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Yes so I?m in an at risk category - I?ve already had five courses of antibiotics in 2020 alone - I catch everything as my immune system is compromised. So whilst it may seem like an hysterical response - it?s definitely real for me - and I wish it were different. But I?m lucky compared to others too..

I'm a bit confused! Totally on board with the hand washing etc, but at the same time we're told that transmission via surfaces is still quite unlikely, and we're most likely to pass it on/catch it from close contacts, ie family and friends ...

Anyway, I think the worried well should try not to panic and hoard, but be really mindful of protecting the most vulnerable wherever possible. My dad has severe COPD, he'll definitely succumb if he becomes infected. It'll be an enormous tragedy if we have huge fatalities world wide, and all healthcare systems will be severely affected for many months to come.

Trinnydad Wrote:


> @BB


> Whilst, as you say, there was no "definite

> evidence" the probability is in favour of China

> being the source of the Spanish.

> China has proven to be the source of The "Asian

> Flu" that originated in China in early 1956.

> Likewise the SARS epidemic.


> This being the case, China needs to get a grip.

What is the actual point of the World Health Organisation?

cactus Wrote:


> I'm a bit confused! Totally on board with the hand

> washing etc, but at the same time we're told that

> transmission via surfaces is still quite unlikely,

> and we're most likely to pass it on/catch it from

> close contacts, ie family and friends ...

I'd say if you touch a surface then touch your eyes (or face) that's the risk. if you touch a surface and wash hands then touch your face you're OK.


seenbeen Wrote:


> Trinnydad Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > @BB

> >

> > Whilst, as you say, there was no "definite

> > evidence" the probability is in favour of China

> > being the source of the Spanish.

> > China has proven to be the source of The "Asian

> > Flu" that originated in China in early 1956.

> > Likewise the SARS epidemic.

> >

> > This being the case, China needs to get a grip.


> What is the actual point of the World Health

> Organisation?

Why are you quoting a factually incorrect post before posing the question?

The WHO is an international body whose purpose is to coordinate on health matters for the nations signed up to it. It also provides leadership and pathways for research. You would know the difference if it didn't exist.

What it does not have however, is the power to tell sovereign governments how to run their affairs.

Edited to also say that viruses mutate and always have. Flu viruses have been an ongoing challenge for science. They mutate on a regular basis. Thinking we can create a world in which a flu pandemic never emerges is sadly a bit optimistic.

SeenBeen, there was a film made called TrustWHO, although I have not seen this film I believe it uncovers a corruption within this organisation. This link goes into more detail.


This is from their website...'WHO works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable'- not fit for purpose in my opinion. The asian wet markets are where the coronavirus started and SARS before that...we have hygiene inspectors looking at our food premises and we are told not to put raw meat and cooked food next to each other etc etc....BUT the wet markets flout ALL the rules and the WHO does nothing- 'keep the world safe' in your dreams!

Seenbeen, the WHO have no power over the regulations sovereign governments impose and enforce. If you think they have not been trying to educate on the risks around avian flu transmission then you know nothing about the WHO.

Also, as I have pointed out above,flu mutations have originated from the USA, South Africa and various origins that are not wet markets of Asia. All it takes for the virus to hop from bird to pig to human for example, is that humans are in close proximity to animals. Flu virus does not however transmit through raw meat. It transmits via living hosts. It is not that the markets are wet that is the issue, but that lots of living livestock are in close proximity to lots of people. This is a very different problem to a farm worker being infected from a pig. The latter is easy to contain, the former not. But absolutely, the risks could be minimised by stopping the sale of live meat at markets. Aside from flu viruses, there are all kinds of other bacterial issues around those markets that should also be addressed.

TE44, planning for pandemics has been an ongoing process for decades. Coronavirus is not a unique term. It is simply the type of virus of which COVID19 is just the latest mutation. So it is perfectly logical that the WHO would carry out an exercise featuring one of the best known groups of flu virus.

New (Mad Scientist as I like to call it) Scientist this month has a pretty in depth coverage of all you might need or want to know on the subject.

Last month it had the word Zoonotic in there, which if never heard until then. I also morbidly thought ?what if that?s the last new word I ever learned

Blah Blah I am aware there is planning around viruses an different scenarios. I d nt trust the Who nor the CDC, The institutional organisatios involved with our health need to be more transparent and more answerable for there action. The one thing I feel we can be absolutely sure of, from these organisations and others connected with them is we will not be told the truth, maybe little snippets thrown in.


I find this link has useful informstion and vids, it appears to be independant, I have checked some facts but not all. It gives background into the work being done with coronavirus.

TE44 Wrote:


> https://civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2020/01/27/

> bill-gates-the-coronavirus-conspiracy/


> I find this link has useful informstion and vids,

> it appears to be independant, I have checked some

> facts but not all. It gives background into the

> work being done with coronavirus.

So have you fact checked Bill Gates being chief scientific officer of the new world order with the aim of depopulation through vaccine control?

