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LTN: Our Healthy Streets - Dulwich: Phase 3


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legalalien Wrote:


> On a marginally related note, if anyone is

> interested in Brenchley Gardens there?s an

> upcoming decision on traffic calming measures

> there.


> https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgIssueHistoryH

> ome.aspx?IId=50027350.


> Not that I was checking recent additions to the

> website, or anything.

Thanks for sharing


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Ok P3Girl, you text-edited and changed the narrative, which confirms it was not an Imgur mix-up and simply you purposefully posting disinfo. I hoped to learn more about other gatherings last week but you fabricated them. Sorry if this discredits any future posts you make. Good luck with your cause.
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Well, we now know the results of the Duwlich review consultation. Following the lengthy consultation excercise, trumpeted by the council as a wide ranging excercise in local democracy and despite the error prone and misleading propoganda presented by the council, only 17% of local respondents wanted to keep the DV\Calton Avenue Closure and 64% wanted it removed.

Remember all those promises by Southwark councillors to listen to local residents? Presumably that means the closiure will be removed? Well, it might just be that they were lying to us. We will see.

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As I said, although the Equality Impact Report shows 65-75% of respondents and consulted individuals want the removal of LTNs and the overall consultation shows a higher percentage of people reported negative impacts and ED Grove had an increase in traffic, at the LL junction over 200% + and an increase in NOx pollution....actually nothing that causes the negative impacts is going to change in any major way.

Consultation was a waste of time and our money, they should have been honest and just told us they weren?t listening to us and they were going to do what they want.

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Apparently ED Grove will get a green hedge to make up for the years of neglect and the new increase in traffic and pollution. Unbelievable that my street was cleaner, greener, with better maintained pavements and road 35 years ago when I moved in.

But a green hedge ...yay. 🙄

Roll on May..hopefully at least one major party will step forward and go on a greener, cleaner streets for every road in ED and Dulwich and get rid of these gated roads that according to Southwark?s own data have a negative impact on BAME residents trying to get to work (lots of care workers, hospital staff) and the elderly and disabled (poor access, less visits, slow public transport, confusing roads signs).

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The link to Brenchley Gardens doesn't work for me. There is already traffic calming which doesn't work. The average speed (26mph) is that at the cameras, rather than the road itself. Most will slow down for the cameras ad many will be exceeding 40mpy. Brenchley Gardens shows that most motorists couldn't give a T about speed limits and safer driving. Average speed cameras are the only solution

This is not particularly relevant to LTNs - beyond my point about motorists' entitlement, which I expect does not apply to most posting on this thread.

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Yep ... and statistical modelling of raw data completely ignoring the major variable of lockdown and pandemic reduction in traffic across all of London in non-LTN areas too.

Also in very small writing and hidden unless you look for it...a line that says that cycling levels returning back to pre-LTN levels already across London.

Pollution data only from one month June 2021....schools shut...home working.

What is the rational of keeping an unpopular policy that doesn?t have any significant positive impact on traffic reduction except for the closed roads.

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Heartblock, I've bee asking myself the same question - why on earth would anyone want to keep a scheme that is not only unpopular but harmful to many people? Has council, councilors and labour party been promised support/money for keeping it in place?
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For the few not the many.

How are they going to try and spin this? Every trick they pulled to try and validate their approach has backfired royally yet they are keeping the measures. The measures clearly aren't working and the majority of people in the area don't want them. The data is there to support it yet they continue regardless.

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Note that the raw data is not published. When I see this in any pharmaceutical report or in any new therapeutic study I have concern about the validity of the presented outcomes.

FOI requests need to go in now as the turn-around for release is not within the recommended time-scale (Covid-19 used as an excuse as not to release in a timely manner).

Despite this the indicators over the weird ranges chosen, the obscuring of data and the reluctance to consider the one major variable that will skew the data, it still shows that the majority of consulted residents and the EqIAss all indicate.

1. Unpopular

2. Increased pollution, traffic on ED Grove at some junctions over 200%. When measured when schools were closed by 26%, would be good to know what it is now schools are open?

3. Closed roads are quiet (wow - did we need a count to prove that when cars cannot go down a road there may be less cars?

4. Cycling increased during the lockdown and is now back at the same sort of levels before LTNS

5. Buses slowed and consulted residents complaining about the poor PT and PTAL even worse after LTNs, this in a time that areas without LTNs have reported faster transit times of buses.


where is the monthly pollution levels for each road over the year

where is the data on cycling on ED Grove, LL Lane and Croxted - has cycling just moved?

where is the raw data of the online consultation?

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The response from the Council on the consultation beggars belief when they use the following flowery language about the?..

?Co-design of the public realm at the junction of Calton Avenue with Dulwich Village and Court Lane allows for community led involvement in shaping the public realm to become a visually impressive, aesthetically pleasing local asset supporting walking and cycling routes within the village and acting as a hub for the wider active travel networks.?

As if there isn?t enough walking routes in the village with 3 parks, and the widest pavements going. Great way of saying ?we?ll do nothing!?.

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From reading the summary of the survey, they are spinning the rationale of keeping 'the square because the residents of the two roads directly connected to it want to retain it despite the overall majority of responses asking for it to be removed

Could just be my reading of the report but seems the richer residents want quieter streets.

Did the traders from East Dulwich and the village have their views represented in the documents ? There were, I believe, meetings and a written response but I couldn't see any feedback in the documents produced by the council.

I guess the next steps are for residents and businesses to formally object to the proposals

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I believe that the only voices that matter are former planning employees of the Council, Councillor mates, Guardian journalists and Councillor relatives. Then your road will be turned into a gated road and/or you will be gifted a square of shame.

If you are elderly, have reduced mobility or rely on public transport for work or as a carer, then forget about having any impact on the future decisions of this particular council.

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The 'let each road decide' approach is how the council managed to get CPZ started.

Spartacus Wrote:


> From reading the summary of the survey, they are

> spinning the rationale of keeping 'the square

> because the residents of the two roads directly

> connected to it want to retain it despite the

> overall majority of responses asking for it to be

> removed


> Could just be my reading of the report but seems

> the richer residents want quieter streets.


> Did the traders from East Dulwich and the village

> have their views represented in the documents ?

> There were, I believe, meetings and a written

> response but I couldn't see any feedback in the

> documents produced by the council.


> I guess the next steps are for residents and

> businesses to formally object to the proposals

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They are absolutley shameless.

From their own consultation report "the majority of respondents opted for the response in each case that preferred to ?return it to the original state?. This is true both for residents inside the consultation zone..."

And in spite of residents being in favour of returning all if the measures to their original state, they are keeping very single on of them in some shape or form

What an appalling shower they are.

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I hope, when it comes to the May elections, people remember that Labour councillors carry collective responsibility for this decision - it is all of them, not just Councillor Rose, who are responsible for this travesty of a democratic decision. It is all of them that despise the will of the (majority) of the people - by their own figures. None of them have had the temerity to go against this totalitarian flow.
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