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Imitation is not the correct term..

Imitation would refer to Imitation Fur or Leather.

The Term Replica is more accurate..

Replica Vs Fake.


A replica is meant to be an exact copy of the original and is meant for display purposes. There are examples in sports where teams winning world cups are handed over replicas while the original trophy is kept safely being more expensive and of antique nature. Replicas are often used in museums for display purposes. In market, if you find a seller showing a replica handbag (Gucci), it means that the bag has been made by another company and may be identical in looks and also same material may have been used to make it. But still it is only a copy of the original and not the original itself. The bag will of course carry the logo of the company making it and not the Gucci logo. You are told that it is a replica and that you are getting it at a fraction of the cost of the original. This is the biggest feature of a replica and you are not duped in any manner.


As the name implies, a fake is only meant to deceive the customer and lure him into buying the product. In this case, not only the quality of the product is very low, the manufacturer does not use his own logo but keeps the logo of the original thus giving an impression that the customer is getting a chance to buy the original at throw away prices. This of course has a great effect on many buyers and they buy fakes thinking they are actually buying original product.

Info Source : -



Goes beyond that by far I'm afraid. Imitation or fake only matter when a "Brand" has not been attached or implied to a specific product. In the same vein, products may contain proprietary parts or be wholly proprietary, they may be covered by one or more patents and as such, their replication, either knowingly or otherwise, may leave both the vendor and customer in hot water. In effect, replicas can only be applied to goods that don't have a patent or brand. You can make Asprin and Paracetamol but can't brand a can of Fizzy Pop as Coke. I suspect that you can't produce Imitation Burberry and get away with it either as the material is technically a Brand and although not "clear cut" may, if an operation got too big, lead to some "court time" at best.

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