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Most of us probably know that there are a lot of rumours regarding the true extent of this pandemic, with numerous conflicting reports in the mainstream media and beyond.

I'm interested to hear everyone's thoughts about this, and please provide any links that would be helpful. Examples of some of the talking points which have been common throughtout:

How accurate are the stats?

Did it originate from a lab in Wuhan?

Is it man made?

Is Covid-19 just a strain of influenza?

What else, that would normally be front page news, is going on in the world that isn't being reported in the mainstream media?

Is 5g a contributing factor?

Was Event 201 (a simulation exercise carried out by Bill Gates and the WHO regarding a global coronavirus pandemic that occurred months before this virus spread) just a coincidence?

Why were there Recent legislation changes to the Control of Disease Act 1984 which came into force on the 27th April 2020, regarding mandatory isolation and vaccination?

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This kind of discussion really isn't helpful. No scientist in the world claims the virus is man made, so discussing conspiracy theories around that is pointless. Let's stick to real science and facts, and leave the insane conspiracy stuff to the various youtube channels where it seems to live.

Blah Blah Wrote:


> This kind of discussion really isn't helpful. No

> scientist in the world claims the virus is man

> made, so discussing conspiracy theories around

> that is pointless. Let's stick to real science and

> facts, and leave the insane conspiracy stuff to

> the various youtube channels where it seems to

> live.

True say

The President of the United States has come out and stated that he has seen sufficient evidence to substantiate the theory that the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. After all, there has been leaked evidence that the lab had been splicing coronavirus with HIV a few years ago.

I think you're missing the point. What are the facts? Do we blindly accept what we are told and if so, who do we listen to? We are told about the many thousands that have sadly died, but what is not attached to those numbers is the fact that if Covid is in the system it is recorded as a Covid death, regardless of whether in contributed to the cause of death. This is confirmed by the Office of National Statistics.

As for YouTube conspiracy videos, I think we can all remember how the official 9/11 narrative turned out. Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting all at that this is a conspiracy. I'm merely interested in discussing a topic that has dominated global events and affected so many livelihoods.

President Trump said that ?Because of all we?ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-conference/

He was wrong, he can be wrong. Like saying inject disinfectant. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ Just because of his position it does not mean he is automatically correct. It's a shame as it means we lose faith in one of the most influential people in the world.

Here's one straight from the Kremlin as a space filler in the Sun and as Porton Down is real close to where Novichok was found so it must be true :)


and even worse looks likes they nicked it from the Mail and its because of Brexit


"The pandemic was intentionally timed with Britain's exit from the EU to enhance its global status"

Mark Wrote:


> President Trump said that ?Because of all we?ve

> done, the risk to the American people remains very

> low."

> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/re

> marks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members

> -coronavirus-task-force-press-conference/


> He was wrong, he can be wrong. Like saying inject

> disinfectant.

> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/re

> marks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members

> -coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ Just

> because of his position it does not mean he is

> automatically correct. It's a shame as it means we

> lose faith in one of the most influential people

> in the world.

As for injecting 'disinfectant'...it does not mean shooting up bleach, or Dettol




both these treatments would entail injecting. Trump could have worded his statement a bit more clearly but he seemed to be trying to say it in layman's terms to give some succour to the American people.

There are some very good articles in Nature btw

a disinfectant is a general term for something that removes an infectant

Deaths per million of population is interesting


Did it originate from a lab in Wuhan? No, the best the CIA can come up with, as speculation, is that there is no evidence it wasn't an escape of a virus specimen from the Wuhan lab. There's no evidence, that you know of, that I'm not a nine-foot alien lizard hacking into this system from my spaceship in geosynchronous orbit over the Sahara, either

Is it man made? No

Is Covid-19 just a strain of influenza? No, it is a different type of virus, a coronavirus, related to the 'common cold' virus. The symptoms may be similar, the virus isn't

What else, that would normally be front page news, is going on in the world that isn't being reported in the mainstream media? Really?!

