so I'm always walking up Whateley late at night. I won't use the no 12 bus after dark because it's full of dodgy fare evaders and I had my phone snatched on it a few years ago. Is this a mugging crime wave or have I just been lucky for the last 21 years?
It's v depressing and whilst it's good to know about incidences like these so we can be more aware or vigilent (Just_Moved_In: I sincerely hope your flatmate isn't too traumatised by what's happened), it does also encourage us to worry more. Hope all can feel strong enough to go about their daily business - especially alone and after dark.

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