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Otta Wrote:


> Sleeping naked together would be lovely...,If we

> even got to share a bed!

Theres a reason why no one should ever sit on our sofas at home without asking if they've been cleaned recently. Just sayin'.

1. Def try to ditch any hormonal birth controls. I'm amazed how much more aware of my er...changing 'moods' through the month now.

2. Try to go away for a weekend without the kids - beg, bribe whatever but find a way!

3. Try to establish a sleepover deal with other parents - 9 months is too soon but my 2 from 3 up

Loved having sleepovers with friends. So one Friday you have their 2 overnight, next time they have

Your 2. This is FAB as you get to have a night off / out & a lie in the next day. Also from my

Experience when I have the extra children its pretty easy as they all entertain each other & if all

else fails do a big film Fri evening & park on Saturday morning.

Especially since starting school I have a few friends open to this

Type or arrangement & have even done it on a school night on the

Odd desperate occasion. Just getting ready to go out, in your own home

Without any small people trying to climb into your bath, try to help

You put your make up on, or totter round in your high heels is a joy.

4. Clearly a few negative comments about 50 Shades above - quite fair enough

But there is some good erotic fiction out there & it can help to get you into

The er...right frame of mind. Try it. Nothing ventured nothing gained!

If you have a kindle just search for erotic fiction. Otherwise I'd suggest

Amazon rather than Waterstones!!

You really do have to make a concerted effort for a while but eventually

you get there. :-)

Ruth_B wrote:

Otta Wrote:


> Sleeping naked together would be lovely...,If we

> even got to share a bed!

Theres a reason why no one should ever sit on our sofas at home without asking if they've been cleaned recently. Just sayin'.

Ha ha ha! Me too! The sofa started out being a bit more fun because of new positions etc. but now its just uncomfortable and weird because quite often the cat is asleep on the cushion next to us!

Sorry, too much information...

I am so glad I've read this thread, baby strawbs is almost 13m old and we have been out twice together.. We are the only one of our friends with a baby so whilst everyone is out getting smashed I'm happily at home on the sofa but my other half feels we should be going out more often.. I am involved lightly in a babysitting credit system and have a night owing to me, it's my 6 year wedding anniversary next month so ill probably use it then x

Oh God! The damage that having children does to our sex lives...strange when you think that this is how we got the little buggers in the first place! I hate to throw a dampener on things, but it's not just young children that torpedoes our sex lives. They start growing up, and becoming more and ore curious and take up more and more of our energies. Sorry to say this, but you are unlikely to regain anything that resembles a regular sex life until they are grown and out of the house! This has been our experience. And even now with the kids gone, we still have jobs and 1001 other things that take up our time and energies, and the only people we know having regular sex lives are our as yet child-free kids. And now that their children have come along, and we are on their doorsteps, we are doing the grandparent thing throughout the week and at weekends and and that is it for us....

As for 50 Shades...took it on holiday to Morocco this year, (just hubby and myself, for once) all three volumes, and ended up wishing that I had brought along my copy of Boccaccio's Decameron instead...utter drivel, seriously badly written (and this is after the editors had done their best with it), annoying protagonist and a seriously warped man who needed some serious counselling ...and no, it didn't spice up our holiday!

Good thread, sometimes easier to talk about this topic on a thread and not face to face :-)

Good ideas, like the sleeping naked together and also think buying some nice underwear/lingerie helps a lot. My friend recently came to visit (no children but married) and she told me she just spent 300 quid on sexy lingerie! I never spend a lot on nice underwear but i think it def helps to feel sexy and get you in the mood. Although re: the agreement on how many times, think if i asked my husband how often he wanted to have sex he would say every night!! Im quite lazy when it comes to wanting to do anything as i always feel tired (and im the same with exercise) but it really is about fitting it into your routine and not seeing it as a chore. My kids are older now and it has def become more and more regular.(oooh ahh!) It also helps to have date night/dinner together a few times a week, keep the romance alive and changing into something nice.

midivydale Wrote:


> This thread has given me a much needed laugh. My

> partner and I have had one hour off together since

> DS was born in March.

> We went to Sainsburys! Who said romance is dead:)

On our anniversary a few weeks back we went to Westfield with the intention of buying some nice things for my wife.

Instead we spent about an hour and a half in Primark getting shed loads of kids stuff. Then we had to get back for the kids.

Oh Otta, you and Mrs Otta are proper bonafide romantics. It's like something from a Jackie Collins novel, truely.

When my eldest was 10mo old, me and Mr B went away overnight after getting some mega amazing deal at Shoreditch House. Brilliant location, we decided we'd go up to Brick Lane for a curry then a spot of (trendy) bar crawling.

we managed Brick Lane, then went back to the Hotel. "Lets go out later, say 9:30, 10pm...we've got THE WHOLE NIGHT!" we thought. Instead, we watched 3/4 of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and fell asleep. I woke up at 7:15am, looking like Pammie because I'd missed 2x breastfeeds and didn't think it's be an issue (idiot). I ended up hand expressing in the shower and wailing.

Good hotel breakfast though.

BEAT THAT for Sexy Getaway antics!

Dunno about anyone else but seriously, after a day with 2 small ones clambering over me and mauling me pretty much all day, once they've gone to bed I just want to be left alone....

Date nights good though. We are lucky to have local-ish parents. Have even managed a night away for a wedding!

i there everyone.

i agree with the sleeping naked together or knickers and vest in case wondering children pop in.its about loving not just sex,bam thank you mam.lol

i have had 5 ceasarians and resumed my sex life by about 10-12 weeks. i love to lie behind my husband and cuddle,rubbing legs...no socks or prickly legs..total put off or laugh it off..joke with each other. don't be so harsh on each other.if tired snuggle up together on the sofa,not seperatly in the corner with a glass of wine and your fifty shades of make believe..enjoy laugh a little,cry a little.good for the soul..xxxxx

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