Is 5g a contributing factor? No

Was Event 201 (a simulation exercise carried out by Bill Gates and the WHO regarding a global coronavirus pandemic that occurred months before this virus spread) just a coincidence? Yes - but people have been speculating for years that another big pandemic is well over-due

Why were there Recent legislation changes to the Control of Disease Act 1984 which came into force on the 27th April 2020, regarding mandatory isolation and vaccination? Why do you think, we're in the middle of a pandemic and need to take precautionary powers - the range of diseases for which quarantine can be mandatory is necessarily and rightly limited

From these figures


we have a close death per million to France but if you compare population density of the UK with France

UK = 259 per sq kilometre (and England is by far more densely populated than Scotland, Wales or NI)

France = 122 people per sq.km

we are not doing too badly in my humble opinion.

Covid 19 is FACT as is HIV, SARS 2002, etc etc

Wouldn't our spare time be better spent on discussing who shot JFK? Other good subjects are:

9/11 Cover-Up

Area 51 and the Aliens

Secret Societies Control the World

The Moon Landings Were Faked

The Reptilian Elite

Climate Change

The UN


Kim Jong Un is another good source. Adolph Hitler is definitely deceased and there are no clones of him in South America

Nuclear testing did contribute to the bad winter of '63. Not quite a conspiracy theory but dismissed at the time by experts - more of a case that the impact of lots of particles in the upper atmosphere.

Enjoy. David Icke and Eamonn Holmes particularly welcome.

Robbie, there is no evidence of any lab trying to 'splice' HIV and any coronavirus. If you knew anything about virology, you would understand how difficult these things are to actually do. 'Off-grain' experimentation, to give it its real name, is extremely dangerous. The SARS Cov2 virus absolutely evolved naturally, from bats (every geneticist in the world agrees with that). Trump is clutching at straws for political reasons. He has an election coming up and his ratings are dropping. He needs to find a way to deflect any blame for the rising death toll from his lack of speed of response to the spread. He knows this is going to be a key Democrat weapon in the election campaign.

It is just like Seenbeen trying to defend Trump's lack of understanding about viral biology, even though he has one of the USA's leading epidemiologists trying to explain it to him daily. Disinfectant is a chemical liquid that destroys bacteria, designed entirely for external use. There is NO other definition. Even a five year old knows that. It is not ok for the President of one of the World's superpowers to be so stupid, really it isn't.

Remind me - how many people have died from covid 19 in the UK, Europe, the rest of the world and you ask if it's real, it's damn real.

What do you think killed them?

Think pneumonia, multiply the effects by 1000, gasp for air till you can't breath anymore, with the virus firstly attacking your lungs and then any weakness it can find in any of your other organs, the virus slowly and methodically "strangles" you till you be dead, dead, dead.

If you knew of someone who had died from it or had a relative who had been infected or died, would you be STUPID enough to even raise the question.

Well said dbboy.

I do wonder if some people won't be convinced until there are rows of dead bodies in the streets, with no-one left to collect and bury them.

This is what a pandemic looks like. It exponentially creeps, overwhelming health resources and killing larger than average numbers of people in a relatively short time. We are still only at the beginning. The average global pandemic comes in several waves. That more people aren't dying is precisely because of how much we understand about pandemics and the modern resources we have.

Even the doctors of 1918, who couldn't actually see a virus under a microscope yet, understood the part that social distancing and PPE play in mitigating spread. The city of Manchester that enforced measures, saw less deaths than the other large cities that followed the government line that deemed keeping factories open (with no preventative measures) for the war effort more important. It is not rocket science.

Every time a new virus (or even a known but dangerous one) outbreaks, there is well practised set pattern of procedures that are put into practise. This is because they work! And it is also why countries that have had to deal with public health crisis in the recent past, are better prepared to deal with this one. Asia and parts of Africa already have the trained personnel in place. The West does not. We think we are untouchable. That science will find the answers we need instantly. That pandemics happen somewhere else. That mindset needs to change, and change fast.

Blah, Blah said "Asia and parts of Africa already have the trained personnel in place. The West does not. We think we are untouchable. That science will find the answers we need instantly. That pandemics happen somewhere else. That mindset needs to change, and change fast".

I totally agree with you Blah Blah - the West looked at Asia and Africa and thought i) we're unprepared But ii) it won't happen to us.

No one thought that there would be another world pandemic, it happened in 1918 with the Spanish flu. In Africa there was Ebola but it didn't spread worldwide. Well Covid 19 arrived and guess what - they were wrong, wrong, wrong and now the rest of the world are paying a huge cost through the substantial number of deaths of their citizens. Here in the UK it is said the peak has been, yesterday on radio someone said the final number of deaths could be as many as 40,000.

