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Can anyone tell me what advice bus drivers have been given as regards passengers boarding buses without wearing masks. I would also like to know how to report or complain officially about journeys on which there is widespread non compliance.

I have just had a bus journey on which a good 25% of the passengers were not even pretending to wear a mask. It didn't feel safe and unless there is active enforcement or the offenders catch the virus and get ill or infect their loved ones I don't see their behaviour changing.

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TBH Its pretty pointless complaining-My understanding is that bus drivers have been told NOT to confront non mask wearers for safety reasons (The drivers safety that is- a driver was murdered in france for telling a passenger he couldn't board without a mask).

I have written to TFL and Southern Rail about people not complying to the MANDATORY wearing of masks on busses, trains and underground and I got a platitude standard response.

As an example I took the Jubilee line today to and from work, both trains were packed, standing room only no chance to social distance and about 15-20% of people in the carriage weren't wearing masks another 20% wearing them below their noses.

My most delightful experience was on the Overground a couple of days ago where someone actually pulled down his mask to cough several times!

Unless more enforcement officers were put taken on (no money for that) or they had 'mask enforcers' on each carriage and every bus (not possible) I'm afraid for people like me with Asthma who HAVE to use public transport to get to and from work every day its a game of russian roulette.

I?ve only taken the bus a couple of times - walking if I can.

I?ve not heard an announcement about wearing masks while on the bus. There are announcements for other things. Is it worth suggesting this, maybe checking t see if Passenger Watch etc have any advice if you are going to contact TfL / a travel operator.

Its deeply depressing seeing so many people not taking this seriously.

I tried to walk to work one day but its 8 miles and I was so knackered when I got in the idea of standing for 8 hours on the shop floor made me want to burst into tears.

Some people are just selfish and thoughtless and dont care about protecting others (who may have underlying health conditions)from Covid.

Many of us HAVE to work we have to use to use public transport because we are not in jobs where we can work from home

these are the lower paid roles, Cleaners, shop workers,resturant workers.

I wish London wasn't so full of selfish idiots and complacent travel companies but it is and we all have to live with the consequences

Yes there are some who are selfish but there are also those who don?t wear a mask because they forget or haven?t noticed it slipped and isn?t covering their nose.

I had to remind my husband on the bus that he needed to keep his mask on for the bus journey. Other than shopping we?ve only once been to a restaurant where you keep your mask on until you sit down so he?d put it down when we sat down on the bus. He put it back on when reminded. I also volunteer at the Community Fridge at the Albrighton Centre. There are signs to say face coverings should be worn in the building but people need reminding as they come in or asking to cover there noses when masks slip. I?ve seen hundreds of reminders and only two bad responses.

If you feel it appropriate ask someone to put on a mask / cover their nose. If not lead by example - I make a point of stopping to put my mask on before going into a building or cleaning down my table after use if that?s the measure somewhere I sit in. Maybe someone didn?t realise and will do it next time. Maybe that?s a bit naive but I know it?s not always been clear to me what to do so I?m sure that?s the case for others.

IlonaM Wrote:


> My experience on the P13 was similar - people

> walking past driver with mask on properly, sitting

> down and pulling mask down around chin to make

> phonecalls. Unimpressed.

Yes and the small space on the bus could then be filled with infection putting everyone at risk. I think it's ignorance because these people have not watched videos of what happens when you cough or sneeze or even breathe out and the air gets filled with virus particles...should have been shown on tv etc billboards, as soon as mask wearing was made compulsory.

You are most likely in this scenario to pick up the virus by touching something that has been contaminated by droplets - so it is key not to touch your face (or mask) until you have been able to either wash your hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser - now much more available than at lock-down. You are less likely, frankly to be directly contaminated by aerosol spray, particularly if you are not that close to the one not wearing a mask. It is the one not wearing a mask that got off out of your seat the stop before you joined the bus that is your most likely contaminator.

And that is a very good point Seenbeen. People do not understand that masks trap the saliva we exhale. Why does that help? Because saliva particles can hold hundreds of viral particles, and viral load can affect how ill a person gets. This is why front line nurses and doctors are particularly susceptible. This has been understood for a hundred years at least.

But it is also true to say, that it is the natural reaction of a person to fiddle with their mask, so there has to be a certain level of retraining ourselves to do this in ways that are effective. There is also one study that now suggests that wearing masks helps immunity too. Placing a barrier between airborne particles works. That is all a mask is, and that is the message that needs to be hammered home.

Otto2 Wrote:


> This article should be passed to out anyone

> without a mask on the bus really...


> https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/sep/15/bu

> s-drivers-were-forced-to-play-russian-roulette-the

> -shocking-truth-about-the-death-of-mervyn-kennedy


Such a damn waste of a life.

