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ATM Machine Dulwich 14/07


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Did anybody get their card swallowed in Dulwich on saturday night and subsequently their Bank AC emptied in the prevailing few hours.

My card got swallowed at 0015 ish and the account emptied in the next 12 hours

I did notice all the machines were still out of service this morning as I passed!


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Im still in a bit of shock as I only noticed 30 mins ago online.

It was HSBC im pretty sure but all the machines were out except one

?300 immediately taken at Tesco in ED and then the rest in Lewisham!

This is the second time I have been done I cant understand why nothing happens...........this guy could be chased at real ease on CCTV

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the-e-dealer Wrote:


> This is Skimmer I found on Barclays cashpoint -

> Twice !

Hi .....

I have seen some sort of Green Dome shaped thing on one of the machines outside Barclays.

It is always there so I assumed it was there to prevent rogue devices being attatched.


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The machines are out of action several times at weekends I think from memory so this must be happening wholesale! I cant understand why somebody cant sit on CCTV for 10 minutes look at HSBC look at Tesco CCTV and look at whatever garage in Lewisham the person bought petrol at and hey presto guy is caught!
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Did anyone see the recent documentary about this?? 95% are organised Romanian gangs making ?100,000's a month. The show featured ATM's in central London (Mayfair etc) and the techniques used were incredible! Basically when you're using an ATM look around and make sure someone isn't looking over your shoulder as you punch in your pin. Once they have it they'll distract you, grab the card (not the money though) and calmy walk away. By the time you realise what's happened you're a few hundred quid lighter. That's just one of the many techniques they use
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No didnt see the documentary but I can see how they make ?100k+. When your card is swallowed you presume it doesnt come back out and hence on a saturday night you dont report it! I know now that is silly but thats how it is.

Those machines in Dulwich are always with issues especially at the weekend. I got a taxi to stansted at 4am the other saturday and this well shady person persisted standing behind me as I got cash out in the machine on the corner of Barclays.........ok nothing happened but at that hour of the day she had about 7 other machines to go to to use but for some reason wanted the one I was at!

Im still amazed why these people arent tracked my card was taken in dulwich the bank must have CCTV and used in Tesco 5 minutes later near peckham rye and then 2 x jewellers in Lewisham...........they even bought something for ?8 in a sainsburys...........perhaps they were peckish!

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It has happened to my partner, and isn't fun, but some people do seem to get a bit hysterical about this

It is neither practical or cost effective to put pictures on every cashpoint with a pic of a skimmer - criminals will constantly change the look of them and render any picture redundant - even if people took the time to read the warning. Which they wouldn't (they don't even take the time to read the options - "Cash with or without receipt? doesn't matter I'll just press with receipt and leave it hanging out of machine anyway? Someone elses problem innit")

It's a low-tech crime with an even lower-tech solution. Just shield your hand when you input your pin. That's it. No effort, no fuss

CCTV isn't monitored live by a crew of security guards - there isn't a way for people to be "spotted" and then followed to Tescos or whatever.

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StraferJack Wrote:




> CCTV isn't monitored live by a crew of security

> guards - there isn't a way for people to be

> "spotted" and then followed to Tescos or whatever.

Can see the Sun headline now - 'Crims rip off bank and spend ill-gotten gains in mad spree at Tesco'

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KalamityKel Wrote:


> When using a machine you should always be aware

> who is standing around you. It's not just "shady"

> people you should worry about. Even "normal"

> looking people could be up to no good...

I normally look shady but am a generally good egg.

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  • 3 months later...

Hiya all

I've had this happen to me too.

The problem is the cards. They are too simple, and the only way they are connected to the owner is the PIN number.

I am sure that technology will develop a means that enables the owner to use something that more securely connects the card to the holder, such as iris recognition using wide angled lenses (not invented yet!) or even bar coded human beings! Or biological sampling...such as finger print, or even advanced facial image recognition.

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