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Dog poo happy 2013!!!

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I thank the mid to late 50's , possibly early 60's lady.dressed in black white hair pushing possibly your grandchild on a tricycle dressed in a red coat.thanks for leaving your dogs poo next to the tree outside my house in ulverscroft rd.I called out but you must be hard of hearing, don't worry i picked it up for you as I'm a responsible dog owner. Happy New year.
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I am so sick of all the dog poo - our walk to school from lordship lane down crystal palace road is like some horrible game - 'dodge the dog poo' there are fresh mounds of it all over the pavements from top of cp road down to Heber including some particularly nice dog owners who let their dogs crap right outside the school & nursery entrances.
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I'm a dog owner and this not only annoys me but my young boys on the school run as well

"Mummy why don't the owners get the free bags from the library like us and pick up the poo?"

Can only explain that not everyone carries bags like we do!!

I believe if you can afford the dog then clean up after it, my other half takes a torch out at night so if the dog has a poo on the grass, he can find it in the dark, dedicated he is!!

C'mon dog owners, we goodies are being tarnished by you not so goodies!! Please be responsible and also put poop bags in bins and not by trees or people's gates

Rant over!!!

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I second that, PippaD!!

I always pick up my pooch's poo and have on occasion picked up poo that was next to where my dog did his deed (cursing the owner who left it there as I do!). It really infuriates me when I too am dodging poo on the sidewalks (and at times stepping in it) because their owner is irresponsible, lazy, apathetic, etc. and has left it sitting there! And it sadly does tarnish us goodies.

Please, dog owners of the world (but more specifically East Dulwich, Peckham and Nunhead), clean up after your dog! Love your pooch and love your community!

(and if you are caught without a bag, go back for one if you can, or ask a fellow dog owner, or minimally try to move it out of the way)

My rant over too :) Happy new year, all!

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Nothing changes. When we first moved to East Dulwich 31 years ago we frequently had to clean the poo from the push chair wheels and the children's shoes. Once I confronted a man out with his young son and dog outside our house who had let his dog poo on the pavement. He said 'what do you expect me to do with it?'(in his cutglass accent), so I handed him a plastic sandwich bag. That would have been 2 generations of irresponsibility.
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