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After the recent jubilations this summer its clear their are too many people in the U,K

There must be a complete stop to migration and illegal immigrants now the strain on the system has compremised the standard of living.

When did migration turn into invasion?

Lets have the troll hunters, and bigot witch hunters first to answer LoL

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Why is it clear that there are too many people? What happened after the summer jubilations that I missed?

Tarot Wrote:


> After the recent jubilations this summer its clear

> their are too many people in the U,K

> There must be a complete stop to migration and

> illegal immigrants now the strain on the system

> has compremised the standard of living.

> When did migration turn into invasion?

> Lets have the troll hunters, and bigot witch

> hunters first to answer LoL

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I wouldn't worry about it too much LM, tarot has form on this.

S/he isn't all there and has a very short memory compounded by a severely limited attention span.

Every now and then some trigger sets off tarot on this bizarre immigration tirade not unlike a demented dog barking like a broken record out in the back yard.

The's no way to persuade tarot rationally, and even if you do make some headway tarot will kick off again a few weeks later repeating all the same stupid claims previously put to rest.

In the empty ping pong ball that is tarot's consciousness, everything that creates anxiety is caused by foreigners.

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Tarot Wrote:


> After the recent jubilations this summer its clear

> their are too many people in the U,K

> There must be a complete stop to migration and

> illegal immigrants now the strain on the system

> has compremised the standard of living.

Well, the very nature of illegal immigration is that it is, well, illegal and therefore difficult to control. So I'm afraid I don't have any help to offer there.

As for migration/overpopulation within the UK... why not pay people to emigrate? After all, if over their lifetimes' legal residents (whether immigrants or natives) are costing the system so much money, then offer them financial incentive to push off to the colonies. NZ looks nice. Gimme ?8000 and I'm out the door, Husband and Daughter in tow. Seeeeee ya later.

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Ah, I see. Thx!

Huguenot Wrote:


> I wouldn't worry about it too much LM, tarot has

> form on this.


> S/he isn't all there and has a very short memory

> compounded by a severely limited attention span.


> Every now and then some trigger sets off tarot on

> this bizarre immigration tirade not unlike a

> demented dog barking like a broken record out in

> the back yard.


> The's no way to persuade tarot rationally, and

> even if you do make some headway tarot will kick

> off again a few weeks later repeating all the same

> stupid claims previously put to rest.


> In the empty ping pong ball that is tarot's

> consciousness, everything that creates anxiety is

> caused by foreigners.

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We are part of the EU I am not sure how you intend to stop migration, although I do believe it needs to be more tightened up as there a few that take the piss out of our Health services ie health tourist.

I think if you are coming to live in Britain from any where and you are not a refugee then you should be able to support yourself and I strongly feel there should be a health check regardless there seem to be a rise of TB, Whooping Cough, which I thought was eradicated a centuries ago.

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