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Tomato Sauce vandals


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Seems to be a new game on Lordship Lane today as my OH has just returned from the bus stop having been attacked with considerable amounts of tomato sauce squirted from a moving car. He was too busy trying to work out what they had done to take down any details but has had to have a complete change of clothes before he can venture back out to the bus stop and head into town.
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uncleglen Wrote:


> There was a spate of egg dropping from buses onto

> car windscreens at one time

And chucking them at pedestrians and cyclists. I know at least one of the perpetrators was a young person, just out of school, with a job behind the tills at a Camberwell supermarket, access to as much out-of-date stock as they could carry and no ideas what else to do with it. They found out fairly quickly that (a) supermarket uniforms aren't cloaks of invisibility and (b) the cameras on the buses aren't just for show.

Eggs weren't nice, but they were better than the rocks, bottles, fireworks or used nappies I've had chucked at me since. Tomato ketchup sounds a comparative luxury, but I don't suppose that's helpful. The only consolation is that the more it happens, the less you take it personally.

The best obstacles are imaginary. There's one where two groups of kids stand on opposite sides of the road and, as a cyclist approaches, pulls on an imaginary rope. I've only seen it done the once, on Camberwell Grove, where I fell victim with the appropriate lack of grace and a lot of swearing. As a trick, it's brilliantly minimal, but dangerously effective.

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at the Crystal Rd end of Lordship Lane, no CCTV, James.

And whilst it's hardly the crime of the century and I love all the saucey comments, forking out for dry cleaning and being late for a meeting wasn't what OH had planned when he went to get the bus.

I agree it was an improvement on eggs thoug, and better than the canned spaghetti (minus cans) that adorned a few cars around here the other night!

Some people obviuosly have enough money to throw food around.

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