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Year 5 and 6 parents- secondary schools

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I wouldn't choosea secondary primarily on results anyway - too many variables.

But it is mystifying. And frustrating. The school must be aware that there is parental concern, why don't they give a simple explanation? It must be upsetting for the children who contributed to those results, too, not to see the customary congratulations to them on their school's website. :(

Schools that are PR savvy in one situation need to be aware of the downside of not being PR savvy in other situations. A good school is creating confusion and doubt.

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Brezzo/Tiddles These are definitely the 2011 results, published initially in Jan 2012 (the date changes automatically to today's at the top of the table!). I've checked a few schools, and it's the 2011 results for all schools. Next table for all schools, 2012 results comes out in Jan 2013. Be aware that this year the autumn 2012 retake English results will count towards 2012 results rather than 2013.


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Is this http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/secondary-tables-2012/southwark-6294954.html the page you are looking at ?

If so ,it is a link giving secondary school places in league tables for 2012 . The page was created in February of this year and is based on data from 2011.

It is based on exam results from 2011 .

The league tables for 2013 will be based on results from 2012 .

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Renata Hamvas Wrote:


> Have contacted Kingsdale and waiting to hear back

> from them.

> Renata

Hi Renata, sorry to chase but wondered if you ever heard back from the school? I know it's too late to be of any use for CAF but I'm really curious to hear their response.

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Thank you Renata - I take it then that the school is not making their results public until they have to.

I suppose in the grand scheme of things this should not matter but I was told at an open day by a senior member of staff that the results will definitely be out by the end of October (ie before CAF deadline). They really should not be giving out hollow promises when they have no intention of carrying it out.

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Renata Hamvas Wrote:


> Hi Prickle,

> The results of all secondary schools will be

> published in January 2012. This will be once all

> results have been moderated (ie remark results are

> known) and also November resit results are in.

> Renata

Renata, I think you meant January 2013, didn't you?

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  • 2 months later...
I know that this comes across as Schadenfreude, but Kingsdale have been so unwilling to be transparent and their aggressive marketing has left a sour taste - they have been underhand in the past and unfortunately the truth is out that they are nowhere near as good as they pretend to be.
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Sorry replying to my own message...but would really like someone who understands details in these things to respond....I loved the school and met loads of very intelligent kids who were very happy with their teaching....Looking at the details their intake has a nearly 40% English as a second language and over 50% children from disadvantaged backgrounds...(if I've read that right on skim reading).....to compare these results with Alleyn's etc seems crazy....Don't the intake statistics suggest that the lottery admissions is keeping the school more balanced unlike some academies such as Charter? I can see there is room for academic improvement but maybe not as damning as it looks at first reading?....

Any experts out there?...

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