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To the lady shouting for help on Friern Road at 2am


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I didn't know whether to post this but I've been really worrying about you.

There was a lady at 2am last night Saturday night/Sunday morning who shouted for help twice on Friern Road (between Upland and Goodrich). I woke my husband and ran downstairs. She was running past my door so I ran with her asking if she was ok and she kept on asking me to go away and that she was fine (she was crying but clothes looked in tact but she was running without shoes on). I was bare footed so I ran back and got into the car. My husband saw the man that she was running from and got a good look. I followed the lady and caught her up (she went left onto Goodrich and continuing over St Dunstans). She kept on saying she was fine and to go away.

What I did next I know was wrong but at the time I didn't know what to do. I turned around and left her to see if i could find the man that my husband saw. I should have followed her from a distance to make sure she got home ok. Please please don't comment on why I didn't do this cos I'm beating myself up as it is.

When I got home to my husband he said that the man looked seriously drunk and walked up Friern Road.

We phoned the police and gave descriptions and heard it drive by us about 5 minutes later.

If you are the lady please please can you PM me and just let me know that you're ok.

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u shouldnt b beating ya self up, u should b very proud of ya selves that u tried to help her, alot of people nowadays would of just rolled over in bed and done nothing, u both did ur best, but she didnt want ur help.............

i live in henslowe road and a police car did go up our road about 2.10am this morning,very slowly, with the lights flashing but no sirens,because the lights woke me up, i dont know if this was any thing to do with this incident,but who ever she is hope she is alright today............

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Just a note of warning - intervening in a 'domestic' may be (is) morally right, but can be dangerous - a friend and I saw a girl being chased, screaming, into an underpass a few years beack by two men. We intervened only to have all 3 turn on us and chase us (the girl included). It seems, from what we gathered as we were being attacked, that the three were Greeks or Turks, a sister and two brothers. The sister was going out with the 'wrong' man, the brothers were 'remonstrating' with her, but all three joined together when we tried to intervene.

On another occasion, I am sure, our intervention would have been welcomed by a girl being chased screaming into an underpass, but not on this one.

But (if the opportunity again arose) I would think twice and then think again.

You did absolutely the right thing, and possibly too much. The police are trained (and equipped) to deal with 'domestics' - we (generally) aren't.

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Jeremy Wrote:


> You did good, Pebbles. London would be a safer

> place if everybody rushed out when they heard a

> cry for help.


> If she said that she's fine and doesn't want help,

> then I don't see what more you can do.

What Jeremy said.

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Pebbles, I was really badly attacked in public once and everyone just walked right on by and the only way I managed to escape, after a good half hour of struggling on the ground, was by holding onto a man's ankle walking past and begging for help. Afterwards people said they thought we were mucking about but I was screaming as loud as I could for help and on the ground, so I can't imagine why they would think that. I would have done anything to have someone help like you did so brilliant, well done. I would always try and do the same myself, even if it was to just call the police.
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Many years ago I heard shouting outside at night and could see a couple in a car outside the house having a row, The man started hitting the woman who tried to get out of the car but was pulled back. I called the police and explained what I had seen and heard (it was summer and the windows open) said it could be a domestic. Police arrived in car very quickly and spoke to couple and took details - was with them quite a while. The next day the Police phoned me and thanked me for my call as I may have prevented an incident. They were following up with the woman that day.
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Well done Pugwash....I'm sure she was really grateful. Good idea Salsaboy. The other thing I have since learned from the police and will never forget is to personalise it and give instruction eg., you, the man in the blue coat, go and dial 999. Apparently people are less likely to ignore it if they are made to feel responsible in some way.
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I was living in a shared house a few years ago and had the downstairs room.

I'd left the french windows open as it was a balmy summer evening, and a fox wandered in. In my sleepy daze I thought it was someone entering the room and yelled out at the top of my voice.

Not one of my four housemates came down to see if I was ok :-/

So I guess my point is don't feel bad about it people it's just the human condition.

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