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TheCat Wrote:


> pk Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > TheCat Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > pk Wrote:

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > > -----

> > > > TheCat Wrote:

> > > >

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > >

> > > > -----

> > > >

> > > > > Certainly, not all

> > > > > remains, but a vocal minority would

> prefer

> > to

> > > > take

> > > > > the self-righteous high ground, rather

> than

> > > > engage

> > > > > to help make the future relationship

> (such

> > as

> > > > it

> > > > > is) with the EU as successful as

> possible.

> > .

> > > >

> > > > what is it that you're doing to make the

> > future

> > > > relationship successful?

> > >

> > > Engaging with your trolling bullshit for a

> > start

> >

> >

> > why is asking someone who's going on about

> > engaging what they're doing to engage trolling?

> >

> > an why would engaging with me help make a

> > successful relationship with the EU?


> One of life's mysteries I guess.

I guess I'm not surprised that you don't even understand what you say yourself

and to be factual it'd be two mysteries, but I guess maths is another of your weak points

Sephiroth Wrote:


> ?maybe more neoliberalism, cheap labour, tearing

> the fabric and traditions of it's members

> countries? ?


> I mean you are hardly without an agenda here. And

> you obviously see the eu as some root of these

> things


> But if you think the eu is going to be LESS any of

> those things in the coming years outside the eu,

> you have a rude awakening ahead

You don't have an agenda? We voted out three years ago yet you're still banging on. It's kind of fun seeing the bile and ranting here and elsewhere from remainers. How dare those pesky thick racists piss on our chips!

Sephiroth Wrote:


> Once leavers can agree what they want then perhaps

> then they can ask Remainers to get on board


> As things stand they are still a very loose

> coalition of competing ideologies, which will lead

> to open hostilities as soon as the hard choices to

> be made come to pass

@TheCat I notice you didn't respond to this and chose instead to only engage with the ad-hominems.

DulwichFox Wrote:


> stepdown Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > DulwichFox Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Since then, if there has been a conflict

> between

> > national law and European law the UK courts

> have

> > to give priority to European law.

> >

> > Everybody in this thread understands that, the

> > question you are unable or unwilling to engage

> > with is which laws or conflicts specifically

> were

> > unacceptable to you.


> As I said there are over 4,200 of them.

> I do not know what those laws are or how they

> affect us .... and that's the problem

You can find a list of all those laws 'forced on us' here: https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/rationalist-destroys-leavers-with-list-of-all-eu-laws-that-have-been-forced-on-us-against-our-will/22/01/#.XjQjpPs_reg.twitter

Take your time.

Grove boy Wrote:


> You don't have an agenda? We voted out three years

> ago yet you're still banging on. It's kind of fun

> seeing the bile and ranting here and elsewhere

> from remainers. How dare those pesky thick racists

> piss on our chips!

If you're going to make up a straw man to argue against, maybe don't quote the post you're replying to? It makes it a bit too obvious you haven't tried to respond to their actual point, other than your excellent "I know you are, but what am I?" rebuttal.

stepdown Wrote:


> I will happily discuss why I think membership of

> the EU is the best option going forward.

So you'll happily discuss how you think brexit is a bad idea? Not really conductive is it? How is advocating EU membership in anyway useful? It's not an option at this stage. And invariably every discussion on this forum gets dragged down into the leave versus remain question. Which is moot.


> that, staying in the single market would be my

> preference, but it is unlikely to satisfy leave

> voters now that the Overton window has shifted so

> far towards a hard Brexit.

Fair enough. That's actually an worthwhile discussion.


> On the other hand, there is still no plan years

> after the vote. It's because there are a whole

> host of competing incentives for all the different factions that made up the leave vote. By contrast the remain "solutions" are incredibly clear.

Do you think the lack of a plan 4 years later has anything to do with remain leaning MP's trying every means possible to disrupt brexit?

