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More fireworks!


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It is irritating when PC point scoring is brought into what should be a common sense issue. Most of us like or tolerate fireworks a few times a year, organised events are fun for family and kids and safe..... These events can be promoted so that most know when they are happening and can avoid or accept a few nights of disruption.

Some pets can be driven mad with fear by fireworks and so pet owners need to prepare and if they know when the fireworks are happening this is possible. What I object to is what feels like a stream of low level fireworks harrassment that lasts from November through to the New Year with bangs often going off out of the blue in the late evening/early hours. As I have said before, these make me jump and I hear neighbours' dogs going into cycles of barking as a result. It's the back garden firework fiends that are the culprits. I don't know what research there is on it but I hate to think what effect this has on local wildlife too.

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So I'm a fiend for letting off a couple of rockets and some sparklers in my garden on Nov 5th because my son is ASD and can't take crowds. Yeah of course. Sometime I think the EDF is run by the Fing Taliban. (excluding the lovely ADmin and Wonderful mark ofcourse)

If fact I am sure I saw a thread complaining about singing in the street on here. what next ? ban Kites on Peckham Rye?

Ok calming down.

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Sorry, I really wasn't having a go. 'Twas my sense of humour that obviously didn't come out. What I meant was we all like fireworks (therefore we all have a fiend within..me too) and I have no problem with them being let off, even in back gardens on certain nights of the year. My point is that provided we all know what those nights are and stick to them we can all cope- its the lack of forewarning that is a problem..for me anyhow.

So you letting your inner fiend out on 5th Nov is fine by me because I expect fireworks on that night. It's just about knowing in advance, that's all.

Hope that makes sense.

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People who have been living in ED as long as me (twenty years on and off) and around the Crystal Palace Road area may remember that fireworks used to be let off at midnight every week - I think it was on a Saturday night.

I never found out where they were coming from, and there wasn't an ED Forum in those days. I assumed it was from one of the local pubs.

So think yourselves lucky, people, that it's now only a relatively few nights a year :)

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