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22 July - planning permission given for the temporary site on the Harris Girls East Dulwich Academy site. Tortuous process where the planning application was made 26 May and should have been approved well before 16 July! But at least this has now been agreed.

30 Janaury - the former East Dulwich Police has been sold to the Education Finance Agency to form the permanent site for this new primary school. The land area is about the same size as Heber School and Goose Green School. This is brilliant news. With a permanent site for September 2015 it makes the opening of this school on a temporary site this Setepmber 2014 no longer a gamble for parents. AS the school admissions for the first year runs in parallel to the main Southwakr admissions process parents have nothing to lose applying for both and then chosing which of the two places they wish to take up.

19 December - one of the most likely sites is the East Dulwich Police Station. This site is owned by the GLA/MOPAC and negotiations to purchase it have been very ongoing shall we say. To encourage things The Dulwich Society has very kindly agreed today to apply to Southwark Council for the site to be listed as a community asset under the 2011 Localism Act and we be allowed to buy it for community use.

8 October - Latest news is that Southwark Council as the planning authority has said it is happy for the Dulwich Hospital site to have different planning applications for different parts. It removes one of the Dept of Health excuses for not freeing up a small part of this public land for a new local primary school.

Earlier this morning 22 May the Dept of Education announced we've been successful. Approval has been granted for a new East Dulwich primary school. THANK YOU to all the families who've lent their support and the harris Federation for making an application at very short notice way back in January.

Edited to attach the Harris vision for the school.

The application was submitted on Friday 4 January. So a few more things are now firmed up. The school aim is to be in the top 10% for the country in both terms of academic outcome and progress. It will specialise in literacy.

The school expects to run breakfast club from 8am and after school clubs until 6pm. So full 'wrap-around'.

Edited to show running total in title. 161 supporters with 1 & 2 year old children and another 102 supporters with children under 1 year old. With 80 supporters we have sufficient evidence of need to apply for a two form entry new primary school - thank you to everyone who has lent their support.

Local East Dulwich councillors have asked the Harris Federation to deliver one or possibly two primary schools for our area:


To make a new free school happen we need 80 families with 1 or 2 year old children to state they would consider using a new school in 2014 or 2015. Please see attached leaflet.

If you support a new school then please email me your name, children date/s of birth, your post code.

If we don't get enough new place council evidence suggests we will be short of 235 reception places by 2016 in the Dulwich, Peckham Rye and Nunhead areas.

Harris is taking over!

No real issues about the organisation but feel that there are too many schools now locally wearing the Harris badge. What's wrong with giving this money to the council for them to set up new schools? Why do they have to be free schools? Or won't Gove let you do that?

Pls can people consider the repercussion up the line if this goes ahead. What about secondary transfer? Would Harris primary pupils get priority getting into Harris secondaries?

Really unhappy about this contract going to Harris.

James what site are you thinking of for the peckham rye/nunhead area school? And the timing? The figures on your blog seem to indicate that's where the biggest problem lies. I realise it's not your ward but as another poster says it could relieve pressure in ED. Also if you are looking at expressions of interest from parents whose kids are starting school in 2014 then 3 year olds should be included i.e. born Sept 09 onwards.

Can you explain your concerns in a bit more detail? I'm not having a go, just tryinig to understand.

prickle Wrote:


> Harris is taking over!


> No real issues about the organisation but feel

> that there are too many schools now locally

> wearing the Harris badge. What's wrong with giving

> this money to the council for them to set up new

> schools? Why do they have to be free schools? Or

> won't Gove let you do that?


> Pls can people consider the repercussion up the

> line if this goes ahead. What about secondary

> transfer? Would Harris primary pupils get priority

> getting into Harris secondaries?


> Really unhappy about this contract going to

> Harris.

Harris Federation is a rapidly growing education service provider. This link shows you the extent of their current empire.