The vote happened 3+ years ago but for the umpteenth time you can vote for whatever you like - it doesn't mean it's deliverable. And whatever is delivered is going to be less than what we have and by definition unable to please all leavers

If the government promises to deliver on a referndum about (say) divorce then it can do that

If a government promises to deliver on a referendum to give everyone in the country eternal life - it can't deliver that - even if 99.99% of people vote for it

A tiny majority in this country voted for massive ruptions on the promise of easiest deal in history

I'm not pretending it didn't happen. I'm not pretending we aren't out of the EU. I'm not trying to argue old points - I'm simply restating the facts that haven't changed. Voting to leave the EU brings with it enormous consequences and hard choices that leavers haven't even begun to face up to yet

stepdown Wrote:


> Grove boy Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > You don't have an agenda? We voted out three

> years

> > ago yet you're still banging on. It's kind of

> fun

> > seeing the bile and ranting here and elsewhere

> > from remainers. How dare those pesky thick

> racists

> > piss on our chips!


> If you're going to make up a straw man to argue

> against, maybe don't quote the post you're

> replying to? It makes it a bit too obvious you

> haven't tried to respond to their actual point,

> other than your excellent "I know you are, but

> what am I?" rebuttal.

What agenda do i have?

Loutwo Wrote:


> Happy brexit day everyone. It?s nice to finally

> take back control. I?m going to crack open a nice

> bottle of Chateauneuf du pape to celebrate. We

> sure do make the bestest wine in the world.


> Louisa.

Happy brexit day to you!

TheCat Wrote:


> So you'll happily discuss how you think brexit is

> a bad idea? Not really conductive is it? How is

> advocating EU membership in anyway useful? It's

> not an option at this stage.

Revoking Article 50 has always been an option, just never one that could command a majority in the house of Commons. Similar in that respect to all the other options that were presented, we just disagree that it's the best option.

TheCat Wrote:


> Fair enough. That's actually an worthwhile

> discussion.

And yet you don't engage with it at all, instead focusing all your attention on the brief preamble.

TheCat Wrote:


> Do you think the lack of a plan 4 years later has

> anything to do with remain leaning MP's trying

> every means possible to disrupt brexit?

No, like I said I think it's "because there are a whole host of competing incentives for all the different factions that made up the leave vote". I think it has everything to do with:

Sephiroth Wrote:


> Once leavers can agree what they want then perhaps

> then they can ask Remainers to get on board


> As things stand they are still a very loose

> coalition of competing ideologies, which will lead

> to open hostilities as soon as the hard choices to

> be made come to pass

Grove boy Wrote:


> stepdown Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> > If you're going to make up a straw man to argue

> > against, maybe don't quote the post you're

> > replying to? It makes it a bit too obvious you

> > haven't tried to respond to their actual point,

> > other than your excellent "I know you are, but

> > what am I?" rebuttal.



> What agenda do i have?

I never said you have an agenda, I said you didn't respond to the actual point being made:

Sephiroth Wrote:


> But if you think the eu is going to be LESS any of

> those things in the coming years outside the eu,

> you have a rude awakening ahead

"It's kind of fun seeing the bile and ranting here and elsewhere from remainers. How dare those pesky thick racists piss on our chips!"

this does seem to be the predominant emotion amongst leavers - imagine doing so much harm for such a petty reason

That's it isn't it, the remainers still shouting the same old crap, prophecies of disater, dodgy Chicken (lol. If only people had listened to monied liberals,the guardian and the likes of Investment banker Gina Miller eh! It's been a joy to watch and listen to these types spout shit, lie, talk down to people and the eventual meltdown from their ivory towers. Pay your nannies, au pairs , builders the going rate from now on and weep. See ya!

Sephiroth Wrote:


> "It's kind of fun seeing the bile and ranting here

> and elsewhere from remainers. How dare those pesky

> thick racists piss on our chips!"


> this does seem to be the predominant emotion

> amongst leavers - imagine doing so much harm for

> such a petty reason

See, you're still frothing, So much harm? you sound like you've been brainwashed.

