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Hoorah! A realist exists in the midst! (Poetic, eh?) I think a lot of people who cry 'nanny state' either consciously or subconsciously are rebelling against self-control. They perhaps know that eating chips and gravy and drinking pernod and Cresta (*not available in all past lives*) non-stop is bad for them but they don't want to hear it. Their cry of 'nanny state' is just really another way of saying 'la la la la la la la, can't hear you'.

What a load of pyscho bollocks, I know smoking is bad for people, you dim wit, but I choose to smoke because I like it. It,s not a matter of not wanting to hear it. Fecks sake. Do you honestly think that most people aren't aware of that fact without some holier than thou arsehole telling us? As for telling us "so we can make an informed decision", I find that very patronising, and it goes back to being told by those who think they know whats best for us what i should and shouldn't do.

It is a nanny state in the sense that they keep reminding us that we shouldn't eat, smoke and drink ourselves to death, so he's right.

Unfortunately a large number of us insist on eating, smoking and drinking ourselves to death, and it costs the state a fortune to keep us alive in the face of our hedonistic mania. So naturally, the state encourages us to alter our behaviour. Personally, I think nanny should use a firmer hand.

I guess ATG you are refering to stuff like:

Having to wear a seat belt in a car

Having to wear a crash helmet on a motorbike

Smoking ban in enclosed public places

Not being allowed to beat children

Restrictions on Sunday shopping

Constant health warnings about obesity, high cholestorol, lack of exercise etc

Observing the highway code

Sending your kids to school

What else?

ATG wasn't referring to anything, as he's one of those people with seemingly strong opinions but nothing to say. As of yet. I expect 'The Song Game' takes-up too much time.

But thanks for supplying the crib sheet, Lozzy.

Playing conkers in school?

Banning Christmas?

Selling things in pounds and oz?

Bendy bananas and other such EU tabloid-manna-from-heaven?


lozzyloz Wrote:


> I guess ATG you are refering to stuff like:


> Having to wear a seat belt in a car

> Having to wear a crash helmet on a motorbike

> Smoking ban in enclosed public places

> Not being allowed to beat children

> Restrictions on Sunday shopping

> Constant health warnings about obesity, high

> cholestorol, lack of exercise etc

> Observing the highway code

> Sending your kids to school


> What else?

i'm afraid your brand of comedy and sarcasm is far too sophisticated for a poor working boy like me. Can you make a tad more simplistic and to the point? Maybe then I could appreciate your humour?

It's also the way these 'warnings' are told by journalists. Often, they are sensationalist. Sometimes they are misleading. And some of the things that are attributed to the government are actually just findings from scientists and academics. Nero

*Bob* Wrote:


> ATG wasn't referring to anything, as he's one of

> those people with seemingly strong opinions but

> nothing to say. As of yet. I expect 'The Song

> Game' takes-up too much time.


> But thanks for supplying the crib sheet, Lozzy.


> Playing conkers in school?

> Banning Christmas?

> Selling things in pounds and oz?

> Bendy bananas and other such EU

> tabloid-manna-from-heaven?


> etc

being a humble working class ignoramus, I bow to the superior brain and ability to think rationaly, that is *Bob*. Boy it must be great to be so f**king smart. Don't you know any song titles then, or are your thought processes taken up with higher things, such as thinking up ways to tell other people they are wrong? I have nothing to say, because people like you have things to say that are of such huge import that we should all take time out of our day to listen to you spout bollocks.

No - honestly as in honestly. I am capable of honesty, despite being a bit of a cock.

I just don't get it, Atila.

This isn't karaoke night, or a game of tennis, or a pie-eating contest. All there is to do is write stuff, say what you think, have other people agree or disagree blah blah. There's nothing else on offer here.

You did have something to say on the 'teenage mums' thread and I was probably 50% more on your side than most.. I don't just flick the V's at people regardless of what they say, you know.

So instead of getting defensive and instinctively telling anyone who asks you what you think to f*** off, smarta*se, why not just say what you think - and why - instead.. and see how that works-out?

Christ, I've come-on all serious.

*Bob* Wrote:


> Ahh well, sod you then, Atila.

> Consider my olive branch shoved squarely up your

> arse.


> Good luck in the song game (yawn)


Just for you *Bob*, I was at lunch and read this this which sums up my feelings on the smoking thing perfectly and the nanny state thing. As for your olive branch, I was at lunch, or do you still want to spit your dummy out because i didn't respond quickly enough for your liking?

We wouldn't need an interfering nanny state if people weren't intent on gorging themselves to death on fatty foods, drinking themselves to death on booze, driving themselves to death in fast cars or on motorbikes, smoking themselves to death on ciggies and just generally X-ing themselves to death on Y.

It's all you greedy fat loafers that are spoiling it for the rest of us. You and the wheezy sieve lunged smokers. And the speed freaks, and the alchoholics..

Show some self restraint and maybe the state might let you stay up late and watch Eurotrash.

atila the gooner Wrote:


I was at lunch, or do you still

> want to spit your dummy out because i didn't

> respond quickly enough for your liking?

Ok.. ignoring your 'magical' postings at 12.59, 13.09 and 14.06 - which I ought not to mention so as not to sully 'our fresh start'.. (*this is a lighthearted comment*)

I agree with you largely on the smoking thing (at least as far as that I think venues ought to be able to decide whether they let people smoke or not as long as they declare themselves a fagging or fag-free zone).

Why does Roger Helmer MEP need to sum-up your feelings? Do you sum-up his feelings? Is it a mutual thing?

All I'm saying is that we often hear 'the nanny state' cited as fact (as you did.. and others will, I'm sure). But where does it actually impinge upon your life? What do 'they' stop you from doing which you want to do?

Reads like an article about the state of the smoking ban not the nanny state.

I can imagine a lot of people reading it and agreeing with it without a second thought.

He says:

The current ban on smoking in buildings means empty bars. Rubbish. That would mean that only smokers drink. Go to any pub/bar in ED on a Friday night and see how empty they are. Well OK the CPT.

Smokers go outside in the cold, and often the non-smokers join them rather than be left behind. I have smoking friends but I dont go outside with them. Also I find a lot of smokers smoke less and stay in the pub and be more sociable rather than standing in the wet and cold.

I believe that I have a right to fresh air, and that smokers have a right to smoke. Agreed.

In a mature society, we have to find the best balance between those rights. Agreed

One obvious solution would be to ensure that in all but the smallest catering and leisure facilities, there are clearly-marked smoking and non-smoking zones. So by enforcing this wouldn't it be a nanny state intervention? Who covers the cost of maintaining the smoke free zone stays smoke free?

Most pubs have more than one bar. Why not a non-smoking lounge and a smoking snug? Why not if the space permits?

The balance has tipped so far against the smoker that it becomes a real issue of freedom. What about the freedom of children, pregnant women, workers and other non smokers? Their health doesn't have to be harmed just because a smoker wants to damage themselves

I believe that government is right to ensure that the facts about smoking, and the harm it can cause, are well known and after that they should back off and leave us alone. Why don't we apply the same rules to Paedophiles, drunk drivers, racists etc. What bollocks.

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