I have no issue with Harris per se, in fact I think it is very focussed and have had very good results with some of the failing schools that it has taken over.

I do worry though that more and more schools in this area are being run by Harris and I think we need to look at possible repercussions before blythely offering up two more primaries to add to their network. Presumably these new schools will be either free schools or academies so independent of local authority control. I worry about this in the primary sector. I want my children to attend schools that are rooted in the community and not run by organisations that may have other agenda that may conflict with this.

I know that most of you reading this are worried about the primary provision in the area. I think we need to also think ahead a few years to when these children transfer to secondary. I can tell you from experience that it is as much a bunfight for secondary as for primary. I worry that if Harris primaries are given preference into Harris secondaries (as I think the Peckham academy does) then this will seriously affect the availability of secondary places for non Harris parents.

I feel disappointed that schools are contracted out in this way without much consultation.

Interesting. I have to say I think Harris is doing a great job and I don't really question their motivations as they are an educational charity (not a private business). Also, the benefactor of the charity, Lord Peckham, has strong ties to South London and this area in particular. Free schools do have to coordinate admissions through the LA and teach core academic subjects.

What really concerns me is the feeder policy and planning / future coordination for development of schools. Harris already have a banding system to ensure socially deprived children can get in (not just those rich enough to live close to the school) which is admirable. But the consequences of how free schools will operate need to be really carefully thought through when planning for future secondaries etc. The system is becoming more complicated which is always a negative. But given the results these schools have achieved particularly for socio-economically deprived children, I think overall I am supportive.

Hi Jessie,

I vividly remember your case and how frustrated I felt. And no I wouldnt wish that upon anyone else.

If you know anyone with 1 or 2 yo children in the area can you please ask them to sign-up?

Hi Buggie, Many thanks. Please do ask any friends or acquaitances to also sign-up.

Ho Prickle,

I don't like the idea of Free schools. But Harris Federation have a fanatastic record of producing high quality normal schools of which 9/10 are oustanding. No other provider whether local authority or other has such a record. And having met the chief exec he's bloody annoyed its not 100%. They have appointed a head of primary schools who is Sir Robin Bosher. He knows the area well having been the head of Fairlawn.

Harris may also give preference in their secondary school admissions to children from Harris primaries.

After a lot of thought I don't mind how we get the new schools we need as long as our children get excellent outstanding education and Harris will deliver on this.

Hi nikki73,

I agree. Several options which I'm not at liberty to discuss. what I can say is the prime one is an underused site.

Yes that makes sense - anyone born from Sept'09.

Hi midivydale,

It would add depth to the case - so yes any o-1year olds would be great but my focus is on 1 or 2 year olds. Please spread the word.

Hi Cyberia,

I see the German/Engish primary school as complimentary. Across the area we need 2 - 3 new primary schools. The German/English proposed school are looking for a site across Southwark and Lambeth. So it makes a great third school considering the risk it might not be created in Southwark. Hope that makes sense.

Hi LondonMix,

Chuffed to hear that.

If you know any parents of 1 and 2 year olds could you please ask them to support this?

I need as many SE22 and SE15 responses as possible.

Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking Harris as an organisation. I agree that they have an excellent strategy for bringing on children of all abilities and those that are socially/economically deprived. Yes, Lord Harris has links to this area but the Federation are spreading far and wide now.

What I am critical of is the apparent lack of strategic thinking for the future of education in this area. Now is the time to look ahead to 2020 and beyond to make sure that the provision is robust and balanced. James, it alarms me that you say that Harris may give preference to children from their own primaries for entrance into their secondaries. That would be wrong and would be deeply unpopular in the community.

The fact that James is recruiting interest to Harris schools on this forum in a somewhat piecemeal fashion suggests that nothing has been thought through from the centre. What is Southwark's view of this?

The ages don't work for me but will for my neighbour. I will have her get in touch as she doesn't read the forum. James, if you haven't already, I would suggest you perhaps speak to the local nurseries as they will have concentrations of the core age group you are interested in. Also, what will be the primary school admission policy (if you know)?

