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Is this the start of something new in the increasingly evening entertainment free rye lane?


Licence to open until 4AM on weekends.

Interesting addendum

Owner recently had licence to run a club in Lambeth revoked after issues and complaints ( South Beach bar)


Based on an application by the Lambeth Police Licensing Unit for a review of the South Beach Bar on the grounds that conditions/undertakings had been breached and that crime and disorder was taking place.

I have no axe to grind here, just bringing it up.

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The Peckham Area Action Plan (PNAAP) http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200315/peckham_and_nunhead is shortly to come out for a final consultation (13 September ? 4 December 2012). This is a key planning policy document about the appropriate and allowable uses of land & buildings. One of the issues to be addressed is whether Peckham town centre should have an 'evening' economy or a 'night? economy. It would be useful to have a discussion about this and clarify the case for and against a night economy.

Having seen the comments in this thread it seemed a possible place for such a discussion. What do you think?

I am in favour of discussing the plan here, but even better in the "General ED issues [...]" section of the EDF.

The PNAAP is deceptively named. If anyone cares to check the maps the PNAAP boundary includes a very large area of East Dulwich. (For example Piermont Green and Aquarius).

John K

[Edited to help Huguenot]

Good idea John K about a substantial thread in the main section on the PNAAP. Might a better time for that be when the new text is available? I am told this will be around 12 September, and I am willing to start it up when the new text appears. Before then can we share some thoughts about this business of evening v night economy in this thread? When the main thread starts we could make a link to this discussion on that topic. Would that work?

In previous consultations I have said I didn?t think it was appropriate to go for a full night economy as the residential area is so integrated with Peckham town centre. This does not mean no night time activities but I believe they need to be the exception and not the rule.

There is I have discovered a lot of loose and unclear use of language and often the work of town centre management and urban regeneration loosely say night economy when sometimes they mean 24 hours and sometimes they mean just evening. But there is a big difference. See ** below for an indication of the kinds of issues being considered under 'night' economy.

I'd be glad to know what others think about what is appropriate for Peckham town centre.


** http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264275106000448

From ?creative city? to ?no-go areas? ? The expansion of the night-time economy in British town and city centres

Marion Roberts, Central Cities Institute, University of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW15LS, UK


In a time span of 10 years, many English town centres have been transformed from being relatively deserted at night to being filled with concentrations of young drunken people out on the streets until the early hours of the morning. This paper considers this transformation: its origins, process, impacts, policy responses and the lessons that may be derived from it. The first section discusses the concept of the creative milieu and its relation to consumption. The second provides the context for the unprecedented expansion of night-time alcohol related entertainment in English town and city centres over the last decade. The third part of the paper discusses the impacts of the increase in licensed premises on cultural resources. The fourth section of the paper discusses the mutually contradictory tri-partite policy responses of the British Government as it tries to reconcile planning policies that promote ?cleaner, safer and greener? town centres with, on the one hand, free market inspired licensing policies and, on the other, ?tough? policies towards crime and anti-social behaviour. The fifth section provides evidence that by contrast, some local practice is ahead of national policy in its imaginative and integrated approach. Finally, conclusions are drawn with regard to the concept of the creative milieu. It is argued that the English experience demonstrates the need for a clear policy vision that comprehends the differences between creativity, cultural resources and the consumption of alcohol as a primary entertainment activity.

There isn't a 'main section' of the EDF, there is a section for East Dulwich issues which by legacy is listed first.

The subject you propose is about Peckham, not about ED.

If you want to keep it in the East Dulwich issues section you'll need to work pretty hard to make it an ED issue!

I don't give a fuck about the maps.

Seriously....if you want to talk about the Peckham Plan, just do it. Stop fussing about which bit of the forum it goes on and whether it also needs to include East Dulwich etc etc. Do you have any idea how anal it appears?

Just talk about the plan. Or don't. I don't care. Just stop posting endless pictures maps and boundaries.

I'm off to curl up into a ball in a hole now and rock myself to death.

oh dear

All those posts and not one about the issue I raised. Which is the thread then to attract local people who are willing to have a serious exchange of thoughts about these planning policy matters? They are relevant to this EDF because they affect many ED residents as the town centre is on their doorstep and what happens there has a big effect on their own ED neighbourhood and shopping area.

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