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Big Issue scammer Lordship Lane


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Beware the older woman in green garb and headscarf passing herself odd as a Big Issue seller outside Coop today. She's not wearing an official tabard and has no ID. People like her do a complete disservice to the real Big Issue sellers who are genuinely attempting to earn and honest living. http://www.bigissue.com/about-us

If you are looking to buy one check out Kelvin in front of St Chrisopther's Hospice today. Cheery bloke and polite too.

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TopTree Wrote:


> Before giving ? Please ask - are you on benefits

> including housing and while here ?are you looking

> for work.

No, because that's none of our business. As long as they have the appropriate I.D. then that should be enough.

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I agree with edcam. When buying a newspaper, or anything else for that matter, I wouldn't ask personal questions of the person who is selling it. I don't know why you, TopTree, think it's o.k. to be rude to a Big Issue vendor, before buying a paper from him. In any case, I don't see the point of your questions - if he/she says they are getting housing benefit, will you think you've caught them out - that they're not really homeless? Not so,they may well be living in a hostel for the homeless, paying rent. Or did you just want to point out to them that they are being subsidised by taxpayers? Or are you vetting them to confirm they are genuine Big Issue vendors, in which case, what would be the "right" answers? "Yes, while I'm standing here, I'm also looking for work?" So what exactly is your point,TopTree?
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The discussion started ? ?passing herself off as a Big Issue seller? ? If she is homeless does it matter if she has an ID ? Still needs money? Perhaps they pass the Big Issue between themselves and have a rota for the pitches and all know each other ? A good business framework. The latter I suggest is true. When you donate to a Charity, might I suggest you check the salary of the chief executive of the said Charity.
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Aren't people wandering from the point?

If she isn't an official Big issue seller, than she shouldn't say she is, even if she's needy. Would you think it was OK if someone who needed the money came to you and said they were collecting for Cancer Research, or something similar, and then pocketeted the money?

If it's the same person, I;ve seen her dropped off by car there.


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TopTree Wrote:


> Edcam ? Hope you never complain about

> cooperation?s not paying TAX then. Do you know the

> registration process of the Big Issue or do you

> know the owner and his background?

This is beside the point. Your suggestion is still patronising and out of order.

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TopTree Wrote:


> edcam 'out of order'. Have you ever done a

> voluntary homeless soup run at 3am? In fact have

> you ever done any voluntary homeless work -

> outreach/street count/Christmas Day homeless

> centre work?

Yes I have. But even if I hadn't I would still believe you to be out if order.

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KidKruger Wrote:


> Isn't there a bloke who (I believe) 'legitimately'

> sells Big Issue outside the large charity shop ?

> I'd be interested to know his view on this.


Yes. He's a really nice guy.

Presumably this other woman is taking business from him. But I'm a bit bemused, because there have been women selling the Big Issue outside the Co-Op for years.

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TopTree Wrote:


> edcam 'out of order'. Have you ever done a

> voluntary homeless soup run at 3am? In fact have

> you ever done any voluntary homeless work -

> outreach/street count/Christmas Day homeless

> centre work?

*slow handclap*

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This 'older woman in green garb and headscarf' as you so eloquently descibe her has a genuinly tragic story. Maybe ask around some of the local shops and do some homework to find out her background before pasing judgment or writing ill informed opinions on a local forum. If you don't agree with the way she presents herself then don't buy from her and stick to cheery Kelvin.
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I agree with you, it is perfectly reasonable to query it.

Describing her as a scammer without knowing anything about her or even trying to find out anything more and ust posting on here is however not reasonable.

Its an assumption.

"Offload the guilt trip somewhere else."

For heavens sake why? Are you suggesting people posting assumptions on this forum are supposed to be protected from feeling guilt?

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