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Here?s the reality

Johnson asks for an extension - govt falls due to outrage from nutters

Johnson doesn?t ask for an extension - current rate of withdrawing from ANYTHING with ?Europe? in the name. No deal/effectively no deal probable. Govt falls due to economic collapse and ?events?

Yep, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, and it was always thus from the off.

There is one caveat though. Coronavirus could possibly be the ideal and sole scapegoat for any economic hit. An electorate that bought the unicorns of Brexit, may just fall for that too.

?I've expressed it numerous times before on this forums, but in anycase..... ?

Despite you repeatedly waving away any problems arising from this, yet claim to point out multiple ?benefits?

We?ve read your posts. We know you have repeatedly tried to justify your position (with no substance whatsoever)

We?ve even had to deal with your cringey ?peek behind the robe? comments which tells us all about how central you view yourself

But none of it amounts to a damn thing.

Here is what is true:

We have left the eu

We have idiots in charge

We have a population with no understanding what leaving with no deal means

Instead of engaging with the eu we have adopted a weirdly belligerent position. When the eu points out everything that was predicted before the referendum we say they are bullying us

We will rejoin the eu - only the damage done between now and then is up for debate

TheCat Wrote:


> Is this twenty questions? Are you Peter Kay?


> I don't know if it can. Maybe. Be nice if it could

> of course. But the only people who know are the

> ones in the room...


> So that's not a yes or a no. Sorry if I've spoilt

> your game...

Just trying to understand what you actually think, rather than what you think is ?obviously? ?levity? or ?tongue in cheek? and from experience you get confused by anything other than simple questions

It?s not a game but I?m not surprised that you?re confused by that too.

Sephiroth Wrote:


> ?I've expressed it numerous times before on this

> forums, but in anycase..... ?


> Despite you repeatedly waving away any problems

> arising from this, yet claim to point out multiple

> ?benefits?


> We?ve read your posts. We know you have

> repeatedly tried to justify your position (with no

> substance whatsoever)


> We?ve even had to deal with your cringey ?peek

> behind the robe? comments which tells us all about

> how central you view yourself


> But none of it amounts to a damn thing.


> Here is what is true:


> We have left the eu

> We have idiots in charge

> We have a population with no understanding what

> leaving with no deal means

> Instead of engaging with the eu we have adopted a

> weirdly belligerent position. When the eu points

> out everything that was predicted before the

> referendum we say they are bullying us


> We will rejoin the eu - only the damage done

> between now and then is up for debate

You really are a joy aren't you?

You don't have to change your mind. You're not going to. Through trying to engage with you, including the 'open the robe' post, I thought maybe there might be some small concession from some of you that perhaps not everyone who voted to leave was a nutty, racist, ignorant idiot. That way there might be the chance of actual useful discussion here, rather than the overwhelming condescension and bullying that goes on (which you constantly try and justify but claiming that people who say things you don't like have justifiably opened themselves up to ridicule. Its not justified, it's just bloody nasty.

But just go glance at the posts above, it's just a echo chamber of you lot all agreeing with how stupid people other than yourselves are....

Unfort the only hatred, bitterness and prejudice on this thread has come from the usual suspects above. And explains why the list of regular contributors has shrunk so much. Who wants to express a view when you guys are just going to belittle them? and even when a decent point is made, it's quickly glossed over in favour of more bile and petty insults.

This is a toxic thread. And I'm sure you'll all be thrilled and overjoyed to know that I'm out. Enjoy patting yourselves on the back about how f@cking clever you all are....

?I?m out?


Cat - I don?t think you are nutty, racist, ignorant or a racist

But just because a bunch of people point out you are wrong, doesn?t make this an echo chamber or make you right

Brexit is a folly. I know you don?t believe that.

But it is. Objectively. Everyone is telling us. Some of us even agree.

It?s you living in an echo chamber

And I still believe, as I?ve said before, deep down you know this to be true. But you can?t back down now

I would be interested to know what about this thread has been toxic since Cat revived it yesterday

Toxic. It?s a big word. ?Toxic? Well shit. I?m against that!!?