Is that fact? Or is the site really for crazy conspiracy freaks who don?t care for facts?

I think its a case of checking fact or information given as facts, once over the first paragraph there is factual history. I was not going to put this link above as

as conspiracy is such a "crazy" idea, its a long article but I found it to be interesting.


"Biogen?s CEO, chief financial officer, and head of research and development were among those at a corporate meeting last week attended by eight people who later tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and the company said it has taken aggressive steps to prevent other employees from falling ill."

But today it appears they have - this virus is fast - if this was the first set of cases people would be saying Biotech hmmmm


TE44 Wrote:


> I think its a case of checking fact or information

> given as facts, once over the first paragraph

> there is factual history. I was not going to put

> this link above as

> as conspiracy is such a "crazy" idea, its a long

> article but I found it to be interesting.

The theme is that Bill Gates created COVID-19 for experimentation it seems (the rest is just a nice story of things that happen in life). A man being a high performing alcoholic (think of those around Blair at the top of their powers), a woman being sacked (happens all the time), Ebola vaccine (good idea)


This debunks some of it.

Some are based on a Dean Koontz novel


TE44 Wrote:


> Blah Blah I am aware there is planning around

> viruses an different scenarios. I d nt trust the

> Who nor the CDC, The institutional organisatios

> involved with our health need to be more

> transparent and more answerable for there action.

> The one thing I feel we can be absolutely sure of,

> from these organisations and others connected with

> them is we will not be told the truth, maybe

> little snippets thrown in.

This is just conspiracy theory nonsense. The WHO and CDC is driven by the input of health professions and medical experts. They are in constant communication with world health bodies and regularly feeding reports out to health professionals. There is a balance to be struck between sensible advice and causing unnecessary panic also.

TE44 Wrote:


> Yes pk it almost put me off as well, but as I said

> snippets, I don't suppose you got past the

> headline.

It is a Canadian nationalist conspiracy theory group. Don't fall for their nonsense.


It feels nonsensical to me to ignore issues around the WHO. As this article says of course there needs to be collaboration between other organisations, its when it becomes a conflict of interest that the purpose of the organisatio no longer holds true.

Seabag Wrote:


> New (Mad Scientist as I like to call it) Scientist

> this month has a pretty in depth coverage of all

> you might need or want to know on the subject.


> Last month it had the word Zoonotic in there,

> which if never heard until then. I also morbidly

> thought ?what if that?s the last new word I ever

> learned

You did not read my message on the 21st Feb referring to 'zoonotics'.

Here is a list of the nasties.


What 'bugs' me (pun intended) is that the 'elderly' are being told to stay indoors....this of course gives the false impression that the 'young' can go about their business as usual. I wonder if these super-spreaders are the people who cough and splutter and wipe their snotty hands everywhere. My OH came back from Clapton, (by public transport), last night having been to a 'gathering' from all over London. He came in and I said ' can you wash your hands please'. 'What for?' came the reply..we truly are doomed

seenbeen Wrote:


> Seabag Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > New (Mad Scientist as I like to call it)

> Scientist

> > this month has a pretty in depth coverage of

> all

> > you might need or want to know on the subject.

> >

> > Last month it had the word Zoonotic in there,

> > which if never heard until then. I also

> morbidly

> > thought ?what if that?s the last new word I

> ever

> > learned


> You did not read my message on the 21st Feb

> referring to 'zoonotics'.

> Here is a list of the nasties.

> https://www.healthline.com/health/zoonosis


> What 'bugs' me (pun intended) is that the

> 'elderly' are being told to stay indoors....this

> of course gives the false impression that the

> 'young' can go about their business as usual. I

> wonder if these super-spreaders are the people who

> cough and splutter and wipe their snotty hands

> everywhere. My OH came back from Clapton, (by

> public transport), last night having been to a

> 'gathering' from all over London. He came in and I

> said ' can you wash your hands please'. 'What

> for?' came the reply..we truly are doomed

Interviews with young people in Rome basically all said "we're going to be OK". This is a taste of any future emergency where it will be everyone for themselves I guess.

TE44 Wrote:


> https://www.globalresearch.ca/politics-corruption-

> who/5702045


> It feels nonsensical to me to ignore issues

> around the WHO. As this article says of course

> there needs to be collaboration between other

> organisations, its when it becomes a conflict of

> interest that the purpose of the organisation no

> longer holds true.

That's from the same group I think

Most of the whois entry is "Redacted for Privacy Purposes"

and if you look at the host server it has other sites like "b3l6pl5.vip" which all link to "蜘蛛池搭建/出租 QQ:3187697228" which I'm not clicking on LOL.

Just a few suggestions........

1. All touch screens on cash dispensers should have a "Virus Alert" on them which encourages users to wash their hands afterwards or use gloves.

2. Checkout screens in supermarkets should have similar guidance.

3. Public transport users should not pick up freebie newspapers that have been used by others as the virus can persist on paper for around 4 days.

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