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  • 4 weeks later...

Apologies Spooner how much sugar had I had when I typed that sentence!

Latest news is that Southwark Council as the planning authority has said it is happy for the site to have different planning applications for different parts. It removes one of the dept of Health excuses for not freeing up a small part of this public land for a new local primary school.

  • 3 months later...

Lateast news is the permanent site for the East Dulwich Harris free primary school will be the former East Dulwich Police which has been sold to the Education Finance Agency.

The land area is about the same size as Heber School and Goose Green School. This is brilliant news.

With a permanent site for September 2015 it makes the opening of this school on a temporary site this Setepmber 2014 no longer a gamble for parents.

As the school admissions for the first year runs in parallel to the main Southwakr admissions process parents have nothing to lose applying for both and then chosing which of the two places they wish to take up.

Brilliant news until you read the thread about Harris academies and their methods to fiddle exam results.

James - serious question. What is the maximum number (or percentage of Southwark's schools) that you would allow Harris to run?

Hi david_carnell,

I read that as well. But I don't think Ofsted are that stupid. Also if you analyse the articlae numbers we're talking aobut 4 people starting and not finishing. Schools in urvan areas have huge flux and the academies are largely taking over failing schools in urban areas.

Hi EDSE22,

Sorry you feel that. They've agreed targets of being in the top 10% for attainment and progression and Ofsted outstanding schools. This would be better than any other local school accepted Dulwich Hamlet from memory.

That's so disappointing!

We live in one of the local primary black-holes, close enough to the police station to potentially be in the catchment for a school there and have a young child (admittedly too young for primary now, but hopefully she'll grow!) and would love to see a primary school there. But I would hate to send my child to a Harris primary - not because of the recent article (depressing as it is), but because I dislike the way Harris schools are run and their ethos (I work in education).

Please find more non-Harris options!

Maybe I'm mixing things up, but isn't this the school we've known about for a while - just that it now has a permanent home as of next year? I'm no more a fan of Harris than most on here but I don't think this particular one is a new one as such, it starts on a temp site after the summer I think?

Hi newguy42,

This is the ethos of our new Harris free school:

"Whatever a child?s background or starting point, we want to make sure that they finish Year 6 with the academic skills, social skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. Every lesson at our school will be creative and there will be plenty of time for children to think, to play, to discover and wonder.

Each child will be taught in the way that suits them best and we will step in quickly if a change is needed. For some children, this might involve one-to-one support if they are finding something difficult and for others it could mean stretching them more to keep them interested.

Our school will be relaxed and comfortable but pupils will know that good behaviour is expected of them. They will be frequently praised and rewarded for trying their best and for being kind, hard-working and well-behaved.

We want the School to feel friendly and welcoming and will always make sure that every pupil has at least one friend. Our children will be taught to respect each other and their teachers.

There will be a zero tolerance approach to any type of bullying."

I'm not an educationalist but this seems a good ethos to me.

Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear. I didn't mean ethos as in the waffle mission statement paragraph all schools produce that don't mean much. I meant how the school is actually run, and how the staff and pupils are actually encouraged and taught in practise.

I am delighted there's a local school - I just wish for me and my family that it wasn't yet another Harris one.

  • 5 months later...

Planning permission was given last night for the temporary site for this new local school to be on the Harris Girls East Dulwich Academy site, Homestall Road. Tortuous process where the planning application was made 26 May and should have been approved well before 16 July - councillors even gave the applicant a hard time about being late when they did everyhing on time by the book

Amazing how hate can blind people.

  • 11 months later...

Another year and finally we have full planning permission for the permanent site.

Fab new after 4 years of campaigning.

Can't wait to cut a ribbon in 12 months time.

Huge thank you to everyone who has supported this especially the current parents who submitted letters of support.

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