Best of luck to you and the other cllrs.

Thanks Pickles for the name correction, Baron Harris of Peckham. I share your concerns and hope that secondary provision moves on to the agenda in conjuction with the creation of the new primaries.

I too have concerns about so much state education ( funded by the tax payer ) being in the hands of a private commercial business .

I realise that a seperate arm will have been set up to manage schools but I'm not completely reassured by this .

There is so much misunderstanding surrounding sponsors and Free schools - many thought that sponsors of the original Academies were throwing cash at the schools when in fact they were given buildings on 125 year leases ,set up funding exceeding monies given to other local secondaries ,and government funding to refurb or rebuild old buildings .

In return they were not obliged to provide any cash themselves - it was enough that they contributed " know how " .

Harris Academies use a banding system so that they get a range of abilities - in middle class areas this may mean a larger intake of lower abilties than would come about if proximity to the school were the deciding factor .

In more deprived areas it will mean that greater numbers of more able children are admitted than would be the case if proximity were the factor .

And Harris use fair banding referenced to national abilities ( not local ) ,so the intake reflects not a fair mix of the abilities of that years intake of children in the area but a fair mix of a national profile of abilities .

I'm not against banding at all but it is used to ensure that each intake includes a good number of able children rather than to ensure ( out of some Victorian philanthropic vision ) that "socially deprived " children can get in .

The LA has very little power or influence on any of Southwarks secondary schools - all of whom are their own admissions authorities .

Who makes up the LA Admissions Forum ? what powers does it have ? where were they when the Charter School kept refusing to recognise a particular route to the building despite several succesful appeals ? what are their views now on the requirement that children going through secondary transfer should not have to sit multiple tests set by different schools ?

Just my paranoia I'm afraid .

I used to work for a large non profit making charity providing sheltered housing .

But the non profit making bit just meant that monies were transferred across to a seperate arm with a different name .

I've seen too many wheels within wheels ,too many instances of seperate companies that aren't that seperate being given contracts .

I've read too much about big companies evading tax ,organisations like W4E ,not to be cynical .

I'm not saying Harris is the same ,but I just don't trust business .

I think making money is in their DNA - many like Harris will strive to do some good with it ,but it's too philanthropic for my taste ,too rich man in his castle ,poor man at his gate .

And I don't want that DNA/ethos leaching into education .

From what I've read, Harris doesn't pay the person that manages all 13+ of its schools that much never mind anyone else. Are you saying you think a director of children's services does a similar job and should be paid more?

The charity donated 2 million of its money to the setting up of each of the schools it established (at least the first 9 I am aware of). They also pay their teachers more than the LA.

I think we should be careful not to tar the reputation of a charity that has done wonders in many schools on a public forum even by innuendo.

So it went up? Where have you gotten your information about that out of curiosity? The article doesn't say Harris pays 300k. What do you think is the right number for this single individual should be and why? Do you know if some of this was performance related and do you think that's a bad way to operate the federation? Do you think they should pay the teachers less to bring it in line with the LA as well?

I have concerns about academies too so I am interested to understand the point you are trying to make. Harris to me appears to be a well run charity providing quality education but if there is a legitimate case against it, I'd like to know what it is.

Guys. We need two to three new primary schools.

Harris Federation have a near perfect record of creating Ofsted outstanding rated schools. If we get new outstanding schools we will give our local children a great start in life. Little things such as more kids having a school close to where they live.

Whether you like academies or not - they were started over a decade ago under Labour and the coalition have increased the number and added free schools. Overall no research that acadamies produce better results but cosst more. BUT Harris are an exception. 9/10 of their schools are outstanding.

For those concerned the lead official is Sir Robin Bosher the ex.head of Fairlawn. Plenty of local families are delighted when their kids get places there.

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