TheCat Wrote:


> geez, you really just want to dig for anything to

> have a go at people about don't you. Holding

> people who disagree with you to higher standards.

Not higher standards, the same standards.

> What did you do to engage with the EU? What did 90

> percent of remain do? Also @#$%& all.

Approving of the EU is in itself engaging with it. I've always been happy for us to be in the EU, I'm old enough to remember when we were called 'the poor man of Europe' before we joined, the country was on it's knees. I liked the underlying reasons why the EU had been formed after WW2. I liked that collectively we could stand up to the big hitters like the US and China. On a more personal level I partook in the Erasmus scheme, have friends who met through it, married and now live in Europe. In recent years I have embraced what FoM brought to UK citizens as well as Europeans, travelling freely round Europe with the option to work and/or live there, or in my dotage to even retire there. I engaged with the EU by the very fact I didn't bleat on about it and blame it for every problem going.

> I'm glad you find it hilarious though. At least I

> can bring a small amount of joy to you dark and

> disastrous existence in brexit Britain.

I have a very happy existence thank you very much, and I'll survive Brexit. However, some of us look at the bigger picture and my concern is for future generations who will have to pick up the tab...

Grove boy Wrote:


> See, you're still frothing, So much harm? you

> sound like you've been brainwashed.

That's because they are brainwashed.

If they seriously wanted to hear what leavers have to say; what they think and want, they would have turned up to Q&A events, held by leavers/conservatives. Turning Point UK for example, anyone? Didn't think so. Would have loved to see those smug expressions wiped off of your faces in a real debate... y'know, instead of attacking DulwichFox? I mean... low blow.

Cat, your posts have been a breath of fresh air on this toxic thread. EDF needs more of you... less of this filth.

Grove boy Wrote:


> stepdown Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Grove boy Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > You don't have an agenda? We voted out three

> > years

> > > ago yet you're still banging on. It's kind of

> > fun

> > > seeing the bile and ranting here and

> elsewhere

> > > from remainers. How dare those pesky thick

> > racists

> > > piss on our chips!

> >

> > If you're going to make up a straw man to argue

> > against, maybe don't quote the post you're

> > replying to? It makes it a bit too obvious you

> > haven't tried to respond to their actual point,

> > other than your excellent "I know you are, but

> > what am I?" rebuttal.



> What agenda do i have?

Is it to act like a provocative idiot cos you think it?s clever and funny?

FreyaMikaelson Wrote:


> Grove boy Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > See, you're still frothing, So much harm? you

> > sound like you've been brainwashed.



> That's because they are brainwashed.


> If they seriously wanted to hear what leavers have

> to say; what they think and want, they would have

> turned up to Q&A events, held by

> leavers/conservatives. Turning Point UK for

> example, anyone? Didn't think so. Would have loved

> to see those smug expressions wiped off of your

> faces in a real debate... y'know, instead of

> attacking DulwichFox? I mean... low blow.


> Cat, your posts have been a breath of fresh air on

> this toxic thread. EDF needs more of you... less

> of this filth.

You got issues

You've* got issues. That's rich. But if I have any issues it's with angry little delusional leftists like you trying to destroy a country you're not being forced to live in. If you love the EU so much, what are you doing here on the ED forums raging at those who don't want to be controlled by a foreign country? If you want to be controlled by Brussels, go live in Brussels, or any other country abiding by their laws, or suck it up and get over it.

FreyaMikaelson Wrote:


> You've* got issues. That's rich. But if I have any

> issues it's with angry little delusional leftists

> like you trying to destroy a country you're not

> being forced to live in. If you love the EU so

> much, what are you doing here on the ED forums

> raging at those who don't want to be controlled by

> a foreign country? If you want to be controlled by

> Brussels, go live in Brussels, or any other

> country abiding by their laws, or suck it up and

> get over it.

How childish

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