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That's not what I said, and if that's how it sounds, then I apologise.

I don't remotely think that you're a paedophile, I just think that you really don't like women at all. Whatever the topic, you never let an opportunity pass to belittle and ridicule, trying to bait me in the process - a 40 year old man taking to the internet to make 12 year old girls the target of his mockery is pathetic.

Whichever woman / women wronged you to make you this way, it sounds like therapy could help.

You can't talk about teenage girls dating older men without reference to their perceptions of their maturity, and you can't refer to their perceptions of maturity without talking about the moment when they cease to muck in with the boys and instead start flouncing around self-importantly.

Germaine Greer believed that women were victims of their biology, and were conditioned into behaving certain ways because of it. I was hypothecating that young girls could get a distorted view of their maturity because of basic biology - and that this could drive them into inappropriate relationships within which they would, as Greer said, be taught to hate themselves.

I tried to do it in a slightly humorous fashion, that's not mockery, but I can see how highly sensitised people may decide that it is.

Taking the piss out of people isn't hatred, and making jokes about sex isn't a mask for evil thoughts.

How you leap from there to misogyny I have no idea.

RosieH Wrote:


> That's not what I said, and if that's how it

> sounds, then I apologise.


> I don't remotely think that you're a paedophile, I

> just think that you really don't like women at

> all. Whatever the topic, you never let an

> opportunity pass to belittle and ridicule, trying

> to bait me in the process - a 40 year old man

> taking to the internet to make 12 year old girls

> the target of his mockery is pathetic.


> Whichever woman / women wronged you to make you

> this way, it sounds like therapy could help.

Blimey - what a load of patronising claptrap. You seem to be strangely fascinated by H...

As a young teen, looking for thrills, I would often leaf through the Woman's Weekly to the problem page at the back ("Mary Marryat Advises"). There's a quote from there which for reason, stuck in my mind. It went something like:

"Boys play at love, when what they really want is sex - for which they are not ready; girls play at sex, when what they really want is love - for which they are not ready".

Incidentally there was very little masturbatory material to be found within the pages of Woman's Weekly - and it would be a full year before I was allowed to access the school pornography collection (which was hidden inside the highest canoe hanging hanging on the walls in the changing rooms).

Voyageur Wrote:


> Blimey - what a load of patronising claptrap. You

> seem to be strangely fascinated by H...

Voyageur, you don't know what you're talking about. Huguenot name checked me on this thread - I had posted, without any reference to him whatsoever - and it's not the first time. I trust he will desist in the future - he and I have a long history of going back and forth on any subject pertaining to (or that he can make pertain to) women's issues.

I find his opinions of women odious and I have nothing more to say on the subject.

If you read the full post H says that young men and young women are equally stupid as the starting point...

Huguenot Wrote:


> Dear God RosieH, your peculiar conviction that you

> can't discuss menses without being dirty and

> criminal makes you sound like someone who needs

> therapy.


> Do you seriously think it's okay to call me a

> paedophile? You've lost the plot.

RosieH Wrote:


> Voyageur Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > Blimey - what a load of patronising claptrap.

> You

> > seem to be strangely fascinated by H...


> Voyageur, you don't know what you're talking

> about. Huguenot name checked me on this thread -

> I had posted, without any reference to him

> whatsoever - and it's not the first time. I trust

> he will desist in the future - he and I have a

> long history of going back and forth on any

> subject pertaining to (or that he can make pertain

> to) women's issues.

Well how tedious...

> I find his opinions of women odious and I have

> nothing more to say on the subject.

Good :)

Otta Wrote:


> I don't think she intended to compare him to JS,

> it just didn't read as she probably heard it in

> her head.


> That happens to me sometimes anyway.

Yes, that. I apologise unreservedly to Huguenot for appearing to liken him to a paedophile. That wasn't what I meant at all, and the thought would never occur to me. Clearly I expressed myself badly.

I'm sorry you don't follow my arguments Jah, but I can assure you that I never set out to wind anyone up. I can get embroiled in tit for tat digs as a follow up, but that's another issue entirely.

