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Mr Administrator, I enclose wise words from wikipedia on forum netiquette

"Forum etiquette

Certain rules of unspoken etiquette are recommended to be followed when using Internet forums. They include:

* One should read all the rules and guidelines established by the community; some communities may have different regulations on a particular subject.

* One should always be courteous.

* Before creating a new topic thread, one is advised to search to see if a similar topic already exists.

* Contributors should follow standard grammar and spelling rules and avoid slang.

* If the forum is categorized, one should strive to post in the correct section.

* When making a technical inquiry, one should include as much technical information as possible, especially in the subject line.

* Contributors are asked to stay on-topic.

* Contributors should avoid double posting and Crossposting.

* To avoid appearing self-absorbed, one should respond to topics started by others more often than starting topics of their own.

* Contributors should avoid the use of all CAPITAL LETTERS in posts. All CAPS is considered "shouting" and causes readability issues.

* One is advised not to resurrect a very old topic if nothing significant will be added. This practice is known as revival or Necroing.

* One should try to refrain from lashing back at a poorly behaving member or participating in a flame war; instead, notify the messageboard's staff of the event.

* When quoting a previous post, one should only include the relevant portion of that post. Contributors are requested to keep in mind that their audience can likely still see the message they are quoting on the same screen and can read it again if need be.



"[All Caps] form of typography also appears in on-line forums. It was once an inevitable byproduct of using machines with limited support for lowercase text (such as certain dumb terminals, early Apple II models), but as full support of ASCII became standard, it became solely identified with "shouting" or attention-seeking behaviour. As a result, Netiquette generally discourages the use of all caps.

Because the use of all capital letters is considered shouting, posting a forum message entirely in all caps is often taken as a sign that the poster is a newbie or a troll. Usage of all caps is also often associated with members of the America Online service. More experienced users will sometimes jocularly use all caps in parody of such users."

  • Administrator

Thank you Mockney

This forum is a fun and informative place and we want to keep it this way. If you have an issue, deal with it on the forum or come to me directly if you're not sure or uncertain. Please don't threaten this site with legal action just because you don't like a posting because it's irratating and we're not lawyers and it confuses us. I am actually rather approachable and understanding so please do tell me you problems and if I can help I'll deal with them. Just don't play the libel card because you don't like the cut of someone's jib.

Anyway, been quite quiet on the shooting front lately hasn't it...

As a new contributor to this forum, I now know that I must not use CAPS - which, obviously Crazy Nurse did not know either. I hope all concerned have resolved their differences and that people will continue to voice their opinions without ridicule and personal attacks. So here goes, then. As a long standing resident of East Dulwich, I and my family are becoming increasingly alarmed at the level of crime in this area. We must not dismiss the fears of our fellow residents and say that they are blowing everything out of proportion etc. To do so, is an insult to those who have been the victim of such a terrifying crime. Thank you Crazy Nurse, for starting this debate.

Hello FISH, love the irony ;)

Welcome to the fold.

For my part I do understand your concerns, but* I still think you're far far better off living here than towns like Reading and Stevenage. The residents of my estate campaigned for a greater police presence, and the police pointed out that they had 20 estates in Southwark that are marked as high knife and or gun problem areas. Our nice suburban one was nowhere near the list. In fact I don't think any part of East Dulwich (though the estate is juuust over the border in SE5) featured on the list.

*someone once said that everything before the 'but' is, essentially bull***t. Wise words

Good points Fish - crime is a concern for all of us, and as a victim of a particularly violent crime myself I know how it feels afterwards. I didn't even want to go out the house for a few weeks.

However, what most people are observing is that (as you say) it's the alarm that's increasing, and not the crime. The psycholgical burden of fear (or terror) lies mainly in the perceived threat rather than the real one. There's a vast difference between the two.

Most people on this site would offer all their support and sympathy to victims of crime, and do anything that helps prevent it.

However, I do get the feeling that most people on the site feel strongly that scare-mongering and cultivating a climate of fear is not the way forward. It doesn't help any of us.

Please don't be scared, join the community, and reclaim the streets!

Just to return to the Crazy Nurse issue (and feel free to hive this off to a new thread if you think Mr Administrator).. I was in the pub with the EDF Allstars the other week when those of us that were left were harangued by a woman I could only describe as a crazy nurse - ie she was crazy and she made a point of telling us she was a nurse. Anyway she then chased me out the pub and attacked me. I wasn't fussed because it wasn't a serious assault or anything.

But if said person is the crazy nurse on this forum (and it sounds like it could be) then I'm more than happy to help anyone defend a libel suit since she is a crazy nurse. Anyway, I'm a journalist and I know a bit about such things and she's talking out the top of her hat suggesting anyone on this forum has ever libelled anyone else.

Hi Fish, pleased to meet you.

I agree with you that crime in any area is not to be dismissed easily and I think this forum does a good job of bringing it into perspective, I just think people were commenting on crazynurse's negativity and turning it into a positive. As an example I quote her (or his) first post "Whats happeing to E Dulwich????? ... soon we be another Peckham GOD FOR BID", now you have to admit that's not going to bring about a feeling of harmony but again you're right, it does bring it into discussion. And bringing it into discussion means it's open to debate and critisism. Please bring local acts of crime to the awareness of others on this forum so we can be be more vigilant but be prepared to take comments on posting that say such things as "i dreed to think the increase in crime levels" with a pinch of salt.


Dear Crazy Nurse,

Forgive me, I have just scanned through all of the other posts - there are a lot! There was an indication earlier that you were indeed a nurse, perhaps crazy, someone suggested you were aggressive and dare I say it... shouting.

Pray dear heart - are you in fact a qualified midwife?

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