Aren?t we all. So someone accusing others of toxicity is going to sound like they are somehow victimised.

But wait - where is this toxicity ?

You are one obnoxious, stuck up, condescending twat. Typical remainer still farting off that people didn't know what they voted for. All that matters is remain lost, you lost but that fact eats away at you. Racists, thicko's etc etc. Is this what you voted for ? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/08/detention-torture-and-killing-how-the-eu-outsourced-migration-policy you must have done right!

TheCat, don't waste your time and energy with these stuck up fools.

If the thread is toxic, surely it's Grove Boy that demonstrates it

GB - the linked article is a problem - the question is, what's teh answer (there isn't any easy one) and how does Leaving the EU help with it

but it's when you say "All that matters is remain lost, " thats what really counts for you isn't it? You don't care about any negative outcome - you just get to scream "you lost"

Oh dear how sad, something i'd expect from an uneducated leaver!!!. I take it you knew what you were voting for right? What's your opinion on this https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/08/detention-torture-and-killing-how-the-eu-outsourced-migration-policy You knew this was happening right?
I'm not screaming or condescending, you imagine to much that isn't realy happening. You've just blamed me for this thread being toxic ( smiley inserted) you don't seem to have much self awareness, read the thread back and i think you'll find the toxicity coming from elsewhere! I mean posho's throwing ' prick'' around as an insult because they lost, how low can they get!

pk Wrote:


> Grove boy Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > All that matters is remain lost, you lost but

> that fact

> > eats away at you.


> what a pr*ck!

Is that it? toys out of the pram methinks!! A true faceless keyboard warrior, do you shout at oaps and women as well?

Sephiroth Wrote:


> How can someone say "Is that it? toys out of the

> pram methinks!! A true faceless keyboard warrior,

> do you shout at oaps and women as well?" in one

> breath and just a few minutes earlier say "You are

> one obnoxious, stuck up, condescending @#$%&"

You don't get it do you, you and your remainer friends are always right, everyone is else wrong even when being abused by a faceless keybord warrior. You've been arguing here since brexit, finger wagging, tutting and demanding people admit to voting for something they knew nothing about. Why? what do get/ want from it? Even if one says they didn't know what they were voting for, what does that do for you/ what are after? Whats your opinion on this here, what you knowingly voted for? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/08/detention-torture-and-killing-how-the-eu-outsourced-migration-policy

Grove boy Wrote:


> pk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Grove boy Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > All that matters is remain lost, you lost but

> > that fact

> > > eats away at you.

> >

> > what a pr*ck!


> Is that it?

yeah, that's pretty much what I think of your posts/you

pk Wrote:


> Grove boy Wrote: It takes one to know one Mr keyboard warrior, so brave to hide behind a keyboard, a true coward.

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > pk Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Grove boy Wrote:

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > > -----

> > > > All that matters is remain lost, you lost

> but

> > > that fact

> > > > eats away at you.

> > >

> > > what a pr*ck!

> >

> > Is that it?


> yeah, that's pretty much what I think of your

> posts/you

Grove boy Wrote:


> pk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Grove boy Wrote: It takes one to know one Mr

> keyboard warrior, so brave to hide behind a

> keyboard, a true coward.

> >

what a pr*ck

pk Wrote:


> Grove boy Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > pk Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Grove boy Wrote: It takes one to know one Mr

> > keyboard warrior, so brave to hide behind a

> > keyboard, a true coward.

> > >

> what a pr*ck

It's no good doing behind a keyboard unless your'e getting a tickle from it, you are aren't you!

Grove boy Wrote:


> pk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Grove boy Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > pk Wrote:

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > > -----

> > > > Grove boy Wrote: It takes one to know one

> Mr

> > > keyboard warrior, so brave to hide behind a

> > > keyboard, a true coward.

> > > >

> > what a pr*ck


> It's no good doing behind a keyboard unless your'e

> getting a tickle from it, you are aren't you!

we're on the internet, how would I do it without a keyboard?

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