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Loud music in Dunstans Road.

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I live really close to the house and I can confirm that this music actually started early yesterday afternoon. It then went quiet until around midnight and from thereon it has been blasting out and continues to do so now. I have had hardly any sleep as all. The MC kept me awake screaming over the tunes, the bass was so high my windows were rattling and loads of people were hanging outside the house and I am frankly really hacked off.

A note was put through my door (and probably many other of my neighbours) telling me that they were going to celebrate a birthday on Sat night. I am not a party pooper, I am fairly sociable myself and I like a night out. However, I really couldnt take any more of this and at 5am this morning I decided to call Southwark noise team. Well, you really couldnt make up what they told me. I was informed, politely and quite embarrasingly that no-one was on duty from 4am-8am. However, I could have logged my complaint and someone would call me back. I politely declined as I have many experiences of leaving messages for the council and no-one ever rings you back.

So I decided to leave it as being a pessimist and myself working for another council, I know there isnt a lot that they can do. All that would happen is a environmental officer will come out and measure the noise, then ask them to turn it down and guess what, they usually leave and then the music is turned right back up again.

So Sam MG if you want to complete this process you can ring 020 7525 5777. Southwark website states

Noise must be kept to a reasonable volume at all times

You are not allowed to have a party where people pay to come in or to have a party that is too noisy.

If you do want to have a party, it is best to tell your neighbours beforehand and tell them when it will finish. Keep the music down and ask people to be quiet when they leave.

I wish you good luck and I am going to keep my fingers crossed that I get some sleep tonight!!

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There are still people hanging around outside the house and sitting on the street corners. I don't think any of us can take another night of no sleep! We were woken up at about 2.30am by people parking their cars in our street; shouting and generally acting antisocially. That was now 15 hours ago. Has anyone called the police?
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I have noticed music blaring out of a house on Dunstans Rd loads of times on my way to the park - and people often emerge looking, erm, wide-eyed. I walk the dogs in the middle of the afternoon too. It's ongoing...I really sympathise with the residents.
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Try asking the DJ or party goers to have the music turned down first. Yes, that is the right thing to do but ask only once. Put your complaint in writing in a trio of letters to the police, the Southwark anti social behaviour unit, phone 0207 525 1248 9-5 mon-fri and the noise team. Get their addresses and get it logged.

If you smell dope, get the law in

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Most people don't mind a party, but it's different if the loud music plays from midnight to 3pm the next day.

Longboy, I realise that you just come on here to wind people up, but nevertheless, you come across as a complete idiot.

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And you come across as a right Gary.

SO many NIMBY?s on this forum, people try and have some fun and all you lot do is cry about it.

You should have knocked on their door and joined them, you might have discovered

1. They?re nice people

2. You enjoyed yourselves.

But no, you come on here to cry and moan.

Mate, you are a proper loser.

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So it appears that both times the loud music has disturbed the peace has been on Sunday night. The next day is Monday which is a working day for most people. People who go to work need to have a good night's sleep or they cannot do a proper job . Therefore it stands to reason, common sense, basic human consideration for others that when we live on top of each other we bear these things in mind. The reason there exists the Council noise team is because a lot of people have no consideration for others and think they will do what they want at whatever time they want. If people want to party on work nights they should go to a non-residential area and do it there or face the consequences- i.e. get your sound system confiscated.

Get real Longboy.(and if they were nice people they would have forewarned the neighbours and invited them)

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Longboy Wrote:


> Cheese toasties?! Wht are you talking about you

> daft moo.

I assumed your calling Jeremy "a right Gary" was some kind of rhyming slang.

Unless you are too young to remember the Breville sandwich maker, the fact that you were unable to keep up suggests that you, not I, are the intellectually challenged of the two of us, and as such, the "daft moo".

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Longboy Wrote:


> Listen to you lot! What a bunch of misery guts,

> whoever it is just having a party. Have any of you

> lot every actually enjoyed yourselves, or are you

> too pre-occupied with moaning ALL THE TIME?




I should imagine the residents within hearing distance of said 'party place' enjoy themselves as much as they can. I'd say they're pre-occupied with getting a decent night's sleep so they can do a decent job, and pay their taxes which means people who are pre-occupied with partying during the working day don't have to...And no-one on here has displayed the NIMBY attitude.

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Just staggered you think a 15hr party in a residential area heavily populated by young families is acceptable. Not sure many people would be that keen on approaching the "bouncer" on the door to ask them to turn the noise down.

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Posting stuff just to wind people up and put a cat amongst the pigeons strikes me as a sad waste of time, therefore Longboy you need to get a life. The people on here are making a fair point, you are attempting to rile them by exchanging mild insults and dry disagreement, frankly its the stuff of someone who has no life of their own and gets their kicks from tring to be controversial in a very beige and bland way. At least come up with another line, get a life is tired. Oh and if your idea of having a life and having fun is posting on this forum...you're prob not the best person to comment.
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Well said Jenny. You often find that these people who "have a life" partying all hours are not getting up for work the next day but we are keeping them!!! Paying their rent, council tax etc. What makes me really angry is that as the innocent party, you have to ring Southwark Noise Team and then wait up to an hour for them to call you back and ask the question "is there still noise" and finally they will deem to turn up. They then confront the residents causing the disturbance who turn the music down for a brief time before turning it back up with a vengence by which time you have lost about three hours of sleep and cannot get back to sleep at all.

It is nothing to do with getting a life. We have to sleep with our windows closed in the height of summer (yes I know this year's weather is an exception) because cars fitted with speaker systems that fill their boot play loud music in the early hours of the morning and drive slowly around the streets waking everyone up. Nothing is done about it. Not only does it disturb residents but it is unsafe to drive around with such loud music because as a driver you cannot hear anything outside the vehicle and what about those mini motor cycles that make that horrendous noise and wake you up in the middle of the night. I could just go on and on. The reality is that these people creating this noise and disturbance are, in the majority of cases, unemployed and do not have to get up for work like the rest of us.

I am sick of it.

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Oh dear soya. Please lets not turn this into East Dulwich snobbery.

Celia said at the beginning that notes were put through doors, so these people aren't completely inconsiderate and it was probably a one off. The party got out of hand and people had more fun than the owners expected. Perhaps if a few of the neighbours had gone round to speak to them, when it continued the next day, the noise would have died down a lot earlier. I live on a junction with Dunstans and hadn't heard a peep - but can imagine how annoying it was.

However... we all live in London and near to people with vastly different lifestyles. I embrace that, even when I'm tripping over buggies and trying to relax in the sun while the dad down the road has a ridiculously loud water fight with his kids *yes, that was annoying too*

Hope that party has stopped now!

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