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reusable nappies

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Hi, I'm pregnant with my first baby and due in September. I'm really interested in giving reusable nappies a go and was wondering if anyone had any advice, or knew if there was anyone in the area with specialised knowledge. I've heard of nappy gurus but can't seem to track one down. I'd be really grateful for any tips. Ta very much
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The Nappy Lady website is great for advise. I've used reusable nappies for 3 children (youngest is approaching 6 months old), and I know there are many others on the boards who use cloth. Feel free to ask questions.

My advise would be to use a good two part system (nappy covered with a wrap) for the first 6 months or so, and then look at different options after that point. For the early months containment needs to take priority over style :)

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I second all that Pickle said! The Nappy Lady website is a great place to start, and don't go rushing out and buying too much before the baby gets here as it's good to know how big they are/build, etc and also see what you like don't like before spending too much money. Also, they grow out of the first size nappies very quickly, so bear that in mind. We used a mixture of terry flats (bamboo ones so nice and soft) and muslins as nappies for the first couple of months (really nice, cute and slim fitting) as you get through lots and these have other uses afterwards so you don't feel like you've wasted the money (and they are cheaper than shaped nappies anyway.

Also, Southwark offers a voucher towards buying real nappies - http://www.realnappiesforlondon.org.uk/wherewhatwho/boroughs/?borough=southwark

If you don't mind secondhand nappies you can pick them up cheaply on here or on ebay (and sometimes some new bargains too!)and it's a good way of trying out different types.

Good luck - it seems a bit of a minefield at first with all the different types but you'll soon figure it out and it is well worth it in my opinion! Any questions, just ask!

Edited as I wasn't actually using muslims as nappies....(thanks for pointing that out simonethebeaver!)

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Poor old muslims, Jo!

It does all seem bonkersly confusing and it started to stress me out during pregnancy as I found it all so bewildering.

I decided, on the advice of a friend who'd done it, to go for a birth to potty set, which had nappies in size 1 and size 2 and wraps and boosters. I have to say I know lots of people say not to do it, and it's perfectly possible not to, but I found it a big relief to have made a decision. Since then, I've acquired a variety of second hand nappies and wraps on top of our core stock, but that's been fun. It's not for everyone, but lots of people do do it.

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I am using cloth nappies for my second child, now 22 months. I used disposables for the first 2 months and then moved on to cloth, trying quite a few different types. I found that different types worked best at different stages. My favourites overall have been pocket or all-in-one nappies rather than the traditional two parters and I particularly like the Fuzzibunz elite one size pocket nappy and bumgenious organic all-in-one one size. If you want to come and look at the differnt kinds I have you are very welcome - just PM me. I also have a few different pre-loved types I could sell on.
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Hi, just to second the advice not to buy a set beforehand unless they are ones that fit most babies eg I think tots bots are pretty generic but then again I have heard of babies not fitting them!

The nappy lady does nappy fittings and there is a local Rep for one of the nappy online companies.

I used disposabes for the first couple of months, then used a second hand kit to check I got on with reuseables eg the extra washing. I found bumgenius and tots bots worked best for us.

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Another clothbummer, I'd definitely recommend using the advise service the nappy lady website has. You fill out all your priorities, eg, speed of drying (we don't use a tumble dryer- so that was high on our list) or natural fibers etc and she sends you a really comprehensive list of options. I did feel utterly confused before we got going with them, but found this service really helped to point me in the right direction. Also chat to someone who's done it before if you can. We use a combination of bumgenius which are incredibly easy to use (birth to potty system) and tots bots bambozzles with a wrap and booster for night time once baby no longer poos in the night.

Like others we used disposables for the first few weeks- you've enough to contend with, with a new baby! But I had bought my kit before baby arrived- I wanted to be able to get going with it asap. I really don't find it a faff at all. My husband usually puts on a nappy wash every other morning and you never have to worry about running out of nappies.

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The only thing I can think of to add is that there are nappy trial services, where you can choose a selection to rent for a week or two and then work out what is best for you and your baby. I tried out several types, and then opted for BumGenius v3 birth to potty pocket nappies. I found that they were good from birth on the containment front, and they are still going strong 16m in on the second child too.
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Thanks so much for all the advise. I've seen that you can rent nappies from Tots bots and try them out for two weeks before making your mind up so I'll wait till I've had the baby, probably use disposables for the first few weeks and then see what suits best! Sounds easy enough........ ;-)
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Sounds like a good plan...but do fill in a Nappy Lady advice questionnaire too as it may provide some helpful additional advice.

Also if you're doing cloth nappies definitely look at washable wipes too - they are FAB, so much better then wet wipes in every way. Clean baby better, save hundreds of pounds & chemical free.

I tried to restrsin myself, given that I'm no long the 'official' nappy guru of SE22 (& SE15) but I couldn't quite resist!!


Cloth is great, good luck with it. Xx

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Hi there

I'm selling some cloth nappies. My son is super skinny and the world's worst fidget so we only used them for a couple of months.

Please get in touch if you are interested.

Best wishes


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