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You're worried about The White Stuff and Jojo Maman Bebe coming to East Dulwich - perhaps this information may help you with your perspective?

I'm not an expert on this, so bear with me if I get some of the details wrong - but this is how it was explained to me by someone who works for Southwark council..

The probation service work with adults - people released early from prison on license (liable to recall to prison or a further court appearance if they fail to keep to their license conditions), or supervising people sentenced to community sentences, or preparing reports on people before they are sentenced in court.They have committed any and all crimes.

You may not know (or care up until now) that there is an equivalent organisation working with teenagers up to 18 that is called the youth offending team.

At the moment the youth offending team is based in one of the estates on the Walworth Road that is scheduled for demolition, the residents will be rehoused, but what about the youth offending team?

The youth offending team is being moved to East Dulwich - to east Dulwich Road, next to the swimming pool - by summer 2008. Fair enough you may think, they have to be somewhere. But - these youths are going to the youth offending team's offices because they are drug dealers, rapists, involved with gangs (violent street gangs that deal drugs and are involved in organised criminal activities, where the members regularly carry knives and have access to guns), involved in street robbery, arrested for carrying guns - and all of the other crimes that you can imagine; apparently, some of the crimes you would not be able to imagine.

You're probably thinking - in some misguided wishy washy, liberal and egalitarian way that these are underpriveleged kids who have been treated badly by society and that they have to go somewhere. Maybe they are, maybe they have been and maybe they do - but I've been told that some of them are also very dangerous and very aggressive - and in six months time you will be able to meet them on Lordship Lane and make your own mind up.

Lots of criminal activity is opportunistic - how safe are you going to feel in the newly refurbished park with these people hanging around? I know how I will feel with my little girls when we go swimming or to the swings - which is why I am glad I am moving.

And you thought that Foxtons were a big deal. My house is under offer and we will be moving out of London as soon as we have sold - don't say that you weren't told about this in advance.

I would be very worried about the safety of my children and for myself come to that if I were still going to be around.

Ted Max Wrote:


> See you later Alicia. Don't hurry back.


> (or is it really Snorky in disguise?)

Go ahead and wait till it's a fait accompli then. Don't let seriously bad news get in the way of your liberal leanings.

The famous needle exchange was just a rumour, I can assure you that this is true. But go ahead, wait till the Summer!

I think the administrator should lock down this thread until the facts of the matter can be established. No point in anyone getting hysterical if this is nothing more than rumour-mongering.

Anyway, I'd rather live next door to a rapist than a Foxtons estate agent.

I think an ED Home Guard is called for. We can throw a patrol line around Goose Green and leap up any shifty (i.e. young) people that pass by. I have 2 collanders of anybody needs head protection. I wont be there, I will be at home, in a supervisory capacity.


a) Youth Offending Teams tend to be engaged in a great deal of outreach and on-site work i.e. at courts, in youth centres etc. They quite senesibly don't sit around their offices expecting the young people to come to them. These offices is where the workers will be based and will do their admin.

b) It is unlikely the youths if they come to visit their YOT worker will kick up a fuss right outside their offices. They will reluctantly come (if indeed they need to), have their meeting/training/whatever and head back to their home territory.

c) YOT's are in every borough - doing stirling work to PREVENT youth offending. I'd much rather have them here on my doorstep sorting out youth offenders than outside the area frankly.

d) If you think you aren't meeting young offenders already in the local area, more fool you.

And if you think you're going to move to some mystical haven in the country where youth crime doesn't exist get real. Youth in the countryside are even more disaffected as they have little to occupy them. And you as a target will stand out more in some little village than you do here - merging in with the rest of the great unwashed in London!
  • Administrator
I have emailed the Youth Offending Team to confirm or deny whether the office is moving to East Dulwich and I will let you know of their response (or preferably they will respond on the forum themselves). In the meantime this thread will not be locked so that you may continue to discuss the topic.

Michael Palaeologus Wrote: "I think I might start up a knife sharpening business on the Green. Should do well."

You'll never match with a knife, the sharpness of your wit.

Personally, I don't mind if the story is true. At least we have a focus when it all goes wrong.

Hope your life in the "country" (where IS that, exactly?) is fabulous, Alicia. But when you find you have neighbours that don't pass your stringent tests, guess what, you're stuck with them. In London and other bigs towns we can concentrate on getting on with all the other neighbours!

This isnt a Snorky post Im glad to say.

Alicia - Im guessing this is more than just a helpful posting on your behalf & I am equally sure that you are more than familiar with this forum , although obviously not under the name Alicia - but dont you have better things to do - like the Daily mail Xword or pasting up that barking mad pro manarchist shite on random walls & disused shop fronts ?

what a horrible , nasty and underhand post.

Good riddance Alicia - piss off to Sevenoaks or whatever sterile turdhole you are buying in - would you have stayed if ED erected a wall around its borders to keep the scum out ?

Poor quality troll. 1/10

Ha ha - I pissed myself when I read this! You realise this is an inner London borough don't you? The youth offending team do stirling work in the community. They do not work by sitting on their a*ses expecting these gangs of marauding pre-pubescent rapist (probably, let's face it from north of the borough) to come to them so we will not be indundated.

This sort of ignorant nimby-ism makes me so mad! Last year young offenders coordinated through the youth offending team took part in a really good project cleaning up an area near West Dulwich station but they had to keep an extremely low profile in case there was similar outrage from local concerned residents, who were terrified that they were going to be forced to give hand jobs for crack, or whatever else their vivid imaginations came up with......

Perhaps you'll have more luck generating outrage of the "war on the middle classes" variety on the Daily Mail / Daily Express forums. Isn't it a pity we have to share our streets with poor people, probably from ethnic minorities...... We don't want them polluting this sunny enclave of south london.....

More middle class White flight to that land of milk and honey that exists somewhere over the rainbow.Why dont you just move down to ED Village, I hear they're declaring themselves a republic(think passport to Pimlico without the laughs)and installing a series of checkpoints to separate the wheat from the riff-raff.

I liked the assumption that this forum only worries about The White Stuff and Jojo Maman Bebe - the very notion that we might discuss politics, religion, crime, dangerous dogs, friendly dogs

I've loved the replies from everyone and snorky's was all the better for measuring the vitriol (instead of the rather OTT attack on poor Nuala)

Whoever Alicia is, her contempt for the rest of humanity speaks volumes. It shouldn't need pointing out (but subtlety isn't the strong point of people like Alicia) that we're not, you know pro-knife-wielding-youts and anti-law-abidin'-folks - but leaving aside her contempt for the crims I love the barbs aimed at the entire forum

"misguided, wishy washy, liberal" - last heard about 1990. Not even quids uses that exact expression. Unless..... no, no. Anyway as a misguided soul, I await further education from one so guided as Alicia

And YOU! You bad, bad parents who are even thinking of staying in ED, nay London! - you do realise you are effectively culpable of at LEAST manslaughter! If anything bad happens to your children it is your fault for not paying attention to Alicia..

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