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Missing packets in mail?

Chase Dulwit

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Has anyone had any small, interesting looking packets not turn up in the mail recently?

A couple of weeks ago I had to persuade my provider of e-cigarette refills that I had not received their packet. They sent a replacement eventually (I almost had to go back on real fags), but when the replacement arrived I noticed it had a return sticker on it featuring an 'E-cig' reference in the company details. The packet would have been small enough to pocket easily.

Similarly, I was expecting a small tool kit for mobile phone repairs this week and paid extra for 1st class. Nothing has arrived and I suspect that it will be of similar size, probably with some reference to mobile phones on it. Tempting!

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Always worth popping to the SE22 delivery office to ask if there's a parcel there for you. A month or so back, I thought an Amazon delivery had gone missing. But when I asked at the delivery office, it was there. The guy behind the counter apologised and rolled his eyes when he found it... I think they've had incidents where some staff just haven't popped a delivery card through the door.

Of-course, theft is also always a possibility, but worth checking at the delivery office to confirm whether a simpler mistake has just been made.

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alachlan Wrote:


> Nothing missing yet but the idiot postperson left

> a package that wouldn't fit through the letterbox

> propped up next to our door. Maybe you have a

> similarly lazy deliverer - I'm surprised it was

> still there when we got home.

I have also had this recently. I think it's partly because the post rounds have changed. When I went into the sorting office to check if my missing birthday present turned up there I was told I now have a better postie since the route change. Since finding 2 parcels leaning against the door I'm not convinced. I live on Lordship Lane so not a suitable place to leave a parcel out on display! The man at the sorting office was very helpful so I'm going to go back to speak to him.

To whoever took my birthday present; please give it back.

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Our post woman is the most miserable person I've ever encountered. She does Lytcott Grove and surrounding streets. When she post the mail through the door it sounds like she's kicking the door off, and when she has to actually knock for a signature it's impossible to get a smile or a "good morning " from her. I think it's safe to say she hates her job.
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If your missing post and your name is Lindsey chamberlain then I have your missing post (or at least 3 items of post!). Have posted message previously. Its been poSted to the address written on the envelope but the postcode is for a different end of the street. If the don't have any luck via here then I'll return to royal mail noting not known at this address.
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SE22 office are having to use Casual(Agency)People on deliveries due to 3 Staff on light duties and unfilled vacancies. Also because Posties only work 5 days a week, out of 6,every walk will have someone who will not be the regular person, at least one day each week. Mistakes are likely to happen on any walk. But if mail is going missing, well thats a different matter altogether......
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I have received the wrong post on occasion. It's a bit of a pain as it's the same number but different road. We have always posted the letters to the correct address (it has always been a local address) because we would like to think someone would do the same should it happen to us. However, I'm sure people don't because, well it isn't their job to. I wonder how much of my mail has gone missing as a result?
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I'm sure it's no consolation whatsoever, but in a previous incarnation I used to work for Royal Mail (not as a postie!) and I still receive Courier, their staff newsletter.

There have been several articles in it recently about various aspects of delivery staff not doing their jobs properly, plus details of posties who have been prosecuted/imprisoned for theft from the mail, presumably as a warning ......

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This isn't just happening in East Dulwich, over in New Cross I've had one parcel left propped against my front door and another one which the postie attempted to 'hide' under the door mat - but I could see the door mat sticking up a mile away. You're not alone.
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We've had some fun with the post too of late. There was the one left outside the door, for all to see (and steal), there was the card put through the door, which, when I took it to the sorting office, but it had no house number on (apparently a new postie who hadn't quite got to grips with things and had been doing that a lot), and just the other day the classic - my husband heard a van pull up outside and so went downstairs expecting a doorbell to be rung in one of the flats in our block, to see the postie walk up to the door and go to put the card through the letterbox, without even bothering to ring any of the doorbells first (just as I've always suspected!). Hubby opened the door up, and he did at least have the grace to look slightly embarrassed.
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This issue is so frustrating!

Internet shopping is so handy but the stress when things don't arrive is again putting me off.

Used to have issues with parcels going missing/no Royal Mail delivery notes received/parcels being dumped in my block of flats for anyone to help themselves to etc then no issues for a while, however recently it's gone wrong again!

We were off on holiday and would be arriving back day before my son's birthday so to be organised I ordered his presents on Amazon (in advance) and none of them turned up (before our holiday or during it) despite them being shipped by Amazon really quickly after they were ordered.

I called Sylvester Road (on Amazon's request).....was told 'if you aint got a slip from us love, it aint 'ere'! So that wasn't very helpful at all!

I had to dash through Argos to empty them of Lego before they shut...so there were no tears on the big day!

I asked Amazon for a full refund and will write to Royal Mail!


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I find turning up at Sylvester Road to be far more effective. The "if you aint got a slip from us love, it aint 'ere" message is nonsense, and in-person they begrudgingly acknowledge that some staff don't put delivery notes through. Press that point with them next time, if they try the same line. Tell them that they KNOW this happens, and to go and bl**dy well check anyway. This is where being there (politely) in person tends to have the edge.
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I have generally found the counter staff at Sylvester Road to be very helpful and nice, they know that sometimes the posties (particularly reliefs) don't do exactly what they are meant to, and they have always been prepared to look for a package which I have expected but which hasn't arrived.

Mind you, I have been going there for more than 20 years, so they do know me - when working full-time I was never there to sign for anything or accept bulky deliveries, so always picking stuff up.

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I ordered something from Ebay a while ago and it didn't arrive for weeks, I eventually went to Sylvester road and they had it there, though they hadn't put a delivery note through my door, they said the reason the package hadn't been posted was the envelope was damaged so they weren't sure which address it was supposed to go to though it was still clearly readable. Very odd.

We also had a Love Film go missing this week.

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I had a couple of magazines due last week, never turned up. Contacted the distributors who say they were definitely sent out. New postie on our round says there definitely isn't anything left on the shelves in the sorting office. Who knows? Had a similar thing happen a year or so ago - when you know a magazine comes out each week/month, you can be sure it hasn't been delivered. What worries me is all the post that I don't know about that never made it. Like my premium bond jackpot, maybe.
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I had two copies of a political weekly that didn't arrive (in adjacent weeks) - although the replacement ones sent out after I complained did. I discussed this with the weekly itself, who said they would institute a 'watch' on the despatch process as regards my copy - since then everything has arrived on time as before - so this may not be a postie problem.
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