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LTN: Our Healthy Streets - Dulwich: Phase 3


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malumbu Wrote:


> Nope it's everyone looking at their lives and

> making this more sustainable, including cutting

> down unnecessary journeys, purchases, deliveries

> etc. Relying on the commercialisation of electric

> vehicles, or rocketing into near space, is putting

> your head in the sand. Sadly our world doesn't

> work like this.

But it looks like Dulwich residents were already making the right decisions in terms of active travel - so why punish them by implementing measures that are impacting them negatively? It makes absolutely no sense. We hear about nudge theory initiatives but Dulwich didn't need a nudge - we didn't need a stick we needed a carrot - more cycling infrastructure and storage, better transport links - all of which the authorities have resolutely failed to deliver on. LTNs were a flawed, blinkered and ludicrous idea that were destined to fail and were probably implemented as the council had zero other ideas and had been lobbied hard by groups like LCC convincing them that they were going to be the magic bullet.

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Exactly...LTNs are a diversion. Promoted by those who want a nice, quiet leafy road to park their three cars in. So now they have this they will not campaign for any real policy to reduce pollution. It?s a panacea to keep the chattering classes quiet and you have all been mesmerised by Boris....and although you know this...you will never admit that this is the case. Especially if you are a Councillor in the Village.
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Trams are a luxury we cannot afford right now. Guided buses, trolley buses are much cheaper and can do similar things in terms of routes and numbers of people carried, even to the extent of being made to look like trams so that the poor, starry-eyed councillors still think they are in Zurich or Lisbon. Even if we had them, though, our streets would be congested because they are not designed for so many vehicles. Just drive less, everyone, and don't rely on Amazon, etc. so much.
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Great idea... but Waitrose, Ocado, Amazon etc. very regular visitors to the gated car parks, so no need for any further policy or action.

I have a nice quiet street...but I can drive my car and still have deliveries, so nothing else to do now.

See how diversionary it is..now nobody needs to do anything else.

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Duncan - not sure anyone has said it but beyond the LTNs what else has the council done in the last 18 months? I think they managed to install a couple of cycle hangars....that's it...nothing else. Neighbouring councils have put Southwark to shame with some of the segregated cycle lanes that have been put in in Bromley and Croydon.
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Rockets Wrote:


I think the council misjudged the sentiment amongst those living within the LTNs.

I think the council, advised by our local councillors, completely ignored the local residents and instead listened to a small minority of shadowy, overlapping activist groups who claimed to represent "the community".

When surveys of local residents associations showed that an overwhelming majority opposed the current measures our Councillors response was, not to listen to their constituents, but to stick their fingers in their ears. Or in the case of C'llor Leeming send them aggressive and abusive emails ( see Private Eye!).

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Yes, seemingly another epic failure to engage with the community. I?d urge people to look at @peckham_green on Twitter to get a feel for what?s going on there.

dulwichfolk Wrote:


> To their credit they are concreting over some

> grass and trees to build some flats. That is in

> Peckham though so no white middle class lobby

> group complainers for the council to worry about

> so happy to carry on regardless.

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Indeed...cutting down two mature plane trees and building on a park...couldn?t imagine them doing that in the wealthy, leafy areas of Dulwich, in fact they gifted the square of shame.

Even the physic garden that ED Grove residents were promised would be kept in the Charter School and Health Centre Consultation was destroyed and turned into a....car park.

It seems fine to increase pollution and take green spaces away in areas with flats and high residential density, but important to give certain groups and people who have campaigned for years for a gated, exclusive road their wish.

I wonder why?

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Rockets said, in brackets to underline scepticism, which I agree with, "the community"; This word or just "the X... community" are such weasel-words and to be avoided, especially when uttered by self-styled "community leaders" and/or politicians.
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legalalien Wrote:


> Yes, seemingly another epic failure to engage with

> the community. I?d urge people to look at

> @peckham_green on Twitter to get a feel for what?s

> going on there.



> dulwichfolk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > To their credit they are concreting over some

> > grass and trees to build some flats. That is in

> > Peckham though so no white middle class lobby

> > group complainers for the council to worry

> about

> > so happy to carry on regardless.

This gives some info on it:

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I think they are building a pedestrian crossing. Identified as route for school children to both Heber and Harris.

smooch Wrote:


> What on Earth are the council doing now - that

> road is a bus route so surely creating massive

> pinch points is not a good idea. I seriously

> wonder about these morons

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Just walked past the ?square?. There are nearly as many people with hi vis jackets (I assume volunteers preventing cycle/ pedestrian collisions) as there are other attendees, and I?m including patrons of au ciel and those heading into the bookshop. Complete and utter waste of council funds at at time when they?re not exactly flush with money.
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Harriet Edwards, senior policy manager for air quality at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, said London?s dirty air contributed to about a thousand emergency hospital admissions for children each year. She said: ?Children should feel safe when they are at school, but instead they are being exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution, which could be damaging their lungs and future prospects.

?For the tens of thousands of children living with existing lung conditions, breathing dirty air could trigger a life-threatening asthma attack?

When do the schools go back? When will East Dulwich Grove become a place that has dangerous levels of air pollution for Charter, Alleyn?s and JAGs? As well as my neighbours children and the young kids opposite and the nice family who moved into their first home over Summer?

When will Southwark Council release the pollution data, to understand how a 25-36% rise in idling traffic has contributed to more pollution, maybe it will be the same as the crowd funded monitors that measured off the scale levels of NOx, have they also monitored particulates that cause cancer and heart disease?

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I'm calculating if the turnout for this stupid Festival, continues apace, it will be costing us tax payers approximately ?25 a "ticket" for a vanity project started by two people who took a profit and moved to Sussex as soon as their house value went up. You can't help but laugh, it is totally ridiculous.
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Metallic Wrote:


> I'm calculating if the turnout for this stupid

> Festival, continues apace, it will be costing us

> tax payers approximately ?25 a "ticket" for a

> vanity project started by two people who took a

> profit and moved to Sussex as soon as their house

> value went up. You can't help but laugh, it is

> totally ridiculous.

Was it that well attended over the weekend?

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Nope...seen the photos of a small number of people not looking overly joyous posted by the friends of the square of shame. If those were the best photos that they could post...it must have not been the most glorious affair.

I would rather ?3k be spent on the potholes and rubbish pavements on ED Grove and digging up the dangerous, unplanned, hurriedly converted speed-hump on a corner that has caused many issues on ED Grove.

Yes, interesting about property value, one would think that they would be satisfied with property worth just over 2 million, but there you go. Not such a happy story for our neighbours in Peckham Green, who are having their only green space taken away from them.

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