That's 40,000 deaths, 40,000 funerals, 40,000 grieving families, that's ?????? family and friends affected and that's just the UK. Now add the rest of the world to that, the figures extrapolate and become hUgE.

Is Covid 19 fact or fiction, you've seen the figures, you make up your mind, clearly it's damn real.

Mark Wrote:


> President Trump said that ?Because of all we?ve

> done, the risk to the American people remains very

> low."

> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/re

> marks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members

> -coronavirus-task-force-press-conference/


> He was wrong, he can be wrong. Like saying inject

> disinfectant.

> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/re

> marks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members

> -coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ Just

> because of his position it does not mean he is

> automatically correct. It's a shame as it means we

> lose faith in one of the most influential people

> in the world.

Blah blah is wrong about the definition of disinfectant- it is a general word meaning to remove an infection but according to blah blah it has come to mean dettol or tcp or that kind of thing only.



Deaths per million puts the USA way below most European countries

Look at the table


Disinfectant is a chemical compound. You are confusing a verb with a noun. Trump clearly used the noun.

The definition of the noun 'disinfectant' according to the Oxford Dictionary;

'a substance that kills bacteria, used for cleaning. a strong smell of disinfectant.'

The definition of the verb 'to disinfect' according to the Oxford Dictionary;

'to clean something using a substance that kills bacteria.'

It is quite clear what Trump meant. Even his own medical advisors in the room were cringing. That is on camera for all to see. Playing games with semantics doesn't change that.

The USA still hasn't reached her peak. The handful of countries with more deaths per million are ahead of her on their curves.

The USA, like Spain, Italy and the UK, would have seen less deaths if they had responded sooner. Trump seems to be the only leader unable to acknowledge this. That's all there is to it.

Trump clearly asked his medical advisor if she could look into injecting disinfectant as an effective solution. The hysteria from the mainstream news over this, and the way they twisted his words should give us clues as to what their agenda is.

Common vaccine ingredients are Formaldehyde and Thimerosal - These are both disinfectants.

Do not underestimate Trump. He is one of the most intelligent men on the planet, scoring 99.9% on IQ tests and plays 4D chess. For those that do not follow American politics, he was originally asked to run for President by senior members of the military and the NSA in order to stop the widespread corruption and other illegal activities within America that extends worldwide.

As for what hasn't been mentioned in the news - This week, documents were unsealed by order of the court with regards to the case of General Mike Flynn. These show that the senior FBI officials colluded to get Flynn to lie regarding the Trump/Russia collusion, or get him fired. There are currently over 150,000 sealed indictments in America (yearly average is around 1000).

As for evidence that the Wuhan lab spliced Coronavirus with HIV, here you go:


I know Covid-19 is real, I have tested positive for it myself as has my 7 year old boy.

Robbie Wrote:


> Trump clearly asked his medical advisor if she

> could look into injecting disinfectant as an

> effective solution. The hysteria from the

> mainstream news over this, and the way they

> twisted his words should give us clues as to what

> their agenda is.

and as he did so she moved her legs together very pointedly and cringed with embarrassment (the body language was so obvious).

It's obvious what she thought of his question

snowy Wrote:


> Have you just quoted Qanon conspiracy theories?

A couple yes. Not quite sure what to make of them yet to be honest, but there seems to be more and more evidence surfacing by the day that substantiates a few of them.

What do you make of them?

Great thread! One of the more interesting threads on the forum at the moment. I know people get wound up if mainstream accepted ?truths? are questioned but I?m finding these ideas, views and questions far more interesting than the rest of the EDF threads currently (which are largely dominated by self righteous finger pointers)

snowy Wrote:


> They are a standard doomsday cult for the 21st

> century, exploiting the vulnerable and

> disenfranchised and focussed around a populist,

> right wing tv personality

I'll agree on the cult aspect, it has accumulated a very large following that are focused on investigating the Q drops which 'expose' the likes of the Clintons, Obama, Soros, Gates etc.

For those unaware, the following will provide some background and insight into alleged media manipulation, human trafficking, child sex trafficking and murder, corruption and more.

Out Of The Shadows - This documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content (A confirmed CIA operation):


End of the Cabal - This is a compilation of a 10 part documentary that goes into a lot more detail.


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