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Hi there

Archdale Road isn't closed on a Saturday, it's just that North Cross Road is blocked at the junction with Lordship Lane, so you'd have to approach from a different road (Frogley Road if you're coming off Lordship Lane). It will be very busy from 9.30am ish onwards & if you double park, it's quite likely that you'll get a ticket. Best to try and leave your car/a friend's car there from the day/evening before and then move it when the lorry arrives. Both Archdale and Nutfield are open to traffic - from Nutfield down to the Palmerston the road is closed to traffic until late afternoon.

I hope that helps, PM me if you have any questions & welcome to Archdale Road!

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> If you give enough notice Southwark will restrict

> parking.

When we moved here (not on a Saturday) we asked the council about reserving a space for the lorry, but they told us that they cant do anything on streets where parking is unrestricted.

We took their advice and "bagged" the necessary space by using our own car, a couple of traffic cones, and the wheelie bins.

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EPB Wrote:


> When we moved here (not on a Saturday) we asked

> the council about reserving a space for the lorry,

> but they told us that they cant do anything on

> streets where parking is unrestricted.

> We took their advice and "bagged" the necessary

> space by using our own car, a couple of traffic

> cones, and the wheelie bins.

Yes, I had the same experience. Funny how they seem to be able to restrict parking without any problem when it suits them (road resurfacing, tree lopping etc) - they say they can't, but what they really mean is won't. Fortunately what with a bit of bin placement and accommodating neighbours who moved cars for me I was ok.

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Oh, I forgot to mention the lovely neighbours who moved their cars for us!

We tucked a message under the windscreen wipers of a couple of cars, asking them to ring us if they were going to move their cars so that we could put a wheelie bin in the space. And both of them did - a lovely welcome to the area!

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