In this case RosieH was name checked because I knew she would jump down my throat for referencing a well known feminist who believed that gender issues were far more complex than simply 'women good, men bad'.

In the end I was right, although I failed to predict the ridiculous ball of fury that would culminate in me being compared with a paedophile for pointing out the impact that physical changes have on women's perceptions of their own maturity, and hence their choice of boyfriends.

To imagine or propose that this means that I wish to exploit or cause violence upon women, or even that I believe that women are not victims of violence is to make an enormous leap of unpleasant and vindictive fabrication that I was shocked to hear if from RosieH and unimpressed by your own playground follow up.

I'm sorry but it's absolute bs to say that we females use getting our periods as a way to justify feeling as though we're more mature than boys. I didn't make the link between procreation and periods at all- I was 12 ffs! 12 year olds DO NOT go around thinking ooh I can have a baby now! I didn't feel any more mature than a growth spurt makes you feel more mature! At that age you just know that it's just a part of life that you know will happen to you as a female, albeit a really annoying, painful part of life that you dread every month, or every two-3 weeks in my case!

womanofdulwich Wrote:


> I never wanted to be a man until I had my first

> period and realised that was it for the next 40

> years. They are the WORST thing we have to put up-

> infact the main up side to being pregnant and

> breast feeding was absense of periods.Hmmmph.

Interesting how we all differ. Periods absolutely haven't been the worst aspect of my life - they are an inconvenience, but have almost never been painful. Mind you, the Mirena Coil has all but banished my monthlies and I am certainly not complaining!

Maybe emotionally? Though not all are. My brother is extremely level headed and emotionally mature- although he does have 4 older sisters and lives with his Mum!

I think girls often look older than their male counterparts, as their bodies tend to develop earlier than boys which then attracts much unwanted attention from men old enough to be their fathers- I had it myself and it made me feel sick. Not that that makes girls more mature than boys at all, maybe makes girls think they're more mature than boys- perhaps that's what H was really getting at.

Huguenot Wrote:


> In the end I was right, although I failed to

> predict the ridiculous ball of fury that would

> culminate in me being compared with a paedophile

> for pointing out the impact that physical changes

> have on women's perceptions of their own maturity,

> and hence their choice of boyfriends.

Ok Huguenot, so just to clarify, I have apologised if it seemed I was suggesting you were a paedophile. Twice. What I actually meant is that your gleeful reference to pubescent girls' menstruation made you sound to me like something I don't think you are. It was weird and creepy, so I was suggesting you don't do it.

As Otta suggested, it sounded different in my head. I'd actually written a much longer reply, and then thought I couldn't be bothered with your usual bullshit. So I deleted most of it, and in so doing, clearly, and without realising, lost the sense of what I had written.

And for the record, I think there are lots of reasons why a middle aged man would concern himself with the periods of girls who are not yet teenagers. Here are a few, tell me if you think I'm getting warm:

1) He's a gynaecologist

2) He's an anthropologist writing about puberty and its rituals around the world

3) He's a marketeer, pitching for "first-time" femcare

4) He's a father of a young girl going through puberty and wants to be supportive and understanding

5) He has such a hard-on for his women's-issues-are-bullshit agenda that he considers even twelve year old girls fair game

Alan, as for why girls are considered more mature, if you look at the NHS website, it states that girls hit puberty slightly earlier and reach full sexual maturity earlier. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Puberty/Pages/Introduction.aspx

RosieH Wrote:


> Alan, as for why girls are considered more mature,

> if you look at the NHS website, it states that

> girls hit puberty slightly earlier and reach full

> sexual maturity earlier.

This is basically what I personally took from Huguenot's initial post. However, I do think hr was making some mischief in name checking RosieH.

Rosie clearly apologied for the perceived meaning of her response, but as usual people either didn't get it, or decided to shit stir.

H should have left it there, but then where would the drama be.

God bless the EDF.

NOTHING TO SEE!!! (But annoyingly captivating)

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