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Well this is starting to wind me up as its now the 4th time I've had my petrol nicked from my moped

I would love to catch the bugger who keeps doing it and (well lets say it would end up very sore for them)

I know it's just a few quide worth but it's my means of getting to work and I can't keep filling it up for them to keep taking other wise I would call my self a petrol station help your self would be on the sign

if you are on the forums and read this please come by and I'll give you what you want (no police to be involved)

only joking I would kick the sh#% out of you (sorry for the bad language)

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my boyfriend's vespa keeps getting targetted, apparently it's a design flaw where the pipe can be accessed easily from underneath

the last time it happened he refilled the tank only to have the whole lot dump out on the road as he scooted along... safe, not!

really frustrating, he's considering getting a new scooter that's better designed as this happens ALL the time now!

scumbags >:-(

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Why dont you fit a lockable Fuel Cap..http://www.google.co.uk/#q=lockable+fuel+cap+moped&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&psj=1&ei=5AoqUJPKAsHS0QWUzoHQDg&ved=0CFsQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d09900e4dcc4cfb7&biw=1567&bih=704



PS. just read above thread about access to fuel pipe. ??

That's another promlem.

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This is also happening on Crawthew Grove; was strong smell of fumes the other week that smelt of gas, called British Gss out who checked out the surrounding houses just to make sure all was well & told me the smell came from a car down the grove which had been drained [i like easy, relatively green public transport, so unfamiliar with the smell]. Very nice engineer & said the gas board didn't mind false alarms at all, better to be safe than sorry etc, but that a large number of call outs were now due to petrol theft.

Took note of the smell from the car, and sad to say have smelt the same thing many times since.

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We have had the same happen before. The design of the vespa isn't a flaw in my opinion though - because the fuel pipe can be pulled out and put back in, *all* it means is that you lose the fuel. If they have to cut through the pipe to nick the petrol (which they will do) - then you've got to pay for a new fuel line too. Which after multiple thefts, will get expensive.

Cheap CCTV camera and sign informing the perpetrators they are on film seems the most effective deterrent. And at least them you have more for the police to go on when you report it.

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This happened to me yet again a couple of nights ago on Landells road. About 4th or 5th time since December. Called police out last time, but they were useless. Just kept banging on about how great CCTV is. I did say that wouldn't have stopped it, to which they said it would act as a deterrent and make them 'move on to the next street'. Great policing yeah.
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We had our garage broken into on June 1st 2010 the scum found some petrol and set alight our garage that caught the councils wheelie bins ablaze that caught our hedge ablaze that burnt the side of our house? I think the suggestion to have CCTV should be taken seriously? Since we installed CCTV we have had peace of mind the best investment ever for us?
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Petrol thieves? All thieves are SCUM they dont like being caught out especially on camera? even if your camera is a fake just put one up??low life scum bags set fire to my garage then laughed at 3am in the morning on the 1st of June 2010. Your lucky that they only steal your Petrol.
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  • 9 months later...

polla2256 Wrote:


> Try to modify thr fuel pipe with a threaded

> braided hose.

you could prob get a bit to fit over the existing hose then fit a jublie clip to the end so it cant just be pulled off also think about fitting an alarm i fitted one to my vespa yesterday its not to hard to do and you can get them for about ?20 on ebay

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  • 4 weeks later...
Petrol tank emptied by thieves again while I was away on holiday (last couple of weeks). Bike was parked on Landells Rd. This time they wrecked the fuel line so going to have to push it to the repair shop in Peckham. Seriously annoying. Think I'll have to get one of those alarms.
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Rig up a false fuel hose connected to something nasty - sugar, water to rust the cylinders or Naptha (my preffered choice) - this will detonate his engine, cause it over speed and totally wreck it (I did this once with a generator). If he ruins his engine he'll have no need for fuel !
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