Problem is the people not wearing masks truly often do not care about other people-unless someone in their orbit gets touched by this terrible virus they see it as 'no big deal' or 'I'm young I'm ok" forgetting that yes they may be ok but they could kill their mother or grandparent (or someone else's) by passing the virus on.

I have in the past asked commuters to cover their noses with their masks or put their mask on not wear it like a chinstrap-some reluctantly comply but others have ignored me or just stated they dont want to.

I am a slight older woman (60's) and I really dont want to find myself being attacked over this so I've largely tried to ignore it and shut up-This decision has come after a woman sat down next to me on the tube and promptly dropped her mask to her chin-when I asked her to lift it up she started cursing at me and spent the next two stops (when another seat became available and I moved) jabbing me really hard in my side with her elbow.

No one has ever supported me when I've confronted someone on the train and so I've decide for my own safety to put up and shut up (except for on a forum like this!)

I'm afraid this health crisis has given a whole new range of aggressive actions to the natural bullies around us. What is being reported here isn't just about thoughtlessness and stupidity. It is allowing the spiteful and aggressive a new portfolio of unpleasantness.

Obviously in these instances of 'aggressive' non mask-wearing; but additionally I'm afraid in the opportunities for those who would have relished a life in East Germany with the Stasi to report others to the authorities for 'transgressions'.

Covid-19 will help find the nastiest traits - sadly thus more than compensating for all the good that it also created (people shopping for others etc.)

NewWave, just for future reference, if someone is jabbing you with their elbow, that is assault. All buses have cameras, so do not be afraid to report someone assaulting you to the driver. At the very least, a driver can ask someone to leave the bus. Easier said than done if you feel bullied I know, but if we do nothing to challenge inconsiderate (or worse) behaviour, then nothing will change.
In a closed space the other key thing is ventilation. If we are all wearing warm outdoor clothing on the bus then the windows should be open. Also virus particles will be on the hand rails and the seats so people should be educated NOT to touch anything they do not need to. Bus drivers should be instructed to be more patient about stopping and starting at the bus stops so that people can get off and on without having to lunge for a pole.

I took the 185 from Kings to ED today.

A young woman got on and sat near me, she wasn't wearing a mask.

I said " I have a spare mask, would you like it?" I also told her I had used hand sanitiser.

She said thank you and wore it for the rest of the journey.

Lets try to be kind to each other when we can.

Jacqui5254 Wrote:


> I took the 185 from Kings to ED today.


> A young woman got on and sat near me, she wasn't

> wearing a mask.


> I said " I have a spare mask, would you like it?"

> I also told her I had used hand sanitiser.


> She said thank you and wore it for the rest of

> the journey.



> Lets try to be kind to each other when we can.


Blah Blah Wrote:


> NewWave, just for future reference, if someone is

> jabbing you with their elbow, that is assault. All

> buses have cameras, so do not be afraid to report

> someone assaulting you to the driver. At the very

> least, a driver can ask someone to leave the bus.

> Easier said than done if you feel bullied I know,

> but if we do nothing to challenge inconsiderate

> (or worse) behaviour, then nothing will change.

Thank you.

This was actually on a tube train so there was no-one to report it to...As you correctly state when someone bullies you it makes you feel pretty powerless.

Good on you Jacqui5254

The negative aspects do get more publicity than the positive ones. Yes there are aggressive people but that?s human nature. Most people are reasonable from what I see.

If you feel it appropriate ask someone to put on a mask / cover their nose. I?m not always comfortable asking outright. If not you could lead by example. If you are with someone else at the bus stop who you know is reasonable say ?Masks on? as you see the bus approach and maybe someone who might have left it round their neck will pull it up or while waiting for the bus chat about seeing an article that bus drivers have died / people travelling on buses but not covering their noses and mouths are inadvertently spreading the virus or another message you think people need to hear. Someone might think about it later, and there are so many articles, Facebook posts its unlikely you?ll be asked for specifics.

Maybe this is a bit naive but those who want to do the right thing might. There is no point trying with some people but the person on the 185 might have just forgotten their mask on the way out that day or might not have thought to take one but will in future and might have mentioned the act of kindness to friends who are now wearing masks / carrying extras.

The report on possible extra national restrictions could be a good talking point - if more people had worn masks / social distanced these might not have had to be considered / I hope they?re not necessary but can see they might be the only way given people aren?t following guidance to date.

Distressing example of how some people react reported in the Independent today -

'NHS worker knocked out and stamped on after moving away from man without mask

Victim, 63, was repeatedly punched to the floor during unprovoked attack on London bus' (north London)


Just be polite and use short sentences ? Please wear a face covering because it?s compulsory. It?s for everyone?s benefit.

I?ve asked three people on buses to do so and all complied. One was unmasked due to his talking on the phone during which he said he worked at a hospital!

If you?re fave caf? or shop isn?t being serious about the rules, talk to the owner, manager etc. It?s a bit awkward for some people but awkwardness isn?t a vaccine against Covid.

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