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My black leather backpack was stolen this evening from the Sainsburys car park on Dog Kennel Hill. I?m obviously not going to see the contents of my purse again, but my bag also contained my daughter?s NHS red book which I?d very much like to have back. I?m hoping the thief might have taken out my purse and dumped the rest of the bag (including the red book) somewhere.

The cards were used on Rye Lane 20 mins later, so I think the person who took it must have been on foot and must have travelled through the Dog Kennel Hill estate and along Avondale Rise, Bellenden Rd, Choumert Road and rye lane. If you live around there, I?d be hugely grateful if you could have a look in your bins or gardens to see if my bag has been discarded there.

Thanks so much

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snoopy17 Wrote:


> how did they get your bag? did you leave your bag

> unattended?.

How is that relevant? Whether left unattended or not it?s been stolen. Surely you?re not suggesting any bag left on a trolly when loading a car is fair game?

It was in the reception of my daughter?s nursery, which is in the Sainsburys car park. The nursery door is locked and the person who took it must have seen me put in the code to open the door. Either way, I left the bag somewhere i assumed it would have been safe. I just really want my daughter?s red book back. It records all her key developmental milestones and is of no value to anyone except us. I?m so cross with myself because there was no need for me to have it in the bag.

BARundall Wrote:


> It was in the reception of my daughter?s nursery,

> which is in the Sainsburys car park. The nursery

> door is locked and the person who took it must

> have seen me put in the code to open the door.

> Either way, I left the bag somewhere i assumed it

> would have been safe. I just really want my

> daughter?s red book back. It records all her key

> developmental milestones and is of no value to

> anyone except us. I?m so cross with myself because

> there was no need for me to have it in the bag.

Sounds terrible - ignore snoopy17, best not to feed the trolls. Good luck

Ignore Snoopy17, It's not the first time s/he has tried blaming the victim of crime on here.

There is CCTV in the car park, it may be worth contacting Sainsburys or checking with the nursery. I live on the route you mentioned and will keep an eye out, they could also have got on a P13?

what is wrong with you people it is not victim shaming I am not beibg a troll. I simply ask a genuine question of how someones bag got stolen, it is a genuine question to ask, was nobody thinking the same thing.

Yes obviously it is terribly that your bag got stolen, but to be accused of victim shaming over asking how the situation happened is absolute nonsense.

so now we know the bag got stolen near/at the nursery, which will help other people stay vigilant around that area especially as it is very dark therw.

DaveHew Wrote:


> snoopy17 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > how did they get your bag? did you leave your

> bag

> > unattended?.


> How is that relevant? Whether left unattended or

> not it?s been stolen. Surely you?re not suggesting

> any bag left on a trolly when loading a car is

> fair game?

The question is very relevant as now we know the bag got stolen at tbe nursery and not in a trolley/fron her back, from there car...

if your bag got stolen and a police man asked you how did it happen are you seriously saying you would reply with 'how is that relevant'. Grow the hell up!!

Vik Wrote:


> Ignore Snoopy17, It's not the first time s/he has

> tried blaming the victim of crime on here.

> There is CCTV in the car park, it may be worth

> contacting Sainsburys or checking with the

> nursery. I live on the route you mentioned and

> will keep an eye out, they could also have got on

> a P13?

how did you think of checking with the nursery, o' that's right you got the answer from the question I asked and thats how we know the bag got stolen at the nursery.

Snoopy17 - It is clearly irrelevant! The OP?s request was for assistance locating his / her bag. The OP wasn?t asking for a cross examination on the circumstances, but only help locating the bag as he / she very plausibly suspects the thieves would have quickly discarded the items of no value to them. How the bag was lost doesn?t make any difference to whether people can keep an eye out for it. Had the OP asked for feedback on how / why it happened, or how to prevent it happening again or happening to others, then your question would have been relevant. Likewise, it may have been relevant if the OP had asked for help locating the sub-human bottom feeding scrotum bag(s) who took it, but again that wasn?t the point of the OM. If you can?t see the insensitivity in responding to a clearly distressed post with a question the clear inference of which is some element of blame on the victim, then (to use your own words) you need to ?grow the hell up?. And if you can?t see the inference in your question, then I?m sorry but you should be more self-aware and shoulda perhaps refrain from social media.

I suspect snoopy17 is the type who will think they?ve ?won the argument? even though they are clearly in the wrong, so let?s not respond to any further posts from snoopy17.

On a separate point, isn?t it a little concerning that a children?s nursery is a crime scene? Surely they should be secure? They must surely have CCTV (which would assist working out which route the perpetrator(s) left and therefore locating the bag).

There are often loads of police in the Starbucks in Sainsbury?s, so you may get lucky if one of them saw something. Unlikely to help get the bag back though. I?m not from round that area but will never the less keep any eye out when popping into Sainsbury?s.

All the best.

BARundall Wrote:


> It was in the reception of my daughter?s nursery,

> which is in the Sainsburys car park. The nursery

> door is locked and the person who took it must

> have seen me put in the code to open the door.

> Either way, I left the bag somewhere i assumed it

> would have been safe. I just really want my

> daughter?s red book back. It records all her key

> developmental milestones and is of no value to

> anyone except us. I?m so cross with myself because

> there was no need for me to have it in the bag.

Or had seen someone else enter the code and loitered around. These thieves are getting less opportunistic and more devious.

Update - bag found! A very kind person spotted it and got in touch. Purse and headphones missing but my daughter?s red book (and paw patrol magazine!) were still there, and I?m so happy to have it back. All a bit soggy but back in the right hands. Thanks everyone for your help and thanks especially to the kind man who found the bag and went to the effort of getting in touch.
That's excellent news! Very pleased you have the medical records. We've kept our young ones' books and they now, 20 years on, reside in their memory boxes - part of their childhood heritage, so delighted that there's also a story behind your child's too. Best not leave it around next time!!

Excellent news re the bag and red book.

But very worrying that somebody was able to gain access to the nursery.

This time it was a bag, next time it could be a child.

The nursery needs to urgently rethink its security arrangements, though I'm not sure how they could stop somebody overlooking the code being entered. Some kind of screen?

And don't they have a receptionist or similar near the door?

BARundall Wrote:


> Update - bag found! A very kind person spotted it

> and got in touch. Purse and headphones missing but

> my daughter?s red book (and paw patrol magazine!)

> were still there, and I?m so happy to have it

> back. All a bit soggy but back in the right hands.

> Thanks everyone for your help and thanks

> especially to the kind man who found the bag and

> went to the effort of getting in touch.

That?s great news. Did they contact you via here?


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