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Development Lordship Lane

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A planning application has been lodged to create a massive development on Lordship Lane - turning a two storey house and garages into nine flats. The development will near the corner of Lordship Lane and Heber Road - the houses on Landcroft road might want to have a look.

Application is for - Demolition of existing buildings (Class B1), and redevelopment to provide a two storey building with set back attic storey to provide 9 flats (1 x 3-bed and 8 x 2-bed) (Class C3 residential) with associated parking, cycle storage, landscaping, amenity space and sustainability features, including photovoltaic panels at roof level.

This consultation period is up until the end of this month.

Here are the details in case anyone wants to check them out!


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265 Lordship Lane was the head office of my employer in 1945 Greenaway & Son Ltd, I know it very well as I also live a few houses close by.

The house is one up from Heber Road.

A point that stares me in the face is that nine flats have to share a total of four parking spaces.

This has a drive in from Lordship Lane, on the inner bend, vehicles speed up here to get up the hill and a driver might not be aware of a vehicle using the entrance.

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computedshorty Wrote:


> This has a drive in from Lordship Lane, on the

> inner bend, vehicles speed up here to get up the

> hill and a driver might not be aware of a vehicle

> using the entrance.

That's no different from the other junctions along that stretch of road.

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I live near this and we were made aware about 6 months ago. The proposal is actually not to imposing, as there is a lot of land around the building to play with. I won't be objecting, as it will be a continued improvement to the lane.
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More recently, 265 Lordship Lane used to be the headquarters of D.B. Services, a cleaning company. I used to work in the office, telemarketing part time, to supplement my income while setting up a business. I see that the company has expanded beyond all recognition, now having offices elsewhere with many area managers.

In my day, there was a maximum of aboout 10 office staff - seems incredible that there are now going to be 9 flats on the site!

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Computershorty's comments on traffic are relevant: I live near here but no longer use the Lordship Lane junctions with either Heber or Goodrich roads as visibility is just too poor given the bends and parked cars. I wouldn't like to live there and have to do it regularly.

I note the Acorn report also suggests that the Fred Francis Centre is also likely to be redeveloped soon into residential accommodation.

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KalamityKel Wrote:


> computedshorty Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > This has a drive in from Lordship Lane, on the

> > inner bend, vehicles speed up here to get up

> the

> > hill and a driver might not be aware of a

> vehicle

> > using the entrance.


> That's no different from the other junctions along

> that stretch of road.

It's not driving in that's the potential problem, it's driving out. Turning right from Goodrich and Heber onto LL is always a nightmare because of parked cars on southbound lane partially obscuring view.

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Have you taken into account that four vehicles can park in the new car park, others that will enter there is no room to turn around so those vehicles will have to back out into Lordship Lane blind because of parked vehicle outside parked in Lordship Lane look on Google to see how many vehicles park outside daily. The Fred Francis Centre do not take their vans into the back compound until evening.

There is a Bus Shelter directly outside imagine several people standing there waiting for a bus, giving no view past them down the pavement to see oncoming vehicles.

There will be 9 flats with a total of 19 bed rooms, each of these could be a double, added up will make 38 residents each owning a car, WHERE WILL THEY GO? In the nearby roads!

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Agree comPutedshorty.i live very nearby and rarely get to park near my house as lots of people park to commute as the bus stop is so nearby.it is an absolute nightmare when I go anywhere with my lo as if there is anything I need to carry to/from the car I have to run as need to put baby down to carry things. I will be objecting unless they can sort more parking it's going to make life even harder for us parking wise-I'm contemplating applying for residents parking just to get a space!
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It is not necessarily the case that all the new residents will have cars...it will probably attract young professionals who will stay for a couple of years until moving on. In then block where I live every flat has an allocated space but only half of